ecoTrain Question Of The Week: Lawful kidnapping by the State (Child Protection, Social Services) is a symptom of a modern day crisis. What are the issues that lay behind the increasing trend of State taking children away from their parents, and .......

in #ecotrain7 years ago

Lawful kidnapping by the State (Child Protection, Social Services) is a symptom of a modern day crisis. What are the issues that lay behind the increasing trend of State taking children away from their parents, and what can be done to prevent abhorrent injustice?

This is a huge and very important question!

It is one that has brought up alot of emotions in me. I am aware that there does need to be support put in place for children who suffer neglect, but in reality what I am seeing is multiple businesses being set up for profit. When once we lived in communities that had a place for everyone and everyone was cared for. Now we stand segregated, alienated and disempowered. What the C.P.S and Social Services are doing by kidnapping children, is reinforcing this and weakening us.

If these lawful kidnappings continue at this rate and especially if they are taking children who 'they' consider at risk, then the more this is going to personally affect us all, if it hasn't done so already.

In the U.K alone, 2 out of 6 homes on an average street has had intervention from Social Services.

This is massive and very worrying.

So why is this happening and when did it begin?

Globally we have a long history of children being stolen/kidnapped from their families by those in authority.

In Ireland, where I come from, there is a terrible history, with the Magdalene Laundries, that ran from the 1800's up to the late 20th century, which housed women and children many who were born there or others who were forcefully removed if the women brought there were pregnant. Where did these children end up? In the 1950's over 60,000 women had their babies taken from them,mostly because they had gotten pregnant outside of marriage. These babies where sold mostly to families in America. In nearly every town throughout the country you will meet families who have been affected by this barbaric act. All of these young woman had no choice and were told that all of this was being done in the 'child's best interests' and to save them from bringing disgrace to their families. In my final year in school I met one elderly lady who had spend most of her life in a mental health institution (this is where I met her) at the age of 17 she fell pregnant and was admitted to a home so that she could be hidden away and not bring shame upon her family. Her baby was born and immediately taken from her. She never got to hold her own baby. Everyday since then she slept with a doll and that doll became her baby, she took it everywhere and cared for it. When I met her she had been doing this for nearly 50 years.

Childs Best Interests

In England and Wales thousands of babies where taken and placed in forced adoptions throughout the 1950's, 60's and 70's. Reaching a peak in 1968, when more than 16,000 babies born to unmarried mothers were handed over to new families. “Sadly for unmarried mothers, adoption was considered to be in the best interests of the mother and child because of the associated stigma and the lack of support for lone parents.”

Fast forward to present day and again we are being told that all children taken by Social services are done in 'The childs best interests'., Nothing has changed, it's still the ones who are in power that are taking advantage of vulnerable people for their own gain. Lets tell it like it is, It really is in the best interests of the authorites/Social Services.

In the UK local authorites are given rewards by the government for reaching adoption targets, and up until 2008 fines where given if those targets weren't being met.

Under New Labour policy, Tony Blair changed targets in 2000 to raise the number of children being adopted by 50 per cent to 5,400 a year. The annual tally has now reached almost 4,000 in England and Wales - four times higher than in France, which has a similar-sized population. Blair promised millions of pounds to councils that achieved the targets and some have already received more than £2million each in rewards for successful adoptions. Figures recently released by the Department for Local Government and Community Cohesion show that two councils - Essex and Kent - were offered more than £2million "bonuses" over three years to encourage additional adoptions. Four others - Norfolk, Gloucestershire, Cheshire and Hampshire - were promised an extra £1million.

This is the reality

Thousands of children are taken by Social Services every year and the reasons they give are:

  1. Domestic violence, this includes children hearing or witnessing their parents shouting or yelling.

  2. Parents being aggressive towards Social Services, this includes refusing to engage with them.

  3. Children who have unexplained bruises.

  4. Parents who themselves have been in care or have suffered abuse and as a result are deemed unfit to look after their own children.

  5. Parents who have a history of drug or Alcohol abuse or have a chance of relapse in the future.

  6. Children who have suffered emotional, physical or sexual abuse.

As a mother that list above means that if I was residing in the U.K then my children would be at risk of being legally kidnapped and I would be deemed an unfit mother. Am I alone in thinking this, how many children have heard their parents argue, how many have been out playing and can not explain where their bruises came from because to them it doesn't really matter. How many parents out there have suffered abuse of some sort. This makes us all targets.

On top of that it has come to light that psychiatrists and psychologists, many who have never practiced are being paid huge amounts of money to write reports supporting claims made by Social Services that the parents under investigation are unfit to look after their own children. In many cases these professionals have never even met the parents.

This really is like a game, a way of of keeping the money within authority. It is obvious to me that in order for the government to continue to be in control they have to keep us weak. They are hitting us where it hurts the most, and by taking our children, they are trying to take our future from us. They are desperate to convince us that they really hold the power. They need us to be submissive and fearful because then we are far easier to control, and the fact is that they start this act of terrorism with our children.


In The Long Term

Lets create safe havens for families who are at risk, lets really work at being a community and looking after one another. If there are children who are being neglected or abused it should be the community that steps in and provides the support and care that is needed. It has never been in any child's best interests to be passed around to strangers. We need to start providing for our own communities. Have homes that are always available for any family that needs support.

Lets create a DAPP, a decentralized App that alerts everyone in their community if Social Services or Child Protection Services turn up , in that way anyone who is near by can go to that families house or wherever they may be and stand by them, show a united front. Let Social Services feel intimated and overwhelmed, because the children are our Future and it is in all our best interests to stop these kidnapping.

