Black Raspberries Everywhere!!!!

in #ecotrain6 years ago (edited)

What to do with so many raspberries?


So we have so many ideas but no real knowledge on how to deal with these berries!!!!

They are Black Raspberries and they are delicious.

When we first started to come to Dream Land (as our little 4 year old homie calls it), I had noticed these big patches of what looked to be berry bushes. I am now very happy we never cut them down for anything, these little berries are so good... but what are we going to do with this abundance???

Before spring started I had roughly cut a path through one of the larger patch of berries, so we could have access to more fruit. By now, this path has been well overgrown but I managed to find it again except there seemed to be many more new berry growth... and I can't bring myself to cutting any of it down, especially when I want to take in all 4 seasons before developing the property. It's a permaculture thing I heard a while back that stuck with me:

Before a permaculture design can be properly planned, one should observe the land in question for at least one year. To see nature run it's course durring all the seasons will give you an advantage for great design.


Yesterday at a rest stop off the high way, I saw a farmstand selling these same berries at almost $10 a handful! I have to say, I was kind of excited to see how expensive they could be... made me think about a small cash stream for the Homestead. We can have a farm stand by the road perhaps!

I always think about making fruit preserves, but I have close to no experience making that!

Besides selling fruit baskets and making preserves, I'm not sure what else to do... Natural dye maybe?


Thus far all we have done with our berries is share with friends and family! We brought about a half a pound to Liberty Festival. People were super happy about it and so were we!

There's nothing wrong with giving the stuff away and sharing it, but what do we do when people start getting tired of it? Oh here they come, I bet they have more berries... AGAIN!

If you have a suggestion, I would happily listen, so please don't hesitate 😁!

Just thought about PIES!!!! Mmmh Delicious Black Raspberry Pies heehee...

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I love blackberries. I could probably just live on blackberries for at least the first summer :) I thought about your capital post. Turn that living capital into social capital - give to friends or make new ones :) or into financial capital - sell them. Also wild blackberries are ripening here in California too. I foraged some while hiking last weekend.

Have you tried Black Raspberries... different from Blackberries! They're sweet and a little tart.

Thanks for thinking of the 8 forms of capital. I should have mentioned that concept to try and get more people thinking about all the many different capitals we have available all around us!

We will be giving away lots and lots... we collected, shared and ate about 2 pounds so far.

Thanks @steven-patrick

We have raspberries!!! Up in the north west there are so many berry fields, and the birds spread the seeds. They are so delicious but it is almost like a noxious weed. We are in the foot hills so our land is wooded but where the woods border open fields it it raspberry, blackberry galore..... They do make good pies, i guess we just enjoy!!!!! :)

In Alaska we found out about so many delicious berries, berries we didn't know about, never heard about.
I think we'll have to make a pie or ten for sure!!!

That's what's happening here, it grows a bit like an obnoxious weed.

Cheers @silvertop, thanks for stopping by!

Berries are such a luxury here in Northern Thailand! Suddenly I have the urge to go out and commune with my mulberry trees and the acerola cherry - none of them much like the soggy monsoonal thing and need some coaxing to hang in there. :) Nice post - following you from Chiang Mai. :)

Thank you @artemislives, I really liked Chiang Mai, we were there for Songcran some years ago.

Oh monsoon season there now?

mmm blessed abundance! yay!

Before a permaculture design can be properly planned, one should observe the land in question for at least one year. To see nature run it's course durring all the seasons will give you an advantage for great design.

this makes my heart so happy to read. go dream land and the coconuts!

fruit leather, freeze, make a beer/wine, or just stick them up your nose- could be fun! :)

Yes very blessed for sure! It was something along those lines, heard it some 10 years ago maybe, when I first heard someone speak about permaculture.

Thank you for the great ideads.. fruit leather, beer, wine... lots of work and learning to do!

Yum!! I would never have this problem, because raspberries are my favorite. I go out every morning, and all the ripe ones go straight to my belly! Should I ever one day have more than I can consume, I’d just freeze them for later.

Aha.. freezing them! We do have a small freezer we could use. We'll make smouthies oh and ice cream!

I love them too!

Thank you for your inspiration @hebrewhousewife 😁.

Oh smoothies! Yes, now I’m craving one!

Yeah me too now!

I've never been a big fan of berries as I always think they're going to be too sour. Can you make them into juice?

These little berries are a bit soure, but they are sweet too! Sure we could make juice, thanks!

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Berries! What bliss. Here in South Africa they sell at a premium - if they are to be found. The only thing we have in abundance is the indigenous Cape Gooseberry. Have you tried freezing them? If you have the space they do very well in a fruit smoothie, or even cooked up from frozen

That makes me wonder what those berries taste like.

Our freezer is tiny, but for now we can do a bunch of smoothy when our generator's on.

Thank you

Our bought berries? Ghastly! They are probably as pumped full of rubbish as most commercial fresh produce. Sadly. Unless we can grow them ourselves (strawberries in small quantities or the gooseberries I mentioned) I refuse to buy berries.

Yeah true, I'm sure they are full of weird stuff! They look so pretty tho... I later, after writing
That post, found some red rasberries and blackberries too!

I don't thinknI'll buy berries again (I want to start eating with the seasons.)

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