Transhumanism vs Anastasia's Space of Love Vision (EcoTrain)

in #ecotrain7 years ago

Transhumanism vs Anastasia’s Dream

Where are we going ? As a collective consciousness, as humanity? What is the future holding for us ? What are the potential futures awaiting us?

We are ascending. Emerging in a new Universe, a Multiverse, more multidimensional, more connected, more quantum.
As a Collective consciousness, we have the choice, we have the power to actualize for ourselves the future we want. It’s about our actions, our words, our thoughts, our visions. About our dreams, and about what we pay attention to.
Many visionary people foresee that we will co exist in different realities, in the same playground, the Earth. We will be technologically and culturally separated from each other.

We have so many possibilities in front of us….But few are likely to occur.

I would like to confront two of them now. Transhumanism and the Vision of the Space of Love from Anastasia.
Transhumanism is a future where Man and technology merge as one. An augmented reality using Hi tech gadgets and implants, to sync us with an artificial web of information, created by humans, organized by an Artificial Intelligence.
It aims at transferring human consciousness in an artificial brain, grown in a lab, implanted in a robot, to offer to the rich Technological immortality. The oldest dream of the Priests Slave masters.
It’s the official purpose of Google Corporation. I was so naive to believe Google is about IT, it’s about Neurological Control. And this is in its status. Official. And we are all googling reality now. Pretending it’s a correct and valuable source of information.
We are now seeing new chips and implants augmenting our perception of reality, connecting us with the Cloud. Giving Hearing to deaf people, Sight to blinds, and a kind of intelligence to dummies.

Our children will have to choose, and I feel it will be a tricky one. How to resist an increase in our sensations, in our ability to interact with the holographic projection we call reality ?

I believe a big part of humanity will actualize this option. It will give it attention, time, energy and it will allow it to spread and to take over eventually.
Check out :

But there are other visions, other options. One of them is related to the Vision of Anastasia, a woman living in the Siberian taiga, with her children, last descendant of the Vedruss people, the main civilization that populated earth millions of years ago. Her teachings come from the father of her kids, who wrote books to share them. Vladimir Megre. Check out the first book :

Anastasia may be a fictive character or a real person, it doesn’t really matter. What matters is the vision described there. It’s a vision where every family will have a Space of love, ideally one hectare of land with a small house, and a huge garden, organic and permaculture oriented, where people can reconnect to the Original Intent of love of Creation. It’s a vision where we stop making war or envying our neighbors because our garden and our relationship to Nature fulfills us enough.
It’s a vision where children and grown ups evolve with animals, as partners. Where the plants recognize us and offer their medicinal and nutritive qualities with love. It’s a vision where we recreate the Garden of Eden, together, in a sustainable and supportive way.
It’s a living vision, it means that it exist in the consciousness of many people, it’s a purpose held by a woman’s focused intent, that includes everyone.
It’s a Rainbow Permaculture Indigeneous New Age vision. Where we can all read the book of The Divine Template by communicating and communing with nature.

Many people in this planet are not willing to actualize the neo technological transhumanist agenda. Many beautiful souls want to live more simply, more connected, in harmony with Divine Nature.
These 2 visions are not fighting each other. They are more ignoring each other, as they exclude each other, when it comes to their purpose.

Transhumanism aims at creating a greater Man, with the help of technology. It aims at replacing the old ways of Yoga, Shamanism, and Magic. It can go both ways, like super fascist or human supportive.
It doesn’t include the original vision of Creator, the intent of Original Love, and its creation. It doesn’t include mineral, vegetal and animal kingdom. It’s more anthropocentric, The human being in the center of the Universe.

Anastasia’s vision is an organic vision that includes all living creatures, by giving them a sense of purpose and service to each other.
You can feel my preference goes to the Anastasia Dream. Each of us will have to choose. It’s our free will, whatever it means to you. I always tell my students that if i had to keep only one read among all the books i read (and i read many), it would be the serie of Anastasia called Ring Cedars Serie.

