
Alas, the servants heart is nearly a forgotten ideal.

It is truly a foreign concept in DC! They think themselves RULERS, not employees! Most of them need to be in Prison, not Congress....


Truly! Off to jail with the whole lot, I say!

As long as it is death row; that I am sure most have earned many times over.


Well, I'm not a fan of capital punishment, but there's no question most of them are guilty of a number of things, very likely including sexual assault and murder in most cases. Some of them make me wish I believed in capital punishment.

There are crimes that warrant execution, I hold that as a last resort, but some people are bad enough that removal from the general population is the only safe thing to do. I see very little difference between serial killers, and professional politicians.

They both kill others hopes, dreams, and futures; for their own purposes!


It's really not far off. Besides politicians are responsible for all the secret and not so secret bombing we do.

They are hired killers too. They murder for Money! If we have to kill, to protect our security, it is a sad necessity which I understand. BUT if that same killing is done for profit, THAT is contract killing.

YOU are correct, That politicians are some of the lowest form of life on this planet, and even the few good ones are forever tainted by association with the other scum vermin in DC!

Sometimes you can not even scrape off the stink....


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