Guten Tag,
Da mir aus verschiedensten Gründen ein Medizinstudium leider verwehrt blieb, entschloß ich mich dazu, mir zumindest einige Grundlagen selbst zu erarbeiten.
Über Kommentare, Tipps, Anregungen, Korrekturen und Verbesserungsvorschläge freue ich mich natürlich genau so sehr wie über Upvotes, Followers und Resteems ;)
Hellow fellow Steemers !
As I had no chance to get a professional training in science of medicine because of different reasons I decided to beginn struggling that path through science junngle on my own.
As my mothertongue is german, I will do that series in german ;-)
Join and comment if you like...
Anatomie #3 - Topographische Anatomie: 7. Regio perinealis (Perineum, Damm)
Ziele: Kennen und Benennen der topographischen Hauptregionen des menschlichen Körpers auf Deutsch und Lateinisch
7. Regio perinealis (Perineum, Damm)
Regio perinealis
Die Regio perinealis ist eine anatomische Region, die im Bereich des Beckenausgangs liegt und die Genitalorgane, den Damm (Perineum) und den After einschließt.
Die Regio perinealis ist ein rautenförmiger Bereich, der sich zwischen der Beckensymphyse, den unteren Schambeinästen, den beiden Tubera ischiadica, den Ligamenta sacrotuberalia und dem Steißbein (Os coccygis) ausspannt.
Topografisch wird die Dammregion weiter in einer Regio urogenitalis (Urogenitalregion) und eine Regio analis (Analregion) unterteilt.
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You never said that.
The Moon is slowly moving away from the Earth. As it does this it will slow the Earth's rotation.
i like this subject of anatomy...
so this post is helpful for me ...
nice informative post @honolulu
Thanks, you are welcome ;-)
Would it be asking too much to also have it in English? If it's too much work than I understand.
Woa, yes indeed it would be too much work for me right now... But I also have to gather the information with Google - so you can also start posts like this in English... just follow the scheme I use...
If you wish to I will publish a english version of all the topics so you can research for yourself
Please do. I would appreciate that very much thank you.
yes I'll soon do... so far the first topic:
Thank you kind sir. Time to read.
yes - this would be also quiet helpful
and google is your friend, too ;-)
just think normal - there are main parts of the body, right ?
The head, the crane, the shoulders, the trunk, the pelvis, the upper extremities (arms+hands) and the lower extremities (legs+feet)...
then you have the main structures: bones, fascia, joints, tendons, ligaments, muscles, bloodvessels, nerves, connective tissue and skin...
later on we will talk about to dig somewhat deeper ;-)
another point then
and later on
and some more stuff...
In Germany it takes 6 years to be a assistant doctor and further 4 years to be a fully trained doctor ;-)
so it will take some time ;-)
Yoh. That's quite a long time. I loved biology in highschool and actually wanted to pursue a career in medicine. My math and science on the other were just againgst me. I'd be in my second final year right now completing my MD degree
Haha... I know that situation... but do not worry too much... in the western world medicine is very influenced by pharmaceutical industry... guess there was a reason I not had the chance to engage in MD studies ;-) I will make my own way...