Ecotrain Question of the Week- Does the saying "You should respect your elders" still hold true today?

in #ecotrain6 years ago


Does the saying "You should respect your elders" still hold true today?

Elders what does that mean?,for now lets look at it as meaning all old people as in the elderly.

When I was growing up it was pretty common to be told that one must respect their elders. I just accepted that this was the way that it was, however that was not what I saw happening. It seemed to me that once you got older you were seen as a burden and generally shoved to the back of the house or in to a nursing home.

I had only one grand parent alive when I was younger, my grandmother on my mothers side and she was amazing. Always happy, cracking jokes, I really did love to spend time with her, she was the one person I always felt safe with and knew that she would keep me safe. She went out of her way to help others and she looked after some of the older generation in her local village, up until she became too old herself to do so.I had a lot of respect for her. If all elders were like her then yes they do deserve the up most respect.

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Are The Elderly Respected Within Today's Society

In different places around the world, (outside of the western world that is)communities look after the older generation.They generally live with their families and have a valuable place within society. A lot of the time they seem to help look after the children. But here It seems that once you finish your working life and are of no use to Western Society, as in not making any money or contributing in keeping the wheel turning you are not really due much respect. A lot of elderly seemed to get hidden behind closed doors or shoved into nursing homes.

I have worked in a few, in Ireland, the U.K and Australia and I for one would not like to end up there. They are unfortunately shown little respect and have no freedom, they eat, sleep and wash when they are told to. If you try and refuse you are seen as a trouble maker and your life will be all the more difficult for it. You are expected to just spend your days in front of a T.V and slowly let your inner flame go out. I had to stop working in these places because it broke my heart, surely no one should have to end their days this way.

I do understand that sometimes families are not able to manage and there is no other choice, but I have seen many elderly people placed in homes, whilst their families fought over their possessions and forget about them.

Today there is a bit of an obsession with wanting to remind young, there is a ton of money being spend on anti-ageing products, be it creams, lotions or plastic surgery. So many people are fearful about becoming old, instead of embracing this part of their live, people are fighting it. Too much youth worship if you ask me.I see this as one of the reasons why there is a lot of discrimination against the elderly. I really am not sure if many old women like to be called old dear or sweetheart, I Know I wouldn't like to be call those patronizing names. Overall I feel that our Elders are not shown a lot of respect within Society.

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Elders/Wisdom Keepers Down through the Ages

There was a time in Western Society were one would have respected Elders within their community. These Elders were not necessarily old people, but rather people who would hold a lot of wisdom and whom the community would approach for advice or council. They would include both old and usually middle aged men and women. The term Elder was then met with respect and held in high esteem. These people earned your respect through their actions and deeds. The would strive towards building a better community for all. Yet they would be humble. These are what Elders are meant to be.

Then there is the magnificent non human elders of our world, the trees. To me it is really important to acknowledge these elders that have been around for hundreds of years and it goes without saying that we should all respect them, but the amount of old growth forest left in the world today is sickening.

Today, we are losing old growth forests to logging at an alarming rate. Eighty percent of the world's original forests have already been logged, and much of what is left of these precious resources is altered fragments. Most of the remaining large tracts of intact forests on the planet are contained in just three countries: Canada, Russia and Brazil.

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Respect in general is something that is lacking today. There is an overall lack of respect for our planet and for all living beings. There is a lack of respect for young people, I see so much disrespect towards children, but that rant is for another day. There is such a huge lack of respect between men and women and between women themselves. So it's not really surprising that their is a lack of respect for the elderly in general.

On a personal note, I respect people who are kind, open, courteous and actually give a shit about the world and all of the amazing human and non human beings in it, who actually are actively making a difference locally or globally. I have no respect for those in power and those who preach, or try and force their way of life on me, be they young or old.

What do you think?

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Ah yes I have no respect for elder like .. cough cough... Trump! You gotta be good folk. Although essentially we should respect all life. I adore the way you it to trees and the planet. Where do these questions come from, by the way...?

thank you @riverflows I agree totally, the questions come mosty from @eco-alex the driver on the ecotrain, I've been a part of that community for a while now and it's great,, the questions are always really thought provoking , here's a link for our last magazine on here. There is a link for the discord group at the bottom, if you want to check it out

Thankyou!!! 💙💙💙

While growing up (a long time ago) "respect your elders" was the first lesson learned. Following that was respect others and "treat others with the respect you wish to receive" and so on.
I went shopping today and was appalled when a younger person blew through a door almost knocking an elderly lady down, he didn't even say "excuse me" as he was texting while running away. Having respect for others, people and everything else, is what makes this world a nicer place. The actions of younger people now, almost make it not worth staying around for. Let them destroy everything, let them respect what is left, NOTHING! just my opinion...

