The ecoTrain Magazine: 27th February 2019- Bringing you Amazing Content from the EcoTrain Passengers

in #ecotrain6 years ago

Welcome to another weekly Curation from the amazing Passengers of the EcoTrain. This is the first curation in over a month and I apologize to all you readers out there. But today it is back with a bang. Because although things continue to be a bit quiet here on Steemit, that has not stop some of us passengers from creating awesome content each week.

Today I have picked one post from each of those passengers that remain active , within these great posts each writer is sharing their wisdom,knowledge and/or passion with you . This week we have something to suit everyone, including, permaculture, travel, natural building, hypnosis and philosophy. And also a pretty awesome contest from @porters.

It is our goal within the EcoTrain to make the world a better place and we are all very passionate about doing just that, which is reflected in the content we create. So sit back, enjoy and remember to show your support by upvoting, following and resteeming the content that you enjoy and lets all work towards making the world a better place together!



Only Two Days Left to Vote 

Vote for @homesteaderscoop!

I'm sure by now everyone has heard about the dpoll going on, hosted by @theycallmedan. You haven't??? Then this post is just for you!

@theycallmedan is offering a delegation of 20k SP (that is twenty thousand Steem Power) for a whole year to a community on the blockchain who gets the most votes. All you have to do is head over to the polling site and cast your vote for @homesteaderscoop. (You can also vote for @naturalmedicine, as the two communities joined, to split the winnings 10k each.) There are many other candidates, but if you ask me, The Homesteaders' Co-Op is the most deserving. Here's why:


Did you know Tires can be used for Heliculture? | Transforming Tires to Snaileries?! 

Last year, The Greens in partnership with FOEPSUD (Forest and Environmental Program for Sustainable Development), SERUDEC (Sustainable Environmental Rural Development Centre) and Paradise on Earth organized a snail farming workshop at the Forestry School of Bambili for forest adjacent farmers, environmental activists, hunters and youths of Bamenda, North West Region.
Attended by 17 persons, the training sort to educate, empower and engage the participants to practice heliculture as an alternative livelihood activity that can be used to boost health and wellbeing (protein source and medicinal value), promote food security and environmentalism (forest friendly activity that can serve as alternative to hunters), as well as promote the economic vitality of the North West Region.



Forgiveness as an elemental aspect of enlightening

Ozark Sunset

When I started meditation I was hoping to gain more peace, clarity and love in my life, but I couldn’t know if this would happen or in what form it would take. So many of us want more of these things in our lives – and we go to great lengths to have them, yet they can still evade us.

I remember hearing a story of a local farm near us. A woman had been farming there for many years alone, selling medicinal seeds, veggies & grass raised beef for market. A man more than 20 years her junior announced that he would like to live at her place, help her and search for peace. At that time in my life I wondered at his desire for peace above all. Certainly at that time in my life peace was not a goal I had for myself.


A Full Table & Happy Homestead 

We wouldn't enjoy life out on our homestead nearly as much without friends and family to share it with.

There's nothing we love more than having a table filled with good home grown food & drink mixed with plenty of laughter.

“Wherever you stand, be the soul of that place.” ~ Rumi 

A lot of people come to the homestead to escape for a while in the summer time. Our homestead is a place where you'll find nourishment. You can rest and rejuvenate or work your frustrations out. Some people want to explore and wander the forests quietly. Others will dig into their creativity.

Of course, there's always plenty of food, wine, and entertainment. I thrive on creating beautiful meals using the food we've grown and raised here. We enjoy giving people new food experiences. You can expect wild food on your plate, and so far everyone loves it.


We Learn as We Go II Wicking Bed Teething Problems

I'm at the end of the first growing season with the wicking bed system we put in back in December. I'd say they've been a success, although they have had their teething problems, and there's still much to learn. You can find my instructional posts on how I made them here. Before and after summer below! Honestly, I only watered them once a week and it gets damn hot and dry here!
One thing I realised quite quickly is the quality of soil matters. This is kinda obvious, but I had this idea mushroom compost would be fine. In no way was it - it just didn't compare to the homemade compost, where things grew much better.


Listening And Remembering

There is this thought that keeps coming into my head, that swims around happily in there not really wanting an answer , not really looking to be taken seriously. A What If thought, that keeps me on my toes, that keeps the clogs turning and my imagination alive.

And yet part of this question is so relevant to my life now, that if I do dwell on it for too long, it could very well take me on a journey I do not wish to undertake.

How delicate we are at times, how controlled we are by these thoughts that are formed in our heads. Where do they come from, do we all really believe that they come only from ourselves or that we are all connected by this universal consciousness, where my thought may very well be shared by all. Yet not necessarily acknowledged by all.


