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RE: Awareness, Mapping and Loving Kindness: Ecotrain's Question of the Week - What does mean to own our emotions?

in #ecotrain6 years ago

Oh @eco-alex I'm so glad I could be of assistance in some way. Be kind to yourself when that happens. It can be so intense I know. It really helped me to comfort myself just as I would anyone going through that. I really hope this technique works for you xxx with so much love! ❤❤❤


yes.. thank you! im SO mean to myself when this happens.. i start really acting out.. and that is not nice to myself..

It's weird how we do that as we WOULD NEVER do that to other people! When I realised that it changed everything. We are all just humans doing our best. I remember putting my hands on my heart and sobbing and literally saying to my inner me that it was okay, exactly how I would talk to anyone.. and I felt so comforted that I could see reason and work through it rather than building more and more anxiety and criticism and self reproach. The Buddhists were onto something there.. metta all the way. Xxxx

GREAT point, you are right, i would NEVER talk to anyone else like that.. that really helps actually i never really thought about it like that! and i have done what you say, and it does really help.. i just have to DO it rather than sink into a hole! thank you again. .. very wise words!

💚💚💚💚 Practice makes perfect 💚💚💚💚

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