It’s our conditioning, our thought forms, our beliefs and life experience that will make us choose, most probably.
Eventually, these 2 visions will co exist together, next to each other, in the same planet. And some people will obviously navigate between both of them.

So, what vision will prevail? What factors will decide it?

Many, obviously.. But one question came to me. What is the most powerful ? A vision sustained by many people, conditioned through schools, medias, mind control and cultural definitions ? or the strength, that Anastasia calls the speed of thought, of the living vision of an Harmonic and Dharmic Future for Earth inhabitants?

The speed of thought is the ability to focus on a living image, and to hold it with as many details as possible, from the Heart. Anastasia claims she has the fastest speed of thought in this Planet. As she was born and grew in the forest, without any contamination from the outside world. She says she is holding this vision in her Heart for days, including all of us, from all the realms. Who could do this today ? To focus on one matter for a minute is already a challenge. But to hold a vision for all humans, animals, plants, minerals, spirits and to hold it for days…. That’s another level of conscious cocreation.

The question is : is a vision supported by a strong morphing field (in quantity) more likely to unfold that a vision sustained by a more powerful dreamer/cocreator (in quality)?
It’s our responsibility to take care where our attention and energy goes. Every time we react emotionally to a news (TV, facebook, net, newspaper, gossips…), we feed the morphing field that it relates to. That you like it or not, it’s the way energy flows.

How much do we pay attention to the beauty of the world, to the subtle but real changes occurring in our reality, to the constant miracles of life ? and how much do we entangle ourselves in drama and fear?

We share a common responsibility. For our children, for all the generations to come. We can reclaim our power and dream whatever feels right to us. Or we can keep on giving away our power and delegate it to institutions, and governments. To others.

Ignoring what’s going on, doesn’t help. One vision will take over eventually, as they cannot co exist forever. I invite each of us to consider our life and to reflect on what we really want to co create together.

Get back your power !
Allow yourself to be a conscious dreamer of reality.
Expand and Share your Light !
Invite the First Intent of Love to shine through you, through your life.
And Trust !


Very interesting piece. you point to a very important issue - which is little thought about or taken seriously by most people. I also wonder if we are coming to a point where we will have to decide whether to live within the machine or live without it. At the same time, I believe it is possible to realise something like Anasatasia's vision in conjunction with some level of transhumanism. The way we are communicating ideas here via Internet - to develop positive visions is an example.
But I think you are right to be wary of Google and the rise of AI. We need to keep an eye on developments in technology. They are happening very quickly and have tremendous potential either to set us free or else enslave us. It's about finding the best use and higher purpose in everything.

Many interesting ideas touched upon here. I'm sure we'll discuss them in more depth as we go along.

Given the choice, I'd take Anasatasia's vision over transhumanism any day of the week.

vVVery interesting post.. Plenty of food for thought here!. thank you Omdemian

Well yeah, anastasia's vision is much more attractive to me, but the question that always arises within me, when such visions are proposed as a way of life, is: Are we still capable to live a life void of technology? Many of us western people are just not healthy enough anymore. I've tried living without technology in a community in the south of France (communaute de l'Arche) for some time, it's quite tough really. Chopping wood for days on end on a very simple diet, as at the end of winter nothing much was left but onions, shriveled up carrots and potato's and if you were lucky, some left over sour kraut. It was very peaceful there and I was quite happy, but I didn't last very long. So my kind of wonderful would be a life that is focussed on promoting natural life and respecting and protecting it, living in harmony with it, but making use of a kind of technology that is supportive of this goal. To use most simple solutions and systems without electricity were possible and to use most friendly and humble technology were necessary. Kind of like the nice communities in Star wars, or Star trek I guess. :-)

Wow, this is very interesting and important article! Thank you for sharing! Have your read all the books of the RCoR series?

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