Adoption Instead of Buying. Love Them and Don't Abandon. 領養替購買| 愛牠就不要拋棄牠。

in #education7 years ago (edited)


After became a cat's slave, and raise a lazy boss, i wanna share something with you.

Nowadays,more and more people have pets, but not everyone has the correct cogitation. Do you wanna bring back a lovely puppy, kitty in the window of the pet stores every time you pass? Or maybe you've already took back some lucky family back home, but have you ever thought the concealed problems behind?


For the appearance of the pets, doing the cruel thing on them

Most of the stores (not all of them), in order to keep the purebred or the cute,special look (e.g. Fold ), some bad businessman will do the breeding on them.But just like human,the animals by breeding often have genetic defect problems, or even cause the genetic mutation.So if you don't take care of these special pets or give them good medical treatment, they might die very quickly-the cat that people think they are cute, like Fold ,Curl ear cat.
Mixed animals often be more healthy and stronger , also have better resistance.(Of course the same species)


Where are the pets which didn't sold? where are the animals in Animal shelters?

Have you ever thought about these,in order to increase the quantity of the pets,the dogs or cats mothers have to fecundate continuously,and pregnancy continuously, until they can not afford it.And where are those unhealthy puppy and kitty? Where are those pets mothers?Where are those unsalable pets? The bad businessman just abandon them somewhere to let them die.

When the space of the animal shelters is not big enough , those animals who were caught to there, might be passive euthanasia.



When i can't afford everything of pets

A lot of people wanna raise a pet because they saw other people so it, looks so funny, looks so interesting,and they don't assess their ability.After bought or raised some pets, they figured out they can't afford the pets stuff anymore, or the space is too small, the neighbor complains, running out of interest, then give it away or just abandon them.These cases happened around me ,make me feel so bad.
Before you raise a pet,you have to think about all the problems which might happen, like before you wanna raise so mean rate pets, you should see do you have enough ability to control them? not kill them after they lose control.

Before you are looking for a new family member in the pet store, or when purchasing the stuff for your pets, think of there are some homeless kids still waiting for a warm family ,and there are some kids are going to be passive euthanasia in the animal shelters.

Not asking everybody to help all the animals, we can just change these bad situations by ourselves, Don't Purchase pets from the stores , let those bad breeding grounds die.

When you have a pet, don't abandon them,take them as your responsibility.

That i believe the homeless kids can have a new life also.
I've already known some of the pets store don't sell pets any more to support this action, it will be a good start.

image source: dailyview


現在養寵物的人與日俱增,但是並非每個人都有正確的觀念。每次經過寵物店的時候是否都覺得櫥窗裡的小貓小狗小動物們好可愛好想帶一隻回家呢? 或許你已經從寵物店帶走了幾個幸運家人,但這裡面背後隱藏的問題不知你可曾想過?







如果真的遇到了無法抗拒的因素而無法飼養的時候怎麼辦 ? 找個可以信任的人託付或是請求協助吧,而非隨便送養或任意丟棄,自己看不見就好,且記得要定期追蹤。



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謝謝你宣導這個喔 說真的還是有些人不知道這個觀念,即使看到的人有九成都已經把這個觀念當成常識,但還是能讓那一成的人接受到這個觀念



I have two beautiful cats that I rescued from outside Dusty and Bella. Dusty is 8 and Bella is 3. They are the best of friends. My mother is a huge cat person and she herself has rescued 4 cats. I spend my free time volunteering at the local animal shelter and I have a box set up at work for donations for the shelter too! I love my babies! :)

I am a rescue home for abused pets. What people do is heartbreaking and terrible. Thank you for sharing.

you must see more terrible things than most of the people, so you definitely know how bad some animals situation are. Thank you for helping them, how great you are.sincerely:)

I have shed many tears and my heart has broken a lot. But, I feel driven to do this. I can't NOT help them. It just sortof happened because my then bf was a veterinarian, and he couldn't let them be put down... So it sortof snowballed and I have had several hundred since!

Nice post ! I totally agree ! We should adopte.

thank you!
yeah, adoption will better than buying from the store:)

Nice post. I would adopt a pet, but most of the places I seen that all you to adopt pets in the US are neutered or castrated.

yes,i think the moderate neutered or castrated not all bad things for them. some pets' are unhealthy,but they can't control to do mating, that is their natural instincts, so neutered or castrated can make them stopping breeding and calm down,sometimes that's a way to protect them.:)
and thanks for comment:)

I totally agree with you. sometimes what we people do are so inhuman and heartbreaking. I recently saw some videos on facebook and it was so terrible. thanks for sharing.

yes, i'm not asking all the people to love them, you don't need to love them, but don't torture them just for fun.
thanks for comment:)

Oh... :( My heart is broken

yes, some reality make people heart break:(

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