Look What I Woke Up to - A Winter Wonderland...

in #ecotrain6 years ago (edited)

What a change on evening can make!
The other day we were out catching rainwater in our buckets and the next morning we woke up to close to 8 inches of freshly fallen snow!
night snowflakes and heavy snow bending trees.JPG

We were warm snug in our house but the trees were all bent with the heavy snow.

Warm Glow on the Snow Laden Trees

warm glow of grow room on snow laden trees.JPG

Our dog Bruno, came running through the snow laden trees to tell us all about it.

Bruno Running Through The Snow

Bruno running under trees by snow laden apple tree.JPG

The trees were turned into lovely snow sculptures!

Bruno by Tree Sculptured by the Snow

Bruno under lovely snow laden tree.JPG

Bruno by the Well House with More Snow Sculptured Trees

Bruno laying by well house snowy trees.JPG

The weight of the wet snow was bending the trees right to the ground. All that remained upright were the towering spruce and trees.

Bruno by Lilac Bush Bent to the Ground By Wet Snow

Bruno by snowy lilacs.JPG

We were glad we had filled our wood shed although we had to clear a path to get it up to the house.

Snowy Scene By Wood Shed with Snowy Bent Trees Covering the Arches

snowy scene by wood pile.JPG

I don't think we will be using this sitting area any time soon!

Sitting Area Covered with 8 Inches of Fresh Snow

snowy sitting area.JPG

The path to our garage was a beautiful sight but we will have to shake off some of those trees so we can easily walk down it.

Snow Laden Willows Bending to Form an Arch Over Our Lane

lane with snowy arching tees.JPG

This young spruce's branches were totally laden with snow making for a pretty sight.

Young Spruce with Branches Totally Laden with Snow

young spruce totally laden with snow well house in background.JPG

The snow made a wonderful winter wonderland with some amazing photo shoots but it also made some work for me shoveling it and blowing out our lane so I can get my car out. Plus it makes it harder for the birds to find feed so I will start putting out the bird feed to help them through our harsh winters.

Bird Feeder Among Snow Laden Trees

bird feeder and snowy trees.JPG

All pictures were taken with my Canon PowerShot A495

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Wow some fab pictures, looks like a true winter wonderland, if we get 8inches in the UK it shuts most of the country down 😆 thanks for sharing @porters

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes it was a winter wonderland until I had to start shoveling, shaking some of the snow off the trees on our lane to release them so we could get through to the garage. Also I had to chop down a tree that had fallen on the road and blow it out so I could get to work the next day. I had my fun playing with my dog in the snow and taking pictures but then it was a full afternoon of clearing snow so I could carry on as usual. How much snow would you get in the UK? Here the plows are out right away and they're sanding the roads but it did make for some white knuckle driving and driving wasn't recommended but no roads were closed down and school buses and such kept running.

It really depends on where in the Uk, much of it will get very little a couple of inches causes havoc, other then the areas of high ground where ot can get up to a few feet easy.

We had a big snow storm over the UK earlier in the year "beast from the east" it got named. Caused wide widespread choas you would of thought the world was coming to an end the way people were going on 😆

Hope you got a chance to sit down with a hot drink after all that

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Those early snow storms seem to cause more havoc for you really aren't prepared! We just take it in stride here and it just gives us one more thing to talk about. I did make myself a nice big hot chocolate, specialty drink!

Ha that is true, i love it when it snows but a little prep goes a long way. Glad you got a hot chocolate. Sounds like heaven watching the snow falling with a cup of hot chocolate in hand 🙂

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8 inches of snow, wow! I know just yesterday we woke up to a tenth of an inch or more of freezing rain. Made for some nice photos, but that is about it. Haha! Great Job!

Ya I think that heavy snow is going to do some natural pruning! That's the thing about all the snow and the beauty it created I went a little snap happy! I even did a second post with more pictures at: https://steemit.com/ecotrain/@porters/more-of-my-winter-wonderland

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