If there is a God, why do so many bad things happen?

in #ecotrain6 years ago
The answer is pretty simple, there is no God. Before I continue with this post, I have to make an important disclaimer. Everything written in this post is my own personal opinion, it has not been proven as the ultimate truth (nor do I believe such a thing exists) and I do not have an intention to change your mind in any way. If you get offended by my opinion, that is entirely your problem and my right to hold my personal opinion has absolutely nothing to do with it. I do respect your beliefs, I may not agree with them but I respect them.

I will be careful with my words,
I promise...

Yes, I will be careful with my words, but not too careful because I do value my freedom of speech and think that people are far too sensitive these days. I will address that problem too. The reason I am even writing this post is because @eco-alex made me :) I just hope that this post will be an interesting read and that you will not struggle with going through it as I will with making it. Some topics are dangerous in this day and age which is a horrible statement given the century we live in but we do have to be aware of it. Some people will defend their religious beliefs with blood...

Religion has always been a cause of great troubles. Human history is written in the blood of those who valued their beliefs more than they valued the lives of their children. What kind of parent hates his own child or wants to see him dead if a book or a prophet said it was the right thing to do? A parent that is a fanatic. Fanatics are dangerous. There is no talking with a fanatic, not a single rational thought in their mind. If you are a fanatic and you find yourself reading this, please leave my blog immediately. Thank you.

You can think what you want about me and I will not get offended. You can think that I am stupid, evil, egoistic, wrong, ugly, literary whatever you want. The reason why I will not get offended is because your thoughts are none of my business. Why would I allow you to live rent-free in my mind and obsess with your opinion? It is just that, an opinion and as long as it stays in thoughts and words, we are fine. When it gets to actions, then we have a problem. Why do you mind when people say or think stuff about you that you do not agree with?

Are you afraid they are correct?

You could be, that is as good a reason as any. You could be afraid that what people are thinking about you is true and you just don't want to deal with that. You want to preserve the safety of your illusion bubble. There is, of course, a probability that your ego is too fragile and you have a serious need to be liked by everyone. I get that. I get that we are social beings that love to be loved but aren't there some kind of healthy boundaries? Yes, our inner child does not want to be left alone and craves love and attention but that kid needs to have some strength too in order to be healthy. To keep your inner kid healthy, teach him that it is impossible for everyone to like him. You do not like everyone, why should everyone like you?

We all have our preferences. Some people like green color and some like blue. Some people like quiet people and some like them loud. This world is magnificent with the abundance of diversity that is provided for us, such glorious diversity. You have your opinions and others have theirs. Why should you be offended by it? Even if someone calls you the stupidest creature alive, there is no reason for you to obsess over it, why would you? No seriously, I am asking you, WHY would you? What is the reason behind your negative emotion towards that person?

Let me try a different question. If someone said something bad about your mother (or any other loving member of your family), would you mind? Would you get all angry with that person and say very vocally how you will not allow something like that to be spoken in front of you? Why is that? I know, do you? It is because you love your mother so much that you do not want anything to taint that love. You are under an impression that if someone speaks ill about her it will somehow spoil her perfection. People behave the same way with their religion.

No one will take your love away.

We tend to defend that which we love. I will not pretend I am not like that too sometimes. I will show my teeth sometimes when someone is mean about people I love but only for a second because I have trained myself to monitor my emotions and understand where they are coming from. I suggest you do the same. No one will take your love away. You can still love and cherish someone or something when others do not. Allow people the freedom to express themselves without it affecting you negatively.

When others talk about your religious beliefs and mock them it says more about them than it does about your religious beliefs. Keep that in mind. You should also keep in mind that when people express their opinions, they are not necessarily mocking you. They are just speaking their mind. That being said, I do not accept any responsibility for your feelings after reading the words that will follow. These two previous parts of this post are here to ease you up a bit and to make a point that you have the right to resent me for what I am about to say but I do not care as much as you would like me to, sorry. You are responsible for your emotions, only you.

I was an educated Christian. This means that I did not only go to church, I was educated about it. I went to high school with nuns and studied about history, philosophy, and nature of religion. I traveled through Europe and visited many monasteries and talked to many religious and highly educated people. I say educated because 90% of believers are not educated in their religion. They go to church but do not know anything about their religion. I have read books and books and listened to lectures and lectures. My mind always wanted to learn and explore and religion was not spared from that behavior.

A rational mind is religion's gratest enemy.

