If I Ruled a Part ofThe World, What Would I make You All Do?

in #ecotrain6 years ago (edited)

I have got to hand it to you again @eco-alex, you have brought us another wonderful question and one that I find very playful. I have been thinking on this for a while really, cos lets be honest there is a lot to be done to actually sort out all the shit that is happening right now in the world. A hell of a lot and I for one know that I am not up for doing that job alone. And anyway who wants to be ruled by one person. Not me, so I would never expect anyone else to settle for it either.

Here's this weeks question of the Week "If you were suddenly and unexpectedly elected to be president / prime minister of your country what would be the first executive orders you make?"

I have decided to change it to President of your Continent, because I want things to change on a large scale. So here I sit President of Europe, first things first I get my tribe around me, my community, my people, those who are in my life that are Earth Warriors, who put the earth's well being First. Cos once we take care of the earth then we are taking care of ourselves, it's a no brainer really. But fecking hell, some people just don't get it.

So anyhow back to bringing about radical change. All activists/earth warriors that have been imprisoned will immediately be released and 1000 trees will be planted for each year, that each one of them has been imprisoned. So to break that down, lets imagine Sarah was imprisoned for 8 years for obstructing the building of a motorway, 8,000 trees are planted in her name at a destination that she chooses and so on.

All logging of Old Growth Forest is Banned and so is the import of wood from old growth forests and from exotic forests. Anyone found importing them will be humiliated publicly and the community will decide how best to deal with them. There will be an immediate ban on plastic within the whole of Europe, we survived before without it and we will survive again. There will be designated days each week for Beach clean ups, forest clean ups and overall natural world restoration. A lot of money will be pumped into finding out the best ways to deal with the waste that is collected.

There will be no more expansion of motorways or industrial areas, and certainly no more building of hideous shopping centres. There will be no more money put towards fashion, unless it is from recycled materials. Any buildings not being used will be turned into community spaces., for art, music and workshops. There will be a huge injection of money pumped into improving the quality of soil around the whole of Europe, I am talking mushrooms, worms, Regenerative Agriculture, Carbon Sequestration (check out this great post here for more info).

Any land that is not been used in and around all cities will be changed into allotments, with grants put in place to help people get started and free workshops on Permaculture Design. All pesticides and herbicides will be banned, throughout the whole of the continent.

There will be grants given to those who plant hemp. Hemp will be grown and used for everything, cos this plant is amazing.

All animal testing will stop immediately, all those animals that have been tortured will be re-homed with grants going out to those who take them on. There will be unexpected checks on the said homes to make sure the animals are being looked after. All fur is banned and so is hunting. Anyone found torturing animals, will have the same thing done to them, that they were doing to the animal.

Every flat rooftop will be turned into a green living roof and all children will be involved in designing and creating them. School is not mandatory in any country, children decide where and when they learn and they create their own curriculum for the year, in a space that they wish to use. There will be no segregation of ages, everyone mixes together. They are responsible for their space and only adults chosen by them will be allowed to be part of that space. There will be a Rewilding movement put into place immediately, designed to get more and more people back into the wild, back in touch with nature, back intouch with themselves.

Women will no longer attend hospitals to birth their babies. They will decide whether they want support from any professionals and there will be birthing centres set up for those who do not wish to birth at home. There will be 24 hour support networks put in place for parents to be and new parents. Child Protection services will cease to exist, it is pretty obvious that they are not working and they are creating even more problems. Support services will be put in place and communities will need to look out for their members. You see someone in trouble you intervene, each community will have respected Elders that will decide what is the best way to proceed. Everything is out in the open, no more suffering in silence. We name and shame, no running away, each person has to face up to what they have done.

Okay now I am getting carried away with all of this, but the more I write, the more that comes into my head and I am only meant to write the first executive orders that I would make. I haven't even tackled the whole meat and diary industry yet. But unless you are willing to kill the animal you wish to eat, in the most respectful and humane way, then you don't eat meat. And another thing, the only milk that a human drinks is their mothers milk. Sorry milk lovers but that just has to happen. I meant how fecked up is it that some folk, get upset seeing a mother breastfeed their baby, yet they are drinking milk that came out of a cows tit. I mean come on! Seriously!

And then there is renewable energy, I really got to get all of that put in place. Everybody has to get involved in community events, there will be no strangers living next door to you. Everybody makes it their business to know how their neighbour is, in the most respectful way of course. There will be a token system put in place in each neighbourhood, so that if anyone needs help or assistance they will receive it. We all got something we can offer be it skills, time, or company. Damn but sometimes I would be quite happy for some one to come play me some music in exchange for some of my veg. Or come show me how to carve a spoon in exchange for some of my cooking.

