New Art and Eco Village Update!

in #ecovillage6 years ago (edited)

If you haven't heard about my crazy new project of creating an ecovillage in a forest on Bornholm, then Read Here!

So, we are still on ground zero with the eco village project! We did the final payment yesterday, and have to get all the paperwork done, to take over the land the 15th of December!
We are going to have a meeting soon about the next moves. We have to decide for a name, make a facebook group where interested people can gather to follow the project. We will also invite for an info meeting / vision council where people can come and meet us.

We already got contacted by a couple of people interested to take part in the project! We hope to create a really good core group and together form the vision and values for this place!

In the meantime I have been working on christmas presents! I just got this drawing finished. It is supposed to be a symbol of science and knowledge. The snake of illumination!

Who it is for and why is a secret so far, in case he/she reads along!


Prints are available Here - money goes to building an eco village in a forest! :D

Thank you for your support!!


Thank you for stopping by! <3



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Beautiful drawing! And how exciting about your community, much love and success for it! I would love to visit you

Thank you! You are most welcome to visit us anytime (after we are a bit settled at least! :D

Can't wait to hear about the journey of your ego village! Maybe we can share notes haha we are also just about to buy our land.
Keep us updated, and also really cool piece.

Xx ToL

haha, I don't know if "ego village" was a spelling mistake XD We hope to make it more sharing and open than ego centric at least :P
Good luck on buying land! Yes we should exchange knowledge and experiences! Network is important! :)

Hahaha yes I definitely meant ECO Village not ego Village. :-) agreed, hurrah for networking!

I love this drawing, @frejafri ! It looks so wonderful ! The design and elements are so meaningful and symbolic and I love the colours, also <3

And good luck with your ecovillage ! 15 Dec ! I am very excited about this project and I definitely will keep up with all your updates :D

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