When you get some education in religion, the first thing you learn is that it is man-made. There was no holy-telegram that lead to the writing of holy books. A group of people got together several times in history and decided what will go into a certain book and what will not. There are so so so many things that were discarded and the books were changed many times. That which you are reading today was not always considered right or the truth. Another funny thing that you learn is that most of the major religions have the same exact history, same exact customs, profits, sayings, and commands. Can you guess why that is? Religions, not faith and spirituality but organized religions were invented as means of control. Fear controls people and if there is anything religion has spread, it was fear.

If I was a supreme all powerful, all knowing being, I would fix some things. I am sure you would too. There are so many things in this world that are wrong and unfair that their existence defies that of God. Either the God does not exist or He/She just does not care. Sure, here comes the Evil God who people blame for everything but common... If Good is more powerful than Evil why doesn't it kick the Evil one's butt? The logical conclusion that follows is that either Evil is more powerful or neither of them exist. The next argument that I hear is the DIVINE PLAN. An argument that kills the meaning of what an argument is. It is like saying "I do not know and I don't care, my faith is blind".

Your morality is not devine.

Are you aware that people who rape and/or kill people also believe in God? They do not consider themselves evil, a lot of them think they are doing God's work. Who is right then, you or them? How would you even decide? Your standpoint is your own morality and the belief that it is the correct one. But you just said that the divine plan is something you do not know or understand. Maybe they are the ones who are right and you are wrong for not raping and killing people. It was written that it is bad to kill people? Ok, who wrote that? God? Men wrote it. A God showed himself to a man and then it was written down? You mean the same God who killed innocent children and even made fathers kill their own children just to please him? I am not sure you should be listening to that kind of creature. We have medication nowadays and if a voice tells you to kill your son to please him please contact a hospital immediately.

I agree that killing is bad but I do not believe it is bad because God said so. It is bad because we are hurting another creature. That is something Gods all over the world have been very fond of, killing. They killed and tortured and seemed to enjoy it pretty much. I refuse to believe that a creature that is on a higher level of consciousness than myself is able to kill for revenge or punishment. My morality, ethics and a rational mind all prevent me to do so. If there is a Christian-like God out there, we are all screwed because that creature is neither nice or loving.

If I was to say that there is a God, I would say that God is the one who is writing this and God is the one who is reading this. You are God and you are divine. Yes, I am a highly spiritual person and no, that does not interfere with me being a scientific person. It actually works pretty well together. Everything is energy and everything is vibrating. Energy is not good and energy is not bad, energy just is.

There is no evil and there is no good.

There is so much love and beauty surrounding you every day. You can tap into those energies easily, you just need to try. Your mind is amazing and you are a multidimensional being capable of so much. I do not want to repeat myself here because I have told you this so many times before but still, YOU ARE AMAZING! You are an energy being first and a physical being second. You can feel and experience more than you realize and the abundance is there for you, ready to become a part of you. You have a higher part of yourself that does not need religion to determine your morality. When we see bad things in the world, they are not bad in their nature but in their consequences. Everyone is doing what he thinks is the best. It is easy to judge but hard to love, try it anyway. Do not love others because of them and do not forgive because of them. Do it because of you. Do it because you are love and were meant to love and be loved. You do not need God for that, you are God in that.

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Hey @zen-art thanks for your honesty here. It's refreshing to read a post by someone who doesn't want to pull their punches in case they offend someone. I totally agree with you - people have become so soft, and are way too easily offended today. Remain true to yourself, and be prepared to offend people if you need to. Sometimes, they need to hear it.

Having said that, I will probably reserve my right to disagree with a lot of what you have written here. Which is a shame, because I really like how you have challenged people's thinking. It's just that you have challenged a way of life that I am passionate about. Which is fine - I'm not offended, not in the slightest. I guess I just wanted you to know. You seem open to being challenged a little yourself.

I would like to ask why, though? Why do you feel the way you do? You have given no doubt to the fact that you feel as you do, but not a lot of insight into why, apart from your education. If you're comfortable answering, I would love to hear you response. If you feel it's not for the public forum, I'm happy to take a discussion to Discord.

Again, thanks for the gutsy post.

If you read that post again carefully, you will see that I did not say that I do not believe in anything, I do. I just do not call it God ;) I consider myself a spiritual person, not religious. I did research a lot and read a lot, from Christianity and Islam to Buddhism and Hinduism. The thing that I have found is that all of those religions carry the same exact message, the message of love. The center is the same but the problem arises when people screw it up and complicate it. Jesus said "I am love" that is what I believe and have felt many times, not Jesus in particular but love. Human beings are amazing and capable of more than we think is possible. Our minds and our energy sources vibrate with such beauty.