Street Art in San Jose, Costa Rica. 

Everywhere I've been on this planet, some city walls have been splattered with lots of colors.
This is the third time I've come to Costa Rica, but really my first time hanging put in San Jose.

We were here for three days because my family had been in the country. They were on their way out and a friend was supposed to meet us here to go to Rancho Mastatal together.

Like I said in my last Costa Rica post, this first set of murals comes from el barrio escalante where we ate a wonderful farm to table lunch, which I highly recommend if you have time to go. The place is called Al Mercat and you're a bit tired of rice and beens, treat yourself to some really refreshing food!


Hypnosis: the good, the bad and the ugly - Part 1: My story

About two weeks ago, I wrote a post in which I announced that I was planning to write a series about hypnosis and NLP, and about how this is used every day to manipulate. You can find this post here.
But first, I will tell you a little bit about my background and how I decided that I wanted to learn hypnosis.

When I was a child, I was already drawn to hypnosis and what it can do. I am not quite sure when this started, but possibly after seeing a film or two, or a documentary of some kind. But which child isn't mesmerized (pun intended) by these magicians who could just about get anyone do anything with the snap of a finger? I know I was.


[Contest] - Win Your Content Published in 4 Book Formats...

Attention All Content Creators

All you blog authors who have so much value in the knowledge that you are sharing with your audience.
Would you like to take some of the content that you have put your heart into writing and sharing and edit it into an eBook that can be sold, bartered or gifted?

Here's your chance to reach your goal of publishing your own eBook in the
The Done For You - Create Your Book Contest
WIN - Your content from your blog or other manuscripts put into a book in 4 different formats.


February # Dedicated to Health # Health Series - 9 # Sugar the most Harmful food for the Body 

Sugar is an essential ingredient for the body. Our Body needs Carbohydrates to generate energy and to keep us functioning. Carbohydrates get transformed to Sugar in the body and creates energy for us to survive and carry on with our day to day activities in a healthy manner. Energy is very important for the body. No Energy that means No Life. But then Sugar is as equally harmful to the body also. Most of the health problems like Obesity, Diabetes, stress levels, heart diseases are majorly due to Sugar.

There are two types of Sugar: Natural Sugar and Added Sugar or the Artificial & Processed sweeteners.


What would our home look like if we considered the impact of our lifestyle on the planet? Earthship Karuna! 

Instead of planning a future where we hope to move into a nicer neighbourhood and a bigger house, what would our home look like if we considered the impact of our lifestyle on the planet? How can we make a home that includes everything we want with as little waste as possible?

I self-built Earthship Karuna on the edge of a mountain in India, it has almost no carbon footprint and yet provides great luxury and abundance from the gifts of nature. A truly sustainable eco-home!

Living in an Earthship or self-sufficient home is about many things. It is not just an ethical choice or a building type choice, it is also a lifestyle choice. When you start to live off-grid, and self-sufficiently, you embark on a break out from the matrix/zeitgeist.


Supporting People Who Help
Make The World A Better Place

Discover previous ecoTrain magazines at @ecoTrain




If you are new to Steemit, love to write, and would like to join the ecoTrain community as an official passenger please email me on [email protected]

** Click Here For More Information on the ecoTrain **





"... each of those passengers that remain active..." ??? That sounds so sad. What's even sadder is that it is verifying my suspicion: there used to be more of us! What keeps my spirits up, is the fact that in this large and empty hall Steem has become, there are still some strong voices remaining, saying such wonderful things as you guys. Thank you so much for being the hard core, the seed that will germinate the tree, once the conditions are improving.

This last year has been a tough one for so many and I believe some are still finding their feet. But there are definitely still some amazing content creators on here. Thank you you for your lovely compliment, I quite like the idea of being seen as a seed xx

I came across the group here from @porters who commented on my introductory post. I’ve also sent an email to join this group. Regardless of what times we’re in, my goal is to meet some like-minded (or even not-like-minded) individuals that appreciate deep levels of thought and ponder the meaning of life. If it helps even one person along the way then I’ve left the world a better place than whence I came into it. Looking forward to hopping aboard and becoming a regular contributor as a passenger ;-)

Posted using Partiko iOS

Oh lovely to see these wonderful posts bought together again!
Thanks for the mention of my contest, I do hope some folks with wonderful content take me up on this.
Thanks so much for doing this @trucklife-family!

you are very welcome @porters, I would like to enter myself xx

Such a sweet curation to savour during this week and to inspire me to get out in the natural world. Uplifted & refreshed. 💚

Posted using Partiko Android

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