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RE: A Typical Day at the Ecovillage of My Dreams - Ecotrain's Question of the Week

in #ecotrain5 years ago

Awesome! It is so true that the day depends on so much to be able to visualize what it would be like!

I like your constant balance of phisical and mental things. We aure need to work together and have that time for our own personals.

Nice post, and I agree with you on the party front!

If you're ever interested in coming to New York state you're absolutely welcome to the Land of Dreams anytime!


Thank you, yes, it all depends on sooo many things, so I tried to focus on the general instead. I would love to come up and see your homestead in the Hudson Valley sometime. :-) It sounds wonderful.

Yes man! I knew you'd like to come one day... we're on the other coast but tavelers will be travelers and we'd live to meet you there one day 😁

Oh, certainly! I'm dreaming of a bike tour from the West to the East coast, hitting all the homesteads, permie farms, and ecovillages on the way! :-)

Oh wow that sounds like a trip of a lifetime!

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