Get Out of Your Own Way!!

in #ecotrain6 years ago (edited)

The biggest challenge you will ever have in life is YOU.

There’s always going to a part you that focuses on the negative. That tells yourself “you can’t”, “you shouldn’t”, “don’t be silly”, “don’t risk it”. This ego-side of us will always be there, and we all have it. It will fill you with fear. It will try to fill you with doubt. But it's time to stand up to it and say “I’m gonna do it anyhow! I’m afraid, but I’m afraid NOT to!” I won’t let you stop me."

✫✫Learn to stand up for yourself inside of yourself.✫✫

Become your own cheerleader. Start saying “I CAN. I WILL. I AM.”

Photo Credit:

Learn to get out of your own way.

The trick is in learning to watch and observe your thoughts. To recognize that you are not your thoughts. To learn how to notice your thoughts, and identify negative, hurtful thoughts that are keeping you stuck down, and then to SMASH THEM!

Learn to recognize this part of yourself and ignore it. Allow your truest potential and talents to come through. Give yourself the chance to follow your dreams. Imagine yourself defeating obstacles and challenges. SEE yourself already having completing your goals.

If you can see yourself doing something; if you can believe it, then it is already done. You just need to get out of your own way and allow yourself to get on the path. One step at a time.

You can. And you WILL, if YOU allow yourself to.

Photo Credit:

----------Words inspired by Les Brown
Check out the video below for more from this inspiring human


I love you. Until next time...

🌈 Rachel

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Beautiful m'dear! Love and light. Just what I needed today!!!! Xxx yeaaaahhhhhhh!!!

I'm a proud cat! Just what I needed!!

Notice the negative thoughts and patterns? Oh yes. Smash them? Sounds like hard-upstream work! Just sidestep and choose the easier, better feeling thought. :) Lovely awareness. :) Nice post.

Haha you're right. I was feeling really pumped up when writing this haha. But I agree with you. Notice the unhelpful thoughts and then sidestep and choose to think a more helpful positive version of those thoughts.

Having a positive mindset changes our perspective on life, and without us realizing it, it can also change our very own reality.

If we have a positive mindset we can turn every negative circumstance into a positive one, if given enough time.

Cheers @rainbowrachel!

Thanks for the words of wisdom♥️. Sometimes we can be our own worst enemy.

I'm gonna smash those thoughts and then dance all over them.

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