"Bearing in mind the health and state of our western culture and society today, do you think we have too much freedom?"EcoTrain Question Of The Week

in #ecotrain6 years ago

The Health and State of Our Western Culture.

So what is the Health and State of Western Culture, of Mainstream Society. From my recent stay in Ireland I can say that it is a diet of Media fed lies and Pharmaceutical poisoning.

I spend my time between my parents and my sisters and as a result I got a glimpse into what most of the people are exposed to and also what they willingly put into their bodies. I saw some of the mind numbing programs that they watch on television and the constant bombardment of advertising that is aimed at them day after day. All of this is the norm, all of this they think nothing of it. This is their reality and going hand in hand with this is the fact that there are now record high numbers of people attending hospitals, taking pharmaceuticals day in and day out. They have become hugely dependent on the medication that they take and yet when you ask them about the side effects they seem to have no clue. Just total trust in their doctors, in the medical system.

Don't get me wrong, there is a time and a place for the medical profession, but so much power is handed over to them and as a result people continue to abuse and disrespect their bodies because they believe that the Doctors can help, that there will be another little pill that will make it all better. I have worked in the mental health system, I have seen people being put on new medication that the pharmaceutical companies have been pushing. Medication that is on trail and as a result that person is a guinea pig. They then have to come off their old medication as a result, so that gets lower, which extra meds to help with side effects and the new one is started alongside. I have seen people who have been taking medication that is only meant to be prescribed for short term usage, and yet 5, 10 years later they are still on it. Medication that is destroying their liver and kidneys. Medication is always prescribed first before any other treatment, always. The withdrawal symptoms of all of these meds are horrible and extremely dangerous. Yet this information is not given.


And then there is the food, the food that people consume, the majority of fast food everywhere. The amount of people who just don't cook anymore, eating food that they have no idea what it is made up of, but happy to eat it, because it is convenient and they saw it advertised on the television. This is the big one The Television, that box that does all their thinking for them. The box where they become more involved in the lives of T.V stars than members of their own families. Where they show more concern and get more upset about some fictional character than those in their own life..

The magic box that now tells you what is deemed attractive, that pressurizes you into conforming just that little bit more. Yes, come sit in front, of that now huge Box and conform some more, cos we know what you need to be happy. Stay indoors watch all this make believe and lose touch with what really matters. Lose yourself in the box and you no longer need to deal with your life, with your emotions, this big box can become your reality.

And now you don't need or want to be outdoors, outdoors is now dirty, outdoors is now unsafe. Nature is not your friend, but something that you should disregard and pollute, cos who needs the outdoors when we keep on making bigger and bigger screens, screens you can lose yourself in.

All hail the Big Magic Box!

Because here is something that entertains me and I don't lose any energy by watching it. No need to interact with anyone, no need to get to know my neighbour, and anyhow they are acting a bit weird , just like so and so on the box.

So follow suit, behave, make sure everyone stays in line, make sure the kids go from school to screen and all will be well.

So, Do I think We Have Too Much Freedom.

To be honest I think the majority of people in Western Society have no idea what Freedom is. But then freedom means different things to different people. To me it means being free of influence, being free to be wild, to be my true self. Being free to live naturally, to choose how to live my life, how to raise my children. Being free to think for myself and free to have control over my mind, my body.

I chose to have that freedom and it has led me to travel and move and for the time being to settle in a place where I can be relatively free.

Of course we could say that the people in Western culture chose to live that way, that they choose to watch T.V and to take medication and in one way, maybe yes they did, but that is also all that they know. There culture is one that has been forced on them from a young age. At least they can travel freely, that in itself is a huge freedom, considering all those that die daily trying to flee their country, not having the freedom to come and go as they please. To them we in the West have the ultimate freedom.

But it is not as simple as that, living in a culture of dominance in a culture of manipulation no one is ever really free, not if you live within the system. Not if you work for the system. So no I do not think we have too much freedom, as @eco-alex said very well inhis post , it is the ones in power that have too much freedom!

What Do You Think?

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So true , good post!

To be honest I think the majority of people in Western Society have no idea what Freedom is. But then freedom means different things to different people. To me it means being free of influence, being free to be wild, to be my true self. Being free to live naturally, to choose how to live my life, how to raise my children. Being free to think for myself and free to have control over my mind, my body.

Couldn't agree more apart from raising kids, mines grown up

thank you @offgridliving, I see you are in North Spain, I am down south near Granada in the mountains, small world, following you now and welcome to steemit xx

I dont think that they in power have too much freedom, I think we all have the same choice to choose for yourself. But many of us choose the comfortable way of living and happily giving away their freedom for a comfortable life. It is somthing brave to choose ulternly freedom, that is what many of us longs for but are afraid of putting into practice. People with power, they have choosen taking more freedom, and of course, they use the freedomof others for their own goals. But I dont belive in victims. Noone can take away our freedomin freedom in and soul, in our mind and thinking. We can just give it away.
Much love to you darling!
Very well written!

thank you Niina, much love to you too, I hope you are well and having a beautiful summer xx

Yes I have:) Thanks lovely!

yep! i think that is really it.. as you say.. most people have no idea what freedom is. and it does mean different thing to different people.. but much of it is in the mind.. to have a free open mind is a great thing!

<3 xx

Yes it is @eco-alex, an open mind, that is something that is quiet rare in western culture, some places more than others xx

A very well thought answer as usual. I loved how you presented your viewpoint but mentioned 'freedom means different to different people' too and acknowledged that it doesn't have a fixed definition. I agree with you to a great extent and believe that we don't have genuine freedom because the lives that most of us or living our dictated by those who feed us which in most cases aren't our own selves.

hello Lovely, how are you, I do miss seeing you on here, thank you for your feedback. I hope you are well and happy, much love beautiful mama xx

I definitely agree those in power have more freedom. Like I said in my post, they have the freedom of being above the law. I have mixed feelings about average folks, though. For sure they've been manipulated and even poisoned, but at some point we have to take responsibility for waking ourselves up. I heard a former soldier speak at a peace rally one time, and he was so clear that it was his choice to join, and he held himself accountable and responsible for murder. So many are manipulated into joining, but he said he knew what he was getting into, and it was his fault for not looking deeper. Of course some are more likely to question than others, but just like we can't live our lives blaming our parents for all our problems, at some point we have to take responsibility for this life and this magical earth. So much love to you, mama.

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