Now Is The Time To Bring More Balance Into Our Lives

in #ecotrain6 years ago (edited)

Today is the Spring Equinox, when both night and day are equal. It is a festival of balance, both within the physical world and within ourselves. Today we focus on the balance between the dark and the light, the dynamic energy of the sun and the receptive energy of the moon.

It is the time to look inwards and focus on bringing balance into our own lives. We are a reflection of the natural world and when we surrender to that natural flow, then we open ourselves up to new understanding and healing.

I have often spoke of the power that lies in acknowledging the teachings of the earth. Of embracing the natural desires and emotions that come with the changing of the seasons, the cycle of the moon. It is easy to get distracted from this natural rhythm that surrounds us. We are living in a time where our attention is being drawn more and more away from the natural world.More and more away from our natural selves.

So many people have become disconnected from the earth that sustains them, forgetting that everything we need to live comes from her. Forgetting that we are of the earth.

Right now in the northern hemisphere the power of the sun is returning. We are awakening more and more from our winter slumber, just as everything in nature is. We will begin to feel more of our energy returning, and with that a natural desire to become more active,now is the time to manifest our dreams and ideas.

It is really important to take the time to put our intentions out into the world. But even more important, is taking the time to show our gratitude for that which we have. Gratitude towards the natural world for all that she has bestowed upon us.

We can show our gratitude in the way that we care for the environment, in the way that we chose to live our lives. In the decisions we make and the direction we allow ourselves to go. We all have a choice. It is time to give back, instead of just taking.

If we chose to always give something back, when we receive,that we are bringing more balance into our lives. When we allow our intuition self to guide us, whilst also using our rational mind, we bring balance into our lives. When we accept the dark with the light, then we bring balance into our lives. When we ourselves are more accepting of others, we bring balance into the world.

With balance, comes wholeness.

Now is the time to look at areas of imbalance n your life, to exam the way you think, to break negative thought patterns, that no longer serve you. To really reflect on your health, as all illness is related to imbalance in the body. The thoughts we have, when left unchecked can manifest into serious illness. Take this time to be still, to sit with yourself. Now is the time for self care.
You need to take the time for you and your well being.

8 Pillars of TribeSteemUp



Disconnect and ingratitude to what is before and around us, unaccepting to our differences...we are so fucked. But perhaps in acknowledging these, it can bring a change for a better us and of the world.

There are a lot of people who are disconnected, but there are also a lot who are not, we just don't hear so much about them. Never lose faith x

I hope not ever! I read this effect of 100monkeys or something, that was hopeful.

Yes what a wonderful time of year! Great message dear 💚💚💚

oh hello lovely, how are you? it has been so long since we connected on here. Life has been so busy for us both I feel and oh so quiet on here. I hope you are well xx

Hey dear yes so long , I am doing well, spring is picking up and I feel myself shrugging off the cold of winter and waking up in so many ways- along with the earth! Such a lovely time of year. How are you? It is so much quieter here, perhaps things will pick up with spring 💚💚 much love

I am okay, taking each day as it comes, grief is a funny old thing, it is always there lurking around. Today was my birthday and I had a beautiful time with some friends around a fire singing and making music and eating really good wholesome food. Much love to you beautiful xx

<3 happy birthday dear! you are so loved. holding you in our hearts during this challenging time <3

thank you beautiful xx

Happy Birthday @trucklife-family!! 🎂🍷

Posted using Partiko Android

thank you lovely one x

Loving to see your quiet reflection on Balance... of itself a gentle balance to all the "look at me" contests and drum-banging posts. 💚 Totally worthy & necessary of a pause, a reread and yet another pause. Thank you. 💚

Posted using Partiko Android

thanks so much @artemislives for your wonderful feedback xx I hope you had a wonderful equinox xx

Love the seasonal change over - of course, different for us than you guys, but still a time of reflection!

they both Equinox's are all about balance and yes always a time for deep reflection x

What a nice post @trucklife-family, It is so poetic. Even the paints are wonderfull. I really enjoyed reading your message Thank you!!!

thank you @byronmushrooms I am glad that you enjoyed my words x

This 21st March was a very high energy day and such days are very good for Manifestations. It was the Equinox and the Full moon and as per the Indian culture there was Holi which again marks the day of new beginnings and also the Iranian New Year. Balance in the life is the key essence for a healthy life.

It was a very powerful equinox indeed, the moon was beautiful. I have never had the opportunity to celebrate Holi but I would like to one day. I hope you had a lovely time xx

Beautifully said.
My 5 year old nephew was asking me, yesterday, why I was sitting in the grass with bare feet. I told him about the ( healing ) energy of the earth and about the power of plants and trees ( and them being living creatures and all ). I also start to understand more and more why he and especially his 3 year old sister are always taking their shoes/ boots off outdoor whenever they can. Kids are ( naturally ) connected with nature. It's something many adults loose over time.

Much love! xx

Children are so intune with nature and their own bodies and you are so right, it is something that so many lose as they get older, but it is never too late to remember xxx

I 100% percent agree with all of that. In fact, I am gonna take my shoes and socks off, right now.


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