Vlog from the Lake // Two Years Ago... I Went Back to School and Got a Degree I May Never Use - Do I Regret It?

in #education7 years ago (edited)


Hello Steemians!

Today I wanted to share a bit about my experience with higher education and how the role of institutionalized education has changed. I talk about why I went back to school two years ago to get a Bachelor's Degree. Spoiler alert... it was just to get the sheet of paper.

At the time, it made a lot of sense for my trajectory in the corporate world.

Those of you who saw my post about side hustles from a few days ago, know that even though i'm still working a 9-5 job, I'm actively working towards my goals of freedom and financial independence.

There are obviously many occupations that require advanced training and need specialized degrees. I'm not addressing those kinds of occupations here. In this video, I discuss the pros and cons of those seeking to get a degree just because society says they need it.

This is not a black and white topic for many, and this video certainly covers a few complicated topics.

For some, it really is important to get that piece of paper and it makes the most sense for their life. Heck, i'm one of those people now!

I decided to go back to school before I really caught the "Entrepreneurial bug" and now I may never use it.

Does that mean I regret it though? My answer may surprise you.

If I could transport my past self to today and see the non-corporate path I am taking - would I still go back to school? Ummm... no.

BUT... getting that degree actually brought a lot of unexpected good into my world. It helped me go from feeling powerless in my employment situation, to feeling empowered to question what I really wanted to do with my time. This really started the whole snowball of where I am today.

Would that have happened without finishing my degree? I guess I’ll never really know.

Getting through school debt free

In this video, I also briefly touch on how I was able to complete three years of schooling in one year (while still working full time) and did so completely debt free. I have a LOT to say about the topic of student debt, and if there seems to be interest - I may do future posts on the subject and some of my tips and tricks for getting through school debt free.

Also... This is my first SCENIC vlog!

It was such a beautiful day that I had to get outside. It was still really cold here, but as the weather starts to warm, I look forward to filming more vlogs in interesting and fun places!

Call out to listeners/readers:

What is your take on the topic of higher education? If you have a degree, has having one been advantageous in your life, or not?

▶️ DTube

Beautiful .. Thank you for your words
But education is necessary and find a job is different
Great post

Beautiful lake you got gleaming on there @coruscate. I almost despised every moment of completing my degree. It took me 8 years to get a degree that was supposed to take 4 years. I did learn a lot, but I prefer building small businesses that are duplicatible. The problem with getting a degree is that it makes people have a better impression of you and to me that just seems fake. You have a stunning voice miss. Have you thought of doing some animations @coruscate?

Man, sorry to hear about your schooling experience. 8 years of doing something you don’t enjoy is a certain kind of hell!

Also, thanks for the compliment on my voice!! I actually JUST started doing some freelance voice acting for a local video production company and it has been SO fun!! I am thinking about maybe trying to do more voice work and have thought about soundproofing a spot in my apartment and putting myself on Upwork or something.

I hadn’t thought much about animations, but that would be really fun! If you ever know anyone needing voice work, I hope to have my home studio setup soon. 😊

Anyway, thanks again!! Your comment really made my day!

It;s my pleasure @coruscate. I'm so glad you're blessing us with natural abilities. You're the perfect one for voice-overs. I see you smashing world of animation...

Thanks for sharing part of your story. Unfortunately, corporate America is looking for that piece of paper and is missing out on many great hires because of it. It is also hard to blame them though, as having a degree gives some credibility on your subject and shows you can accomplish something, while hiring someone without a degree might be a wildcard. Congrats on getting through debt-free as well! I feel this is an extremely important topic as many young people are hampering their future with student loan debt hanging around their neck when it is largely a choice of picking a school that is affordable - once you have that job, it turns into how you preform and nobody cares about where you went to school. Perhaps a prestigious school may open some more doors, but there are no guarantees of that and having the right connections (sometimes from a coffee shop) by networking and getting noticed is probably more effective than an alumni network.

Sooo many great points in your response Brian.

School selection is the single biggest factor in finishing school debt-free, and it is not discussed nearly enough! Being smart about school selection was really the biggest key for me being able to move through my degree program faster and with no debt.

You also bring up some great points, that a degree does hold a certain amount of value because it will help you to actually get the job, but once you’re there, your performances what actually matters.

Thanks for sharing your personal story. As a good stereotype, I would've never guessed your initial career path by how well-spoken and intelligent you are, so therein lies your answer. I feel that education can be acquired anywhere, at any time, by those with the initiative to learn. While a degree is still essential in society today as a prerequisite for most employers, more people are realizing that there are other opportunities outside of the standard corporate/retail workforce model for them to seize if they are able to take the leap of faith. Society conditions us to go through its system and controls, but once you see that the system is herding most people to be unfulfilled in life, you'll never look at it the same way again. Thankfully, Steemit seems to have opened your eyes to what you're capable of doing when you invest YOU into YOURSELF, not your soul into a corporation for someone else. I also feel that so many universities are run like they are businesses instead of educational institutions, so I may be biased.

