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RE: Why Do We Insist On Destroying Our Natural Instincts

in #ecotrain6 years ago

That thing about spoiling your baby is also something I hear all the time from my own family, but I have never understood that or listen to it. A baby and child need love, love, and LOVE. How could it be different? I still get comments from my family that I am not letting go of my baby, that I spoil him, that I should challenge him and ignore when he wants to be with me. This is what my parents believe, and my siblings. Can I be so wrong? Then I would rather be wrong that holding back my love and care for my child. We can only teach understanding and empathy with our actions. How else will our children learn it?
Thank you for writing this article my dear.
My baby was taken away from me half a hour or so after birth for measuring and diaper. But I told my partner to hold him and stay near him while they did that, it was in the same room. But for the next time, I know better! I also carried my baby as long as I could (he weighted 13 kilos when he was 9 months), and all the time! My family thought I was crazy;) Lol!


thank you Niina, I hear you I have got so close to losing mý temper when people have said that to me, what could be more natural and all you are teaching your son is that you love him and you are there for him and that he is important in your life, he can depend on you then and as he gets older he will be all the more confident for it, I have seen it with my 2 oldest. Well done mama, you are doing great xxx

It is somehow strange to teach people the opposite of our natural instincts. I get quite insecure sometimes (more at the beginning, not so much now anymore) when my own family says things like that to me, but luckily I am very stubborn and do mostly the opposite of what they say is right;) I trust my own feelings and knowledge.
xxx Hugs!!

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