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RE: Damn Dams, Protests and B Grade People

in #ecotrain6 years ago

This is terrible. What a terrible thing. So many people!

I am even more honoured to know you, for being part of the Franklin River protest. That was so huge!!! I was quite young then but it still had an impact on me.

Thanks for being the aware, caring and socially conscious woman you are. The world needs folk like you to care.



The Franklin River is so spectacular and I have hiked those pristine rugged mountains btwn Cradle Mountain & Port Davey... there was NO OTHER SANE RESPONSE than honest vocal protest when something so important and magnificent was threatened. I protested with Xanana Gusmao's wife and about 50,000 others too when the Aussie govt condoned the Indonesian slaughter in what was then East Timor. To say nothing in my world makes you complicit. The world needs ALL OF US TO CARE, to speak and to act.

Absolutely. I think about the times I've been working and I couldn't get to protests that I cared about. We used to drive down to Tassie and take big boxes of food down to those who were protesting the logging of old growth down there. I did get to the Iraq War one, though that didn't help much, and a few others in Melbourne - it's always important to speak up, I agree, and I love that you do here.

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