Stone Soup: Sunday Deliciousness

in #ecotrain6 years ago

When I was little I loved the story of stone soup. It goes like this:

A stranger was walking through a village, where the villagers locked the doors and windows. He smiled and asked why they were so frightened, as he was only looking for a warm bed and a place to stay for the night. The villagers told him he should move on, because they were starving and had no food to offer. The stranger brought out a stone and an iron cauldron from his cloak (because that's what everyone keeps in their walking cloaks, right?) and said 'No worries, I was going to make stone soup anyway'. He lit the fire and heated the water, and with a flourish brought out the stone, kept in a silk bag. Intrigued, the villagers came out of their homes, where hunger had got the better of them.
'Hmmmm....' the stranger said, tasting and sniffing the broth. 'Delicious so far, but gee, with a little bit of cabbage - now that would be hard to beat!' One of the villagers ran and got a half cabbage where they were hiding it under the bed (I made that bit up) and the stranger smiled and threw it in the pot (did he chop it first? not according to my memory of this story). Tasting it again, he shouted: 'Wonderful! But you know, once I tasted a stone soup with ONION in it and it was perfect!'. One of the villager ran to get an onion from his left gumboot where he'd hidden it from his children. 'Wowsers!' said the stranger. 'But do you know what would make it even better? Some fennel bulbs...' and on it went, until he had the most delicious stone soup anyone had EVER tasted. The elders offered him a great deal of steem for the stone, but he refused to sell it, and travelled on the next day.

This story is really about magic happens when community works together. I love it so much and always think about the power of stone soup. But I also think of it as a story of resourcefulness and making do when the cupboard is bare!

Today's stone soup is a bare cupboard soup, and used up the last of the vegies in the fridge as well as squirrelled some vegies out of the winter garden.



Step 1

Put on a sweet reggae tune and dance around the kitchen. I like 'Simmer Down' because it's appropriate for simmering soup.

Step 2

See what vegies you have and gather them together. For today's stone soup, I used:

10 small potatoes
1 zucchini
2 fennel bulbs
A few sprigs of parsley
4 big silverbeet leaves
Stock to taste

Cover the vegetables with water and simmer down.

Step 3

Blend the vegetables until nice and smooth and creamy. Return to the pot and reheat gently. Sprinkle a garnish over the top - I used black sesame seeds for the first bowl, and the second bowl had nigella seeds which are my favourite. Plus some pepper and parmesan cheese and extra parsley and some pepitas - I was hungry, alright?




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Ohhhhhhh yeah!

The first step: Check. Now I'll head to the chicken kitchen to try something similar. The only thing missing here is bread, it'll only be ready tomorrow morning =/

Love love love you.

He he, hope you got that chicken chassis of yours fed!

Chicken chassis well fed! I should go back to exercising to get the 'stronk' chicken chassis back again

Yes, I always loved that story too. I have a similar soup which is called "use up everything that got forgotten in the back of the fridge" soup.

AHAHAHA yep, that's the alternative name!

As we all learned at home, every veggie that is about to spoil toss it into the soup!

And make sure you have veggie broth in your cupboard at all times hahahah

Yummm yes please, a little bit of reggae always makes things taste better. This seems simply hearty

I agree - a seasoning of reggae and a sprinkle of love.

What a beautiful story @riverflows. Your soup and bread look amazing as well. Serious comfort food for a cold day :)

Absolutely heart warming!!! I have leftovers for lunch too.

that is a great story and your soup does look great, I love to cook with music, having a boogie while I do the prep and then whilst I'm cooking, all that goodness going into the food, hard to beat that x xxx

Totally -!!! Music and cooking go hand in hand. I love it when J. comes in and spins me around the kitchen or slow dances me to some nice reggae tunes - it's the best. Of course, not all meals are prepared like that...

Sounds like a wonderful stone soup! Thick and filling. I like the pepitas touch....

Especially toasted!!!! So good.

We had a soup similar to this when I was in college, only you invite a bunch of people for a soup lunch or supper and they get to bring whatever they have for the soup! It usually turns out really tasty. I think I remember only once when it didn't work out so well...

Ha - why didn't it work out? I love those communal efforts. When I lived on a kinda squat park up with all sorts of trucks and live in vehicles, we'd do big Sunday roasts - one person would make carrots, one gravy, one meat and so on, and then somehow you'd all squeeze into one truck and have a feast.

Sounds like fun! Somehow cookies and cake mix don't make good soup!

Oh my god, that's hilarious!!!

Looks delicious! You know we make stone soup around here, but I’d actually never heard the tale before 👌🏼😽💯 so thank you. I bet he’ll regret not selling that stone for steem when the prices go up over $10!

Ha, I think you might be the only one who noticed that he he.... It's a great story, although I did cough cough embellish it a bit - but I like my version ;)

i adore your version xx

Haha.... sweet post. We have "stone soup", along with "stone curry" pretty damn often. :) The reggae tune? My last lover of 6 years was a Jamaican born Bermudan and yes, I still enjoy to groove to a bit of great reggae in my kitchen, despite occasional heart twinges . :)

Oh I hear the heart twinge and music tweaks it! You can go past good reggae though...

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