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RE: I Bleed to Life

in #ecotrain6 years ago

I love how you honor our bodies so much. I was taught a lot about the power of our moon cycle when I was in native ceremony. Women are not allowed in most ceremonies when they're on their cycle, especially if men are involved. The reason is that the power of a cycling woman is too strong for a man. In that tradition women don't do anything during their cycle. They are to rest and vision for the community and they are totally cared for. I think there would be a huge shift if women were honored in this way and allowed to rest. I think most men are afraid of the power and surely don't want to allow a woman several days of rest. And that has caused a whole host of problems. Right now I'm dealing with such mixed emotions because menopause is dealing me such a tremendous blow. I'm super duper ready to crone. I am grateful for the power that was gifted to me and the beautiful thing it has been, but I'm ready to move on.


I'm so glad to hear you are ready to hit crone. I'm still a bit reluctant - i think I'm a few years off but it's starting to do funny things - i guess it's a sign it's a-coming and when it comes, I'll be ready for it. Sorry to hear menopause is tough for you - eek - i'm terrified!!!

I am super ready for it. The hot flashes and borderline psychotic rage eased up a few days ago, which is a huge relief for me and probably an even bigger relief for my family. Irregular periods was my first sign because my periods were super regular until they suddenly weren't. I can roll with that, but the hormones and the hot flashes are intense.

Borderline psychotic rage??? Aaaah ... I know that one. Well.. i know who to come to for advice now!!!! I went to a naturopath and im trying to do some things that will ease me through but knowing me it will be a doozy ... xxx

For me it's been pretty similar to pregnancy hormones but a little less weepy. There are a lot of days I feel proud that I didn't physically injure anyone. I need to get in to see someone or at least get some jungle herbs. There's gotta be a plant here that will help me.

oh there is such a long history of women been made to feel weak when in actual fact it is when we are at our strongest. But we need to take the time to nurture and honour our bodies at the time we are on our cycle, we need to tap into that energy. Be gentle with yourself during this transition it is a huge one, you should think about having a little ritual or something to honour this part of your life to really acknowledge was has been and what you are about to become. sending you much love and healing and light xxx if you decide to do so let me know and I will light a candle for you and send you some gentle transformative energy xxx

There is no doubt of our power, and it was really great to be in a community that honored that. I definitely need to be more gentle with myself in general, and especially now. I am sure I will do some kind of ritual, but it doesn't feel super close. I think I probably have at least another year or two. Maybe more. I read recently the average for hot flashes is 7 years, and I have probably only been dealing with those for a year or two. I really hope it's less than 7 years for me. There has been some respite the last few days, though.

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