I would not say that my opinion is based on my education, more on experience. That is why I respect others because I allow them to have different experiences. I am pretty fine with people believing in God but I have a problem when they justify things using Him/Her and refuse to take responsibility for their own life. You have all the power you need. There is no divine deity that pulls the strings, your destiny is not written in stone, stars or on your palm. You are creating your life with every decision that you make and that is the power a lot of people refuse to admit. Thank you for your lovely comment and your sweet words, they are very much appreciated. Much love 💚💚💚

Thanks for writing this and opening the topic up for discussion. I was raised Christian, but I like to joke that I gave up religion for Lent, so now I'm a heathen! I don't like to use the word atheist because it seems to odd to have label a person as not believing in something for which there is no evidence. I mean, we don't have the word agnomist, meaning a person who doesn't believe in gnomes, or a1+1=3ist, for people who don't believe that 1+1=3. I have long believed that we absolutely need to teach religious history in public schools in the U.S., because I believe that by learning about the history of religion, people will be more open and accepting of different views. I wonder how many Christians know that the Christian-creation myth was based on older creation myths from non-Christian religions?

While it is clear that religious beliefs can result in positive behavior and actions, it can just as easily lead to negative ones. The problem is not just with religion, but with the fact that religion is faith-based. Faith, by definition, is belief without evidence. By now, at least those of us in developed counties should know that such beliefs are simply not warranted, or should at least be questioned and investigated. This applies outside religions to other ideas that have little to no evidence, such as trickle-down economics, or libertarianism. Combine faith-based reasoning with the fact that most people of faith have essentially been brainwashed into their beliefs from a young age, and you have a recipe for disaster--where people are willing to vilify and even kill others for beliefs that have no basis in facts.

That said, I have no problem with people being religious as long as they don't try to foist those views on me. I also think we should look closely on whether it is even right to force such views on their children. I have not forced my views on my children. I tell then my perspective and point out that others have different perspectives and that it is up to them to educate themselves and come to their own conclusion. I don't want them to go through all of the hassle I went through of thinking that I was bad to not believe in something that made absolutely no sense and had no evidence to support it.

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Thank you 💚💚💚

It's been raining for two weeks now and finally stopped. I went outside for a couple of hours and got a "sunburn" but that's OK because there is no sun. I actually have proof of this. It is so hot that I couldn't sleep and I walked outside for some fresh air and everything was dark. Please don't be offended when I say there is no sun. I do believe in warmth. There is warmth in every one of us.

If there is a sun it is you and every one of us. The plants are the sun. Solar panels are the sun. I may be wrong. This is only my opinion at 3:30 AM. Maybe I will change my mind in 3 hours.^^

I do love you.

Thanks for sharing your beliefs,


(This stands as my testimony.... until 6:30 AM)

Your argument would be valid if there actually was no Sun and your personal experience with it somehow influenced its existence but there is a Sun, it has been proven without any doubt and when you can not see the Sun that does not mean there are no instruments that can see it. Your premise is philosophically wrong. I see no reason why I would get offended with you saying there is no Sun, I may resent the educational system a little but I would not get offended. I love you too 💚

Thank you for clearing things up. Now it is afternoon and light is shining through my window. Physical phenomena are not so difficult to record. On the other hand the existence of spiritual phenomena cannot be recorded well with scientific instruments. It is then really a jump for me to say that God exists or doesn't exist just based on a lack of physical evidence. And yeah, I do kind of resent the education system for planting ideas in kid's heads. There's not too much I can do about that now except examine why I do believe , say and do what I do. This piece gave me a chance to do that. Thanks.

Have a good weekend.


hahah you tackled a lot of points! loved the disclaimer at the beginning ;)
yes, this was one of the confounding elements (i was brought up being educated about my religion too)-- and it doesn't even have to be a war example, but even something like whose team will win... both are praying to God.... Does God pick one over the other? lol oh! God heard the other teams prayers better I guess!