As for me, college was mainly a way for me to develop socially and gain independence. I feel that I did my best learning and school development before college, whereas most of the skills I use today on my own are merely natural talents and common sense. It's also about who you meet and who you know, so networking can be much more impactful on one's success than educational credentials -- as you also pointed out in your own experience.

My resume was very strong, but I see it as a waste of time now. All it did was delay me from pursuing my true passion, by giving me lots of credentials on paper that forced me down a tunnel I didn't really want to go down anyway.

Thanks for more of your story too! I really related to your last sentence. I have done a lot of things in my past life because they would look good on a resume. Multiple management positions, head of budget committees, business degrees, etc.

Also good to hear that college had some really positive aspects for you as well. Funny how all the benefits you list have more to do with being part of a community rather then the actual curriculum.

talent and knowledge are two different things

wao, @teenovision, i never saw it that way, but don't you think knowledge surpasses talent? if i am talented but never acquire necessary knowledge in that field, what would become of my talent? i might be wrong in my assertion but i would like to know what you think. @corscate, am of the opinion that education is over rated, i have B.Tech in Physics from a University but i haven't used it for a day. if you can have a degree without loosing your passion, then you should go for it (the degree)

Thanks for adding to the conversation @dhamtex!! Is physics something you are still passionate about? That’s a very specialized degree and I wonder if there is someway to use that knowledge in your life!

Thanks for your comment @coruscate, i wish i could say i am still passionate about it but no, i am not. i didn't know much about life back then, i thought its all about getting a degree, get a job and all the rat race thing, i got to discover my passion while still in the Uni and i determined to make sure i finish my degree before following my passion.

My Philosophy is if i could not be disciplined enough to go through with my degree then i wont be focused enough to go through with my passion.

Thank You

you are right...dear..

So true @teenovision. Both have valuable roles to play.

ever heard of the phrase "Gold is the money of kings, debt the money of slaves."?

I have not heard it... but I LOVE that. Thanks for sharing. It really encapsulates the reason that I am so debt averse. Debt =slavery.

You are welcome! Kind regards from Germany!

FIGHT THE POWER!! thanks for this video. I run a coffee shop and was thinking about going back to school. haha. I still may but its good to get the angles.
p.s. What up WASHINGTON!!

Oh that’s awesome!! Haha so many similarities! The decision to go back to school or not is going to be different for everyone, and I’m glad that hearing my story maybe provided a different angle. Honestly, it does give me a sense of assurance, that if for some reason all of my entrepreneurial adventures fail, I will have an easier Honestly, it does give me a sense of assurance, that if for some reason all of my entrepreneurial adventures fail, I will have an easier time finding a job in the future.

Where in WA do you live? I’m up in Bellingham!

I'm down here in Olympia! ahhh Bellingham is so pretty! I haven't been up that way in a long time. I'm new to the Steemit-d.tube thing and i stumbled upon this vid here so hope you dont mind the ask. What all entrepreneurial projects/things are you working on? Where is your set passions?
(small world huh?)

-kilana kyasuta

Aww my best friend is from Oly. Small world indeed!

Right now, I am focusing most of my entrepreneurial interest here on Steemit. I only have so much time in a day to work on side projects, and this is definitely been the most fun/most rewarding. :-) I also do some freelance modeling and voice acting. I’d love to expand that more when I have time and look into getting more work of this nature. I also just started making jewelry, and once I get better at it, might be something I could look at selling. :-)

Do you have any entrepreneurial projects or side hustles?

Not really. I'm a lazy homebody... I live and breathe for my job and then i crash out. BUT I love Crypto and decentralization. It has inspired me to start (attempt) learning programming/code.... lets see how fast that fails lol. Life in this space is just really exciting and I'm glad people like yourself are really bearing down and getting into it. Hope it really works out to be something for the long haul for you. Link me to your etsy once its going on!!!(Or if there is a STEEM etsy) love jewelry... do you use precious metals? Stones? :D

I don't really think so because in my country you can find a degree holder that settles for menial job after years of futile job search. Just yesterday someone told me that a friend of his who is a working as a lab attendant is only paid less than less than $21 per month. That is the height to which graduate suffer

Wow, thanks for sharing your experience. It makes sense that the usefulness of a college degree could vary drastically between different countries. Thanks for the perspective shift.

No education or training is ever a waste because sooner or later the time to make use of it will definitely comes

Great perspective! Even if something doesn’t seem relevant in the moment... you never know when it will be useful.

Great video! Not everyone needs a degree and college isn't even right for everyone.

I do website design/development and I know that many places in my field care more about your portfolio than your degree.

Thanks for adding to the conversation! Great point that many people care more about your actual experience and portfolio vs. a degree.

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