Abundance Woes: What have you had too much abundance of, and how did you deal with it? EcoTrain Question Of The Week!

in #ecotrain5 years ago (edited)

Abundance, a word that I have always viewed as being positive. Especially when I look to nature and witness the abundance of life that surrounds us. No matter where you are in the world, you are surrounded by life. We are made up of an abundance of life giving cells and nature provides us with an abundance of plants in which to aid us in our quest to live a life of balance. Natures way is to provide all life with an abundance of what it needs.

But then @eco-alex posed this question, asking us to look at our abundance woes. So here I find myself being forced to see the dark side of abundance. Which of course exists, it's just I would never chose to associate that word with it. Abundance to me sounds joyful and something that you would want to embrace, not frown upon and wish to discard. But really any abundance that comes into our lives, we should deal with it,be it the good or the bad.

So what are my abundance woes. Well the one thorn in my side, as the saying goes has to be plastic. It is everywhere, some of the food I buy is wrapped in it, some of the clothes I wear have plastic in it. My children always end up with plastic toys, it is an constant battle trying to keep them away from them. Because of the wonderful exchange boat next to where I live, my girls bring back things from there, that are inevitably made of plastic. In one way at least those things have been re homed and not put in the ground, but I still to not wish to promote plastic, especially to my children.

I remember being in Morocco a few years back, and at the time the local people seemed to have a bit of an obsession with plastic bags. Anytime I went to a souk, they would try and give me bags to put my food in even though I had my own cloth bag. One guy actually took my cloth bag from me and put it into a plastic bag, whilst looking very pleased with himself. They really seemed to love how convenient the bags were, but then everywhere I went I saw plastic bags that had been dumped, all along the roads, on the beaches and at times I even saw some goats eating them.


So what do I do, with this abundance of plastic. I have been trying to cut down on the amount of plastic that I bring into my home, but it is just inevitable. Of course I will continue to cut down , I would love to see myself not using plastic in the future. But the plastic I do have now, well I needed to find a solution. So over the last few months I have been making plastic eco bricks.

Me filling my 4th bottle, using the mental rod to ensure that all the waste inside is properly compressed.

The community I live in, has come up with the idea to make a children's space out of ecobricks, something that the local children will be involved in building too, once enough bricks have been made. Every bit of non-recyclable plastic and non-biodegradable waste that I have purchased or received has been put into these bottles. I have had some friends bring me their plastic and waste as well. I have 3 x 6 litre bottles filled with everything from plastic wrapping, foil, caps that I have cut up, packaging etc. If anything is too big I just cut it up and put it in. It has to be packed quite hard, so i use a metal rod to really compress everything in there. There can be no gaps and it also has to be a pretty solid weight. You really have to make sure it is unsquishable.


This has been a wonderful way to educate my girls about plastic, about the dangers of it and also about the ways in which we can try and deal with it. Of course the best solution is to not buy it, to not use it. But it does exist in our world, we have it in abundance and this has been my way of trying to deal with it. Because we can no longer turn a blind eye, we can not rely on others to sort our shit out. We need to take responsibility for the way in which we live our lives.

Drop off space for the bottles, at the local community market

What would have happened to all that plastic, all that non biodegradable waste if I didn't choose to make eocbricks. It would have ended up in landfill. It can take up to 1000 years for plastic to decompose and all the while toxins are leaking out into the earth, out into the water.

By making ecobricks, I have found a way to protect the environment temporarily until I cut out the use of plastic completely. I have taken responsibility for some of my abundance of waste.

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Great post @trucklife-family. I never knew how bad a problem it was in some countries until the more recent awareness has crept into the media. While I try to not pay attention to too many sources of media in today's world, it's impossible not to see and know the effects of the overuse of plastic. I'll share a link with you that you've likely heard of concerning a new "ball of water" that contains water without plastic and is safe to consume. Seems like an interesting and promising way to hopefully make a dent in the issues around the world. If it does take off, it will likely take time to make it's way around the world. I know I would certainly give it a try:


thank you @stellborne, yeah plastic was not really introduced to some countries until later, so they are still at the stage of seeing this product as being a lot more affordable and convenient, yet not really realizing the long term problems, I had heard of these bottles.
Thanks for the link, I had heard of these bottles xx

Go u!! What a difference that makes, so much plastic now contained! It will make like much easier for the day when we start mining our dumps for treasure!

Now id love to get my hands on a ‘mental stick’ so i can follow u! ;))

you know there are a lot of people who already do mine the dumps and find great ways of using up other people's trash. I know that this is not the greatest solution, but I think it does help a bit, esp with all the horrible smaller pieces that really seem to get out and pollute the environment. If we each done this, it would help some what.

i just happened to have a mental rod but any stick that fits inside would work xx

We were just talking about plastic pollution in Bali... it's awful. One of my big bugbears... I hate it! Glad to see you've found a way to deal with it. Be cool to see this children's space when its done!!!

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I know i can not wait until we start to build it, but we need a lot of bottles for that, but the whole community is involved so hopefully it won't take long. When you come visit me I can introduce you to my amazing Friend Dazzy that started it all xxx

This is a really good way to contain the plastic problem @trucklife-family - yay you! I DO worry that one day all those toxins will end up in our soil and our ground water, but then they were going to anyway. Loving you taking responsibility for REDUCING firstly, and then wisely managing your glut as best you are able. Great contribution.

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I know it is not the best solution, I really hope to stop using plastic in the future, but what to do with those pieces I have now, this seem like the best solution for me, something I could do whilst also educating my girls. Thank you lovely one for all your support xx

"whilst also educating my girls." Nailed it. You're an amazing mom. And it's the best solution so far, and within our personal power. Impressive all round.

thank you Lovely xx

Oh eco-brics! How wonderful! I know some people in Guatemala who are raising awareness of plastic, using this exact technique. And there plastic is a HUGE problem. The roads are literally lined with it, worse than in Mexico.
Once you have many bottles like that, it can be stacked up and covered with cob (or concrete, if you must). The former is preferable, of course... though on the downside, (and I really don't want to be ripping on an otherwise good solution here!) imagine re-using that same cob, with all that plastic breaking up inside...!

I know, it is not the perfect solution at all, but I believe it takes some strain off the earth, until we come up with better ways, or ideally stop using plastic, that would be the best solution by far. I hear you re cob and plastic but I am thinking to try and encourage some fungi to grow alongside it, but you know nature would probably do that anyhow, I do have a lot of faith in her xx Thanks for dropping by @stortebeker and great to hear about the projects in Guatemala xx

As always @trucklife-family, your posts are amazing. If every person of this planet did a ecobrick as you are dooing, maybe most of the plastics environmental problem could be solved.

wow, this is so cool! Would love to see some of the construction with the ecobricks!

thanks @frejafri I will make sure to write about it when it starts x

Oh wow, what a great way to recycle plastic. It will be great to see the finished children's space and use of ecobricks. I love that community project. Yes, plastic is a bugbear of mine too, especially the poor whales and sealife too. It is great to come across new ways of upcycling and making use of waste. I have to say I am inspired.

ah thanks @hopehuggs, yeah the amount out in the oceans is shocking xx

gosh I really do hate plastic although I'll admit, we've got our own share of it with the plastic buckets and plastic cover on the greenhouse, seems nearly impossible to escape. I absolutely love this idea for re-purposing and making use of the plastic. So much better than sending it to goodness knows where.

exactly we really have no idea where it ends up, if any even does get recycled x

So smart and creative! I love that it is a solution and education and pride for community all wrapped up together. How will you connect the bricks?

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