Only a Stay at Home Mom

in #education7 years ago


I was watching an episode last night in which a participant in a competitive reality game said "I am only a stay at home mom" to accentuate her comparative competitive qualification deficiency.

I thought to myself, ' Only ? !'

There should be no higher title for any human than Stay at Home Mom.

It must be a primary objective of our species to produce and nurture offspring and ensure a better experience for them and those they share this world with. It is an innate tendency and those found without this sentiment are considered retarded, at least by me.


A vastly underestimated factor in the decline in morality, wealth, happiness and general well being of humanity at large, is today's lack of stay at home moms.

Scientific research has found that there is no more important learning phase in the development of individuals than the first six years and that there are no better educators than dynamic family members interacting appropriately.

Education is best regarded as a life long quest and the benefits of a manager of educational affairs should never be underestimated. That manager should be a wife and mother as no one could be better suited.

A family functioning at optimum efficiency in the field of teaching by example has no comparison in any other educational methodology. In this context, there is no better person than a mother to cultivate an environment most suitable for the education of her family. Through directing the efforts of her husband in providing the necessary funds, tools, equipment, opportunities and associations which will satisfy the requirements she finds most desirable for the purpose of nurturing good family development, a mother can do what no other person can to this end.


Uniquely endowed with attributes most suited to this task, a mother and wife is the best choice as she is more inclined to be tolerant, compassionate, long-suffering, understanding, loving, nurturing, friendly, non-threatening and beautiful. These characteristics are most likely to contribute to this most important human endeavor.

The influences of industrialization, the struggle for women's rights (motivated by inappropriate treatment of women), the growing acceptance of scientific concepts instead of religious principles, as if they really were contradictory, and the extremes of profit mongering which devour the sound principles which would serve mankind best, have effectively relegated the most important human role, the raising of an ever better future people, to a lowly level as most critical requirements are ignored.

The best, most rewarding and most important job of all is without doubt, the role of Stay at Home Mom and the fact that anyone would ever be led to say, "I am only a stay at home mom" is a reflection of our collective attitude to factors defining the future of our children, our planet and all life on Earth.

So why a stay at home mom ? Can't a mom get the job done as a working mom ?

Whatever can be done as a working mom is but a tiny fraction of what aught to be done. As there is no greater job than the development of an entire family, so this job requires all available time and then a whole lot. My answer is a most definite no. Devotion to this task is the calling and the wise will magnify it.

In light of the pressures imposed by the inordinate continual rise in the cost of living, the desire to fulfill this role faces extreme opposition as moms are forced to work to provide the necessities of life including formal education, medical and financial security and so forth.

Steemit-big (1).png

This platform, that is, provides an opportunity like none other, for a Stay at Home Mom to devote a minuscule proportion of her time to this requirement from the comfort of home and learn and expand her role thereby while sharing it with others to the benefit of all and with monetary rewards to boot.

Another wonderful way in which the advent of crypto-currency, the block-chain and Steemit are changing the world, liberating the oppressed and securing the future.

This article was written without reference to any other and any similarity to any other content is therefore coincidental, should there be any.

Images from Goolge Images.


those who are fortunate enough to stay at home have a wonderful opportunity. I have heard many career women state that there is nothing to do if they were to become stay-at- home moms and that their minds will deteriorate. Sadly such a comment reveals a disturbing inability to use their minds in an unregulated environment, where the greatest opportunities could exist. Self discipline and goal setting are crucial elements.

Steemit has certainly given a lot of "stay at home moms" a great opportunity to earn an income and interact with other educators.

I agree with you, in my young days most mothers were stay at home mothers, at least until the children were going to school. Then most would look for a job or return to to their career. I must admit there were no facilities for small children or babies in those days. So if if the grandmother or other family member was not there to help out, then the mother had no other choice but to stay at home

Being a good mom is the hardest job! At 9 to 6 jobs you do one thing and that's it...But stay at home moms have so many roles!

Ours is one continued struggle against degradation sought to be inflicted upon us by the European, who desire to degrade us to the level of the raw Kaffir, whose occupation is hunting and whose sole ambition is to collect a certain number of cattle to buy a wife with, and then pass his life in indolence and nakedness.

- Mahatma Gandhi

Great post, thank you!
I think there's nothing wrong in doing that, at the end, our evolutionary impulse is to reproduce ;)

Please check my new post, I think you will like it!

I do indeed :)

And I

I'm really happy to hear that ♥
@ruthofisrael @gravion
BTW, ruthofisrael are you from Israel?

Of the tribe of Ephraim and hence 'of Israel', Ephraim's grandfather being Israel, of course.

Proud of my son and daughter-in-law for sticking to this principle through several trials and struggles....The kids will be better off one day!!

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