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RE: Who do you trust and how do you trust? EcoTrain Question Of The Week!

in #ecotrain5 years ago

trust is def a funny thing. i've always gone on my intuition, until i learned that sometimes its faulty. its like fairy land. you believe because you want to believe. you want the happily ever after, true love, peace, goodwill and common good.

greed sucks. survival of the fittest sucks. is competition really innate or is it taught to us by assholes who want to be the winners and take everything? i kinda question this social teaching, because i think that type A personalities think they have the "truth" because it is their truth - not everyone elses. but because they control everything, we have no choice but to follow. or do we?

i think it would be interesting to see what would happen if the people that believe in trust and free will and sharing just went off and did their own thing and told the leaders to go fuck themselves. if war is about people fighting over resources or beliefs, i'd say its more likely that the assholes cant stand being ignored and being able to dominate everyone else.

ya im in a weird mood today. i'd say trust comes with recognizing whether you are trying to love a predator. remember, love cannot change the basic nature of who someone is. sometimes you just need to walk away.


I really like your mood today and I agree with what you are saying, and yes sometimes you really do just need to walk away I have been reminded of that often recently xxx

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