Mystery Egg??? On the Homestead & Recipe For Gluten Free, Refined Sugar Free Cupcakes/ Muffins!

in #ecotrain7 years ago


In the last week, despite the icy temps and snow on the ground our girls are laying out the Whazoo!!. That is, of course, because the daylight is increasing. It's time to do some baking, I have got a great recipe at the end of this post for Gluten Free Cupcakes and Muffins that calls for 15 eggs!!! Super Nutritious!

So, when we collected the eggs yesterday... THIS was in the nesting box...


Where or where doth thou cometh?

This is such a tiny little Mystery Egg the kids were squealing with joy! Keep in mind, all of our hens are full grown. There are no pullets!


Fun times on the homestead... Perfect opportunity for a homeschool research project!

Speaking of chickens, does this sight bring y'all as much joy as it does me?

When we have an over-abundance of eggs I like to make quiche, egg salads, and these muffins. They can also be made into cupcakes. I will give the BASIC recipe, and then I will list all the wonderful variations one can use to make all sorts of types and flavors.

15 Eggs (beaten)
3 cups Applesauce
1 3/4 cups Coconut Flour
3 tsp Baking Soda
3 tsp vanilla
3/4 cup Butter (melted)
3/4 to 1 cup real Maple Syrup

Mix all ingredients together and let stand 5 minutes.
Pour into muffin tins lined with muffin liners

Bake at 400 degrees for 12 to 16 minutes

Note: These muffins are very moist, for something less moist, add a dash more of Coconut Flour, or a few TBS of Arrowroot powder

Fun Variations:

These muffins are seriously SO easy and forgiving. You can truly have creative freedom with the basic recipe!

Instead of applesauce, you can use any fruit sauce, and even pureed butternut squash or sweet potatoes (my personal favorite.)

For Banana Nut Muffins, use banana puree, and add walnuts and chocolate chips to your hearts content.

For Chocolate Cupcakes add 1/2 cup cocoa powder and cut the coconut flour to just 1 1/2 cups, instead of 1 3/4 cups

for Blueberry Muffins, use the basic recipe but add in 1+ cup frozen blueberries, and add a little dash of extra Coconut flour.

Try adding nuts and topping with Ganache, or use Nut Butter in place of applesauce

You can also use coconut oil in place of butter if that's how you roll

Get creative!

I'm not kidding, as long as you have the core ingredients, these turn out good every time!

I even use this same recipe to make triple layer Chocolate Cake! Follow the directions for chocolate cupcakes but bake in three round cake pans, keep an eye on the time, they might take a just a wee bit longer than for cupcakes. Once cooled you can ice them with your favorite icing recipe.

What I love about these muffins is that they are quite healthy and the whole family can enjoy them without feeling sick or guilty afterwards.



It sounds like a good recipe, however my mini oven goes only to 250 celcius. Were you talking about celcius when you said 400 degrees?

Fahrenheit!!! Oh my!!!

Hahaha, lol, I guess that was a dumb question huh ;-)

Love it! My kids found a tiny egg a few days ago too! They cooked it, but it had a tiny yolk like thingy in it, and they said it did not taste as good as regular eggs... LOL
We also give all kitchen scraps to our chickens and they LOVE it!

Oh that is wonderful!!! Ha I wonder if the increase in laying with daylight increase is causing their systems to do a silly thing and pop out a tiny egg as they get settled in to their new routines??? HAhaha. We haven't cooked this egg yet, so we shall see...

That's possible, I hadnt though of that! I just shrugged it off as a glitch. The kids loved it though! They find weird eggs fascinating. We have also had humongous eggs lately. Got a double yolker the other day!
We havent had any recently, but we have also had soft-shelled eggs in the past, where it looks like the hen only put on a membrane, and forgot the shell! The kids loved playing with and squishing those...
Its funny the things you find out from having chickens!

I want a tiny egg!!!

Silly chickens! They are very temperamental sometimes. Scraps are great for them! Thank you for sharing this yummy recipe. I can't wait to make some for the kiddos!

I am just commenting because I think the name @sending-arrows sounds interesting! Nice.

Psalm 147:4-5 says, "As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth. Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them: they shall not be ashamed, but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate."- We are raising 3 little warriors who pierce the darkness!

Yes! I knew it had to be something fun!

@sending-arrows that is beautiful!!!

Oh I can't wait for you to try it! I really love it!

Cute mini mystery egg! All them eggs makes me long for my own chickens. One day soon! Thanks for all the cupcake variations. I want to try them all but don't kniw where to start. They all sound so scrumptious. 😋 -Aimee

Thank you!!! Yes and you've got quite the egg-eater to keep fed, don't you!?


If you like chocolate you cant go wrong with starting there, in my opinion!

Don't I though?! Six to twelve a day! I am well known at my local farmers market by the sheer volume of eggs I buy! >D At least I don't have to cook them for him in the morning.

LOL love the tiny mystery egg. When our chickens first started laying the americauna layed a blue one of those and flipped out just like your kids! love the new frog- i did enjoy this post, thanks! <3 :)

thanks @mountainjewel!!

;-) blue eggs are the best!

Love the recipe thanks, I shall try that for sure. You're egg is very cute - they happen usually when the chicken is laying her first for the season :) It's like a preparation egg Lol getting ready for bigger things to come :D

Haha indeed, thanks for reading.

Was there a yolk in the little guy? We get those sometimes. I can't believe you are getting so many eggs! Our girls have slowed down..and started laying in random places haha 🙃

Oh man! Yeah it's craazy! They just started laying like that, I was needing to buy eggs for the last couple of months, until now!

We haven't cracked it open yet, I think I will cook it for breakfast for my 3 yo tomorrow :-)

That egg looks like a double-yolker for sure. Keep the camera handy when you break it open; it'll be worth a picture.

Our hens have been laying up a storm too, and our quail are going gangbusters. It turns out the quail lay some monster double and triple yolk eggs too. My wife wrote her own mystery tale about it.

Yes I read it and commented several days ago! It was a great post! Thanks for stopping by!


Oh cool - thanks to you too! It's fun to see my feed so full of egg baskets today.

Oh, and we've got a similar bucket of kitchen waste on our counter too.

YesI love that! WE homesteaders are easy to please, eh?

Haha, we get those tiny eggs too but I always assume it's from a young hen who has just started laying. And it's the sight of the eggs in the next box that gets me excited . . . just like Easter morning!

Oh indeed it is! Hooray for fresh eggs!

15 eggs!!! crazy! :) this is a sweet meal :) you can fool children to have a cake but actually they have real food instead!

i don't have an oven though... i would love to experiment with cakes. although i don't really like the sweet taste :)

and the small egg? what was all about? there was a small hen making a small egg and a big hen making a big egg? :)

Maybe you could try to play around with the recipe and make pancakes!

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