Yes having respect for everything is so important, it does upset me to see some of the youth have such disrespect for their elders, it is common decency to show all people respect when we are out and about, unless of course they have shown a reason why they should not receive it. Thank you @mitch94541

Aaah yes, an insightful article. Our modern world, at least in the United States, has sadly strayed from honoring elders (of all types as you mentioned). I am one of those elders, and I have a deep concern about nursing home scenario . I never want to be there in that situation, and that is part of the driving force that motivates me to take the best care of myself that I can within my means. I will acknowledge that I did not honor my elders, in the highest sense of the word as I should have when I was younger. I was polite and respectful, yes, but true honoring, I really don't think I was aware of it consciously. A lot has happened in the last several years that have awakened me to so many aspects of living that just were skimmed over in my younger life of responsibilities of family, work, etc. Really good to shed a light on these types of topics. I do find it true today that a general attitude toward elders seems to be that of tolerating older people, but does not go beyond that. However, there are also many younger people who show complete respect. It is a mixture for sure. Everyone needs to be honored. We are all unique in our own.

Everyone needs to be honored. We are all unique in our own.

This sums it up so well, thank you for sharing your wisdom with us @shevans.

I really appreciated reading this. I have also seen the ugly side of how poorly elders are cared for when no longer "of use". The general lack of respect for the planet, for animals and people is a huge issue and one that weights on me terribly from time to time. Thanks for writing this. You shared some truly important insights.

thank you @walkerland, I feel exactly as you do, it is all tied together. But waves of respect are making there way out and it starts with people like us xx

I respect people that deserve respect whether they are young or old. Generally older people deserve respect but a few of them are pretty ignorant. I've seen people much older then me act like they have the emotional maturity of a 16 year old.

of course we do come across people who are not deserving of our respect, that goes across all ages. But for me there is such a huge level of overall respect for life in all it's forms missing in our lives. Thank you @canadianrenegade

I do agree with you that overall society has a lack of respect for life and especially for the older generations.

Respect is for everyone irrespective of sex, age, color, race or whatsoever. We should respect everyone! You can read more about this at @thegreens

Fact! Me too, i will not want to end up in an elderly home and i wish i will stay with my kids and family until i die. @trucklife-family, its great that you reminded us about the fear of old age but i am inspired that you also thought about respect for nature which is the eldest. Great minds think alike. We must respect the laws of nature and Mother Earth if we want our children to respect us in the future! Check out my thoughts on #RespectElders

thank you @thegreens, yes nursing homes are not very nice, not the ones I have seen anyhow. I could not talk about Elders without mentioning trees x

I read this earlier today and forgot to comment, u are a Saint for working in old ppl homes, I can't imagine that environment. I used to walk past one and I could see in through the windows are it all looked quite creepy. There was talk of putting my grandma in a home but the price of it in Austria is 3k a month and was totally unaffordable, but I think the whole experience is nicer there but I don't know. What I know is a doctor prescribed her too many pills when she was 50 so the doc could make money out of her. This is what our society is structured around, big pharma and keeping ppl pill poppers to fuel economy, sick ppl =money. I honestly believe that most of these drugs aren't necessary and cause degeneration of the body quicker but at the same time keeping ppl alive by a shoe string. This system needs to end! Let the trees and the plants be our teachers 💚

yes the health system really puts a lot of time into making us dependant on them, there is huge money to be made. and yes let the trees and the plants be our teachers thank you @celestialcow xx

Right on. Youth worship concerns me profoundly. Ever watched a group of grown ass people vie for the attention of teenagers? Everyone still wants to be cool. Im totally guilty of it. Working in elder care ate me up too. Ive told my mom ill never put her in one. Honestly just like @likedeeler said, theres some amount of respect just for making it that far. Watching people discard perfectly lovely parents always made me a bit sick.

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