RE: Do you appreciate others to be open with their emotions? @ecotrain's question of the week.
"I am worth loving as I am, and I don't HAVE to be more like other people."
YES! yes, yes, yes. Such a wonderful lesson to learn, and to share with the rest of the world.
Our emotions are so important; they are messages, and opportunities for deeper understanding and growth. It is such a shame that our society has taught most of us to shame our emotions if they're aren't good. To hide them away, and simply try to be "happy". But our not-so-good emotions are so important as well, and they are NORMAL! We need to learn to not suppress our emotions, but to instead listen to them, welcome them into our souls with open arms, and send love to them. Because in sadness, anger, and frustration, we can learn and we can grow, if we allow ourselves to. We can learn about our triggers and learn to uncover dark parts of ourselves that need healing.
It is important that we all become more emotionally intelligent, and learn to work with and understand our triggers and our emotions.
We don't always know why we're sad, or upset, or anxious, but when they come up, I believe it is important to let them move through us. Sometimes we just need a release. And by trying to ignore these emotions or pretend they aren't there is just delaying the issue, and it will come out again in the future, and maybe on an even larger scale.
I'm glad you were able to find some acceptance with the help of your understanding teacher. I'm glad he gave you that advice and helped you to accept and view your reaction as normal, because it is!
I am happy that you are YOU.
Thank you for another wonderful and well-written post
💜 🙏✨
THanks for your extraordinary comment. I adore your comments and your posts - you write so beautifully and with such compassion, wisdom and understanding.
I couldn't agree more - your comment should be a post all of itself!! xxx
Funny thing, and I'll write about this tomorrow, is that I've ended up with a bloody urinary tract infection today and I'm convinced it's due to the frustration, anger and upset I was feeling - as the bladdder, in Chinese medicine, is associated with these things!! So I've been thinking alot about the damage we do to ourselves physically with teh storing of emotion. It's all good though, as it's something else to learn on this little holiday, and I've got time in this lovely room to think, meditate and process!! xx