When God justifies war, we know it's not a god to follow... love your final paragraphs <3

hahahaha, yeah, I love it when people on both sides pray for a good result on a game. It can serve as a proof that God loves one team more :D He/She obviously has favorites and enjoys sports and that is nice, if we all have favorites and love some people more than others why wouldn't He/She? Oh wait, God is supposed to love us all? Now I am confused... :D
Thank you for your lovely comment darling 💚💚💚

That's a wonderful article, while religuon is meant to spread good and teach good but sadly religions have become a tool to spread fear. The so called guardians of the religions bring out their own versions in the name of God, cause that's what people fear the most.
If only we can understand as ypu rightly said we are all nothing but Energy and what we manifest we attract the most.
Love to you my dear. It's always a pleasure to read your post 😍😍💖

what we manifest we attract the most.

oh yeaaaaah 💚
Thank you for your sweet words honey and for your love, it is always lovely to see you 💚💚💚

wow zen-art! what a power post!!!! THANK you for this golden nugget. and i was pleasantly surprised to see you nail it at the end by saying that you are God.. Beautiful! . There is such a huge difference between centralised religion and spirituality. They are night and day! Im sorry you had to deal with the dogmatic ways and great imperfections of religion.. it is very strange how some of the most religious of people such terrible things!

Id like to give my 5cents about why Evil isnt getting booted out by God.. or why there is so much evil and bad things in the world..

Simple put, the reason why is that it is not the time for it yet. Unfortunately we can only remember this lifetime right now, but thousands of years ago things were very different.. In Sanscript it is known that we move through the Yugas, and every 20,000 years or so we shift from one to the other.. This Kali yuga that we have been in is nearing its end now.. around 2025 is the date ive read about.. but the shift can be gradual.. Then we move into the Golden Age which will last about 10,000 Years. The world moves through great long cycles, and that is just how it is.. the only comfort i can give you is that we have quite a few lifetimes of the GOlden Age to come now.. if you stick around for it!

I realise that may not be much comfort when you are living in the thick of it. but .. well im know you know that this world is so much more than we perceive it to be.. and sometimes when we can see the bigger picture it can help to distance ourselves from this intense moment of now.

also, ive send a little ecotrain bot love this way.. <3 xx

My two cents are always based on the point that there is no evil. Energy cannot be evil. We are subjective beings and it is understandable how some situations have a negative impact on us. Contrasting experiences are not always praised because some things hurt and how can something be good if it hurts? Our minds cannot always appreciate the contrast. Seeing the bigger picture that you mentioned is great and beneficial to appreciating everything that happens. I am an optimist and I always see love in everything, sometimes it is harder but I do manage to find it. I have been looking forward to that Golden Age my entire life and I do see some indicators that everything will be even better soon.

Thank you for your lovely comment and for the bot help. Much love your way 💚💚💚

I loved how you ended this post focusing on how amazing we are! I had so many conversations and debate son this topic with some family members and friends ... Religion is a great tool to lead the masses.

If anything can get that adrenaline pumping it is religion and national pride, two very powerful and very dangerous things if people are not careful enough. Wars are always started because of individual greed but they are lead because of mass collection of egos defending their false sense of pride. Thank you for your lovely words 💚

Any scientifically inclined individual would say the same. What many religious people don't understand is that their personal belief system is not an evidence for existence of any god, but they keep on pushing it.

Mass indoctrination will make anyone believe everything their religious authority will say. And no, no fish has ever swallowed a man who lived inside it for 7 days, if someone believes that to be true is a scientific moron and should work in a mine.

Be careful though with these kind of alienating blogs, there are many religious nutjobs on this network too, hijabs and crosses are everywhere and they hate to be considered batshit crazy. Well, not batshit crazy, just not educated enough I would say.

Great post BTW, there is something Mother Terezian inside, it is like you tried to put some ointment before you stick it in their ass, excuse the pun :)

LOL for the ointment. Yeah, I have crossed paths with various fanatics in my time, they still scare me. Whenever there is no ability to talk and no rational thinking, I get scared because you never know what to expect from those people. I have met some wonderful people who say they are religious but when you start talking with them you soon realize they are not, they are highly spiritual but religion has nothing to do with it. I often say to people that Nature is my God and the best thing about it is that I can actually prove it exists. :) Thank you for your lovely comment darling. Maybe others will follow in your example and not burn me at the stake.

hahahahahahhahaha and this sounds very funny but true @moon32walker. I totally agree with @zen-art except for the fact that at the end i concluded that there is God but not some batshit religious god that is described in some "holy" books.

Another Curie worthy post! You are such a beautiful bag of tricks.

I adore that you share with such love and openness. Tis not a day and age for religion.

I don't believe into he idea of our manmade God. But I do believe in energy, an all encompassing universal energy without name, religion, face, sense of morality. Simply ever loving and ever expansive.

Sorry I haven't come around to those articles I wanted to read. So embarrassing.

I'm glad your post caught my eye today. Much love! Xx

Thank you for your kind words, you always leave such nice comments. Much love to you too 💚


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