In The Short Term

We can make sure we stay informed, keep educating the people around us about what is going on. Unfortunately alot of people still believe the lies that the CPS and Social Services tell. These corrupt services need to come to light.This is happening already, we are educating ourselves everyday by sharing our stories, our research. Being part of @familyprotection has allowed us to become part of a global community and with it bringing global awareness.

Be nicer to one another, be more accepting and more tolerant. CPS and Social Services donot care where you come from or the colour of your skin, lets not help them anymore in deepening these already existing divides.

If Social services do approach any of us all we need to say is, 'I have been advised not to speak to you' and walk away, it's important to throw them off guard, but donot engage with them further. Try to stay calm as any sort of anger or resistance plays in their favor.

Get out there and make it your business to know your neighbours, to know the families around you, start by just saying hello. Build on your existing community, group minds hold more wisdom than individual minds. Work on how we communicate with one another, celebrate the great diversity that is present in each community. Find ways to unite one another.

We start with empowering ourselves.With healing ourselves and others. When we join forces we are no longer alone, when people are alone they feel weak and than they are easy targets. But we are not weak, we all have huge potential and we are the ones to do what needs to be done, to change what needs to be changed.

This post is part of the ecoTrain Question of the Week.

Keep an eye out this week on #ecotrain for what our other passengers write on the same question.

We hope to inspire and encourage positive change to help make this world a better place.


This post has been Resteemed and Upvoted by @familyprotection

Governments around the world,
are using "Child Protection Agencies"
to take children away from loving families
and place them in foster care or group homes
or put up for adoption.

Thank-you @trucklife-family for supporting @familyprotection

such an inspired post @trucklife-family . thank you for providing some background history also, that is good to read.

Your suggestions really hit the nail on the head in my opinion, and i REALLY like the idea

Lets create a DAPP, a decentralized App that alerts everyone in their community if Social Services or Child Protection Services turn up , in that way anyone who is near by can go to that families house or wherever they may be and stand by them, show a united front. Let Social Services feel intimated and overwhelmed

I wonder if anyone on Steemit is considering starting something like this. I am happy to support people and advise, but its not really something i can take on from my remote location..

Thank you so much @eco-alex, I'm not technically minded in that way either, but it would be great if there was someone out there that would be interested in creating it. We really need to start to be united in this and provide support for all people in our communities, go back to the way it once would have been. Have elders that everyone could go to, let the welfare of everyone be cared for and nurtured by the people who know them and have their best interests at heart.

I agree, it is essential people know and like their neighbours, feel part of a community, feel held within their community. Life is full of obstacles and its hard work. People do lose their way. If you lose your way, be it with anger, drugs or alcohol abuse, depression, mental health, etc, etc, it is so much easier to come back healthy and strong with neighbourly, community support. If the social services can see your child as part of a caring, larger network of people than just immediate family, surely there is more hope. Whats that quote about it takes a village to raise a child?

Well said, it does take a village to raise a child. Community is so important and something that is really missing in alot of peoples lives today. No one should have to suffer alone, this disconnection we have is a huge problem, and healing it is the solution.

I like the idea of the decentralized app that alerts you to families in your area who are in trouble with CPS and need support.

Great article @trucklife-family !

yes, i was also thinking how powerful it would be to have a few people there when the SS come, but i didn't think of using an app! that could really work!

My idea was this could happen as part of support groups like AA that I wrote about.. then these people would have real life friends or connections that could come and support them.., including the group leaders in serious cases. I was thinking about having a chat with you about this idea but not sure if you really have the time to deal with anything more than you are already doing... So im keeping my eyes open for anyone who says they would want to do this and then im happy to help 'chat it out'.

Ill be doing my 'tie-up' post tomorrow where i link all of our posts this week together .. so that may be a good time to talk about this idea all together.

Thank you @canadian-coconut, I really think we need to start using technology more to help us change what is happening. CPS and Social services are monitoring so many people, we need to beat them at their own game whilst showing a united front.

Great article@trucklife-family, both in terms of highlighting the depth of the problem and suggesting some empowering solutions. This is one of the most sinister ways governments hold power over citizens and it is great to see this community bringing it to light in such a concerted way.

Both infuriating and heartbreaking. Also incredibly well written and researched. I am also all over that list of risk factors too. I really love your solutions. I feel so much better about our situation as we come up with more and more solutions.

Thank you mama, it's been so good connecting with all you wonderful people and becoming part of this global community x

I totally agree. It's absolutely an answered prayer for me.

great post, yes family protection, i like your post,
thanks for sharing

great post like it and upvoted...

Beautiful post. Informative and helpful. Spot on! Never knew you were a Paddy ;) Theirs is a history that has truly been hidden. If folk think that Black people were badly treated, they should look into how the Irish slave was perceived. Disgraceful treatment by British Aristocracy, again....

Thank you @article61. Yes there is a long history of persecution in Ireland. Alot has come out recently about the horrors that women and children went through, and I can only imagine more will follow.

Lets get as much evidence as possible on the Block while we still can. I am beginning to see the beauty of this new tech. Might look into doing some research on them. Take care.

The story of the woman you met in the mental hospital is so heartbreaking.

Thank you for this most excellent post. I agree 100% with your prescriptions for action long and short term.

It is communities of individuals getting to know each other that can “save the world.” It really goes from micro to macro, and not the other way around.

Great post.

Thank you @kafkanarchy84, meeting that woman is something that has always stayed with me and really opened my eyes to some of the realities in the world. It made me question if these institutions really are helping, which led me on a path working in mental health for a while.
People coming together is the key, it's a solution that is so simple yet takes alot of dedication to achieve.

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