And it goes without saying that Steem is accepted everywhere.

Okay so I know there is so much more I could talk about, oh yeah one more thing, Rites Of Passage, it is time to reintroduce and encourage them because this is exactly what we need in order to start healing ourselves. I will leave it there, with lots more things swimming round my head, like free access to arts and music, but enough enough. We will start with the above and watch everything flow from there.

So if you want to come live in my world contact me on here.

8 Pillars of TribeSteemUp



Goin' Hammurabi for the animals Babylon style I see. I wonder what the punishment for hitting a squirrel with a car would be? Def cant run the perpetrator over with a mac truck... Haha just messing with you, great write up. I am wondering what your stance would be on manufacturing organic hemp textiles for clothing on a limited basis in your land? I am all about recycled clothing, but I think banning new clothing production completely might not be ideal. How about just banning mass production of clothing, and banning ALL production of synthetic fabric, and ban all textile production practices that harm the environment with excessive carbon footprints. This idea as a whole will raise the price off all clothing in Europe, but recycled will most def be the less expensive option in most cases, pushing people towards that more. This will also cause people to treat their clothing as more sacred garments -valuing them higher, and treating them with more TLC. What are your thoughts on this? @Hempress and I are huge proponents of herbal dyed/low impact dyed unbleached organic fabric for clothing using practices with little or no synthetic chemicals... And with the hemp revolution upon us, it is only a matter of time before it will be cheaper (and better) to produce textiles in hemp over cotton. Bless up.

I did get a bit carried away with the whole clothing industry, so much waste, love your idea of using only organic natural materials and yes definitely hemp, the world needs more hemp. Would so have to get you and Hempress on board, ye can come over here and do some workshops and educate the masses on sustainable clothing and natural dye's. I am so looking forward to hemp taking over xx

We are def on the right path in life, setting the world back on its natural course again at all costs. Blessings sista. Let us know if you ever need anything that we can provide.

Wow,yes! Awesome iseas i just love it. U got my vote

Yeah Thank you Alex, looking forward to seeing some of this happen xx

Sign me up!! I think you have his so many mains on the head here. One love!

ha ha yeah it is all in the pipeline xx

It looks like you really gave this a lot of thinking hihi :D You seem like you have a plan set up in place and are waiting for the opportunity to make it real and lol of course steem would be accepted everywhere hihi. Great read! 💚

thank you @zen-art, once I started to write it it just all came out and to be honest if it wasn't for my kids needing their mum I would have wrote a lot more xx

Nice! Last night I glanced over the beginning of your post, and decided to write one myself. Until then I had felt very restricted with reality, trying to make some serious suggestions which ultimately bumped into some sort of "can't do that!" But President of Europe? Sure why not! Now, after carefully reading the whole bit, I can say I fully agree with your proposals. Your ideas are great, and I would certainly vote for you. :-)

thank you, well I thought if we are going all out why not rule over Europe, with my tribe beside me of course, just read your answer and it was great xx

Ouch...!!! It all sounds like it would be too much fun... lol. I love your ideas, I do and I also wish for a world where people see that the more you hurt mother earth, the more you hurt yourself in the process. On one hand, I would hope these changes could be done without force, making people chose this way instead of creating more rules and laws but on another hand I wouldn't mind pulling out all the old guillotines out again:

Off with their heads!

come on off with their heads for sure haha, I had a lot of fun with this question, but also it did make me realize how simple things would be if everyone just gave a damn about the earth. I hope you are well my friend xxx

Yes I am very well, just harvested a couple thousand dollars worth of dimensional lumber from that job of mine 😁!

I think we'll build a tree house with some of it.

Giving a damn, even just a little is all it would take really! Again, great post. I hope you're all well too.

Posted using Partiko Android

oh I am so jealous, you will have to post some photos xxx

Just posted about the lumber and flats that we can build with!


It's pretty insane the amount of stuff I was able to get!

Ooh and I forgot all about our upcoming trip to central america!!! Escaping the last of winter!

Posted using Partiko Android

and now I am really really jealous, where are you going? xx

Heading to a little festival called Envision in Costa Rica! Aside from the fest, we have no plans... so we'll be roaming around!

Oh ya! I'd vote for you and be part of your tribe of Earth warriors!
You covered alot of ground but really it is all doable if people can pull together and work for a better world with love and compassion!

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