EcoTrain Question Of The Week! "Why do you think most people judge each other. Is there value in it, does it help?"

in #ecotrain6 years ago (edited)

I think it is important for me to clarify what I see judgement as, when we use the term in relation to judging people. For me, It is the opinions that we form about others. Sometimes, we can be quiet quick to judge and at other times it can be something that happens over a period of time. In some regards judgement is quiet natural, but there are different types of judgement. It is just like seeing the best or worst in others, just as we see the best and worst in ourselves.

Trying to Make the right judgement about someone is actually a big responsibility.

We can pass judgement by simply observing some people, by getting a feel for them and the energy that they send out. Or we can pass judgement in superficial ways, dictating what a person is like by what they wear, by how they speak. All of these are quick judgements and rarely give us the right impression of someone. We change everyday and just because some one acts one way today, does not mean that they are always that way. How we feel affects the energy we give off, so it is not always a reliable way in which to get a real feel for a person.

Overall though passing judgement on others, does however seem to be something that is ingrained into to us. We seem to do it as freely and as frequently as thinking. And it is mostly done in a negative way. We live in a society where we are constantly bombarded with images on how we should look and how we should act. Receiving pressure from all sides, all directions. So is it any wonder that when we look at others, we always seem to pass some sort of judgement.


We are living in a world, where so much is invested into our physical appearance. With so many People spending so much money on how they look, needing to be seen, wanting to show that they are making an effort, because they are expecting to be judged by others. It is a viscous cycle , where one is always expected to keep up appearances, to not falter, to always be well presented. They know that they will be frowned upon if they do not, they will be seen as lazy. Society expects people to fit into their idea of what is deemed acceptable and if they do not, then the people themselves will make sure you feel unworthy. So much time and effort put into something that is actually making you more unhappy. Yet some people do it, why?

We are living in a world, where we are advised to strive for perfection in all that we do. That perfection is needed in order to be successful. There is no room for failure, there is no room for mistakes. When this is what one hears all the time, how can we then, not past judgement on to others. When we strive to find ourselves, within this manufactured world, that places more value on appearances, on possessions rather then on who you are as a person. How will we ever find our place, when all these unrealistic expectations are placed upon us, isn't it easier to just project how we really feel about ourselves onto others. Doesn't it make us feel better, if we make them out to be the ones who have not succeeded, who are not good enough, who are struggling to fit in. Isn't it less painful that way.


It is always easier to pass things along, than to actually accept them, and none more so that when we should be accepting ourselves and who we have become. If we felt happy and content with ourselves, if we could just accept ourselves for who we are, then we would have no need to pass negative judgement onto others. If we didn't have this urge to fit in at all costs, if we didn't put so much pressure on ourselves to conform. Because when we do this, we are setting ourselves up for a fall. It feels like some people are constantly chasing a dream. A dream that they feel they can never achieve because they do not believe that they can, because they are held down by the chains of their own self judgement.

When we are judging others in a negative way, it is because we see something of ourselves in them. Something that we want to change but feel powerless to do, feel afraid to do.

But how we feel changes all the time, things happen in our lives that cause a lot of upheaval and sometimes it is easier to judge others than to face up to the fact that we need to make a change. Our frustrations in life can turn into judgements that we project onto others, because it is easier to do that then work on ourselves. To project our thoughts outwards instead of where they need to go, inwards. To give our self time and understanding, to begin a journey towards self acceptance, towards self love.


So does it help to judge others, that really depends, on how you are judging them. Yes it is possible to make good judgements, judgements that help you get to know some one, that help you connect with someone. I believe I am a good judge of character, but I am someone who likes to take the time to get to know people. I like to be on the edges observing and although I find myself making quick judgements I know it is unfair to do so. I know that we really need to spend time with some one in order to get to know them properly. I know that the clothes, that the appearance does not make the person. Although I am working on not being so skeptic of people in suits.

But when our judgement comes across as a criticism and we do not take it as a opportunity to learn more about ourselves, then it is very damaging. These thoughts are painful for those that we direct them at and they take us away from the direction that we really need to be going in. We are projecting how we really feel about and see ourselves, but we are not acknowledging it.

When we meet someone it is always a great opportunity for growth, because how we react to that person, shows us more about ourselves then it does about them. Like I said previously, we react sometimes to one behaviour we don't like, but that behaviour does not define a person, we need more time to get to know people. But the behaviour we judge is possibly something we wish to achieve but can't, or it is perhaps something you do but are not yet aware of.


Every time we meet someone, it brings with it, the gift for more self awareness, if only we could all recognize and accept that. If only we could all see it as a gift.

8 Pillars of TribeSteemUp



Nice one!!! I gery much agree with ur ending, spot on! Its so true that we have a gift
And opportunity to grow and raide our perspective witj each person we meet! Judging does seem like a lazy way out of that opportunity!

thank you Alex, just imagine how things would be if every meeting was seen as a gift, what a world, I really think we have been programmed to judge to a certain degree, wow so much more to say and still coming up, it's a great question xxx

I Really appreciated reading this @trucklife-family. I think that often I find myself

on the edges observing

I like to get to know people and allow my experiences with them form the depth of relationship we might have. I have learned recently that I do have certain judgements that I didn't even realize I held.

I really liked the song you included - very fitting.

thank you beautiful for your comment, I hope you are well, things have been super busy for me, I so loved your oil post, loving your beautiful witchy self xxx

This is so beautiful. Imagine if we all approached each other as gifts instead of being hyper critical. Imagine how much could be possible if we all worked with each others gifts, instead of competing with each other! What a vision, so much could be possible.

thank you @celestialcow, I really do like to imagine what the world would be like if we did meet one another in such a positive way, what a world we could create xx

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