Is Life Fair?

in #ecotrain3 years ago

This is one question that at some point of time in our life will cross our mind, specially when we are in unpleasant situations of life.


Couple of times it has crossed my mind also. Yes but now my understanding has changed and I can somewhere link it to the theory of cause and effect, the so called Karma. But as a Child that was not the case. I would always wonder, why Life is so unfair to me. Why do I not have normal Parents and a normal Childhood like all other Children, but for a long time there were no answers to those Why.

No action in the Universe goes without a cause an effect theory, what we call as Karma. We breathe to live, we eat to nourish our body, our lifestyle, the way we live decides the quality of our life, the communication we make decides how we maintain relationships, our thoughts decides our mental health, every single act of ours brings in some effect to us. There are some we can rationalize, but then there are many things in our life that happens that we cannot rationalize and it just goes beyond our thinking capability.

There are some actions which gives immediate results, like if we are thirsty we drink water and the effect of it is, our thirst gets quenched, this is a very simple e.g. and has no complexity and involvement of anyone else in the action. I am giving to keep it simple, and then there are some actions that has involvement and complexity. Like some one murdering another person. For this particular action, the effect of the action will not come immediately, the person will go through trials, in the process there are many others involved, the person may bribe or use influential power to get away from the punishment. Possibly the person gets away somehow from the crime, but in the Universe this does not get nullified it is there pending to give it's effect, but due to the current environment the person is in, the effect is not able to come at that point of time itself. In such a case the Universe will wait for it's right time and environment to bring that effect (Karma) back to the person.
Now time is a linear concept on Earth whereas in the Universe it is nonlinear and it will not look at the person age and life span to give the Karma back, it will just wait for the right opportunity. That right opportunity may come in this life time or in other life times. When the effect comes to us in another lifetime, it becomes difficult for our mind to rationalize it and that is where everything seems Unfair to us.


Yes but even after all the knowledge one possesses still there are times when we will come to this conclusion that Life is Unfair. I do feel it when I see small Children in helpless situations. Be it whatever Karma or effect but when someone is in a state of helplessness it feels very unfair for life to give back effect at that stage. But then we as humans cannot always understand the functioning of our Grand Creator and all we have to do is use our free will to decide how we want to live this Karma and surrender.

Right now to a large extent whatever is happening in the world is also the effect of our own actions, then be it not taking good care of our health, exploiting our resources, or not standing up against the wrong that is happening, and so many other factors. We are feeling dragged and unfair when we are seeing that this situation is not easing out and our known people are dying and suffering to it. But then have we learnt our lessons from what Universe and our Grand Creator is wanting to give us? What we are facing right now is the karma of Collective consciousness. The magnitude is huge since this whole situation is dealing with collective karma, and these events will keep occurring till we as mankind learn our lessons. Then the astrological planet position and all are just influencers to bring the impact at different intensities.


Nothing in the Universe or in our Life is happening outside the rhythm, the Universe is constantly working on harmonizing these keys and create that perfect tune for us. In the bargain many things are happening. Like the tough teacher who is hard on the student sometimes for the student to excel and outshine and perform at best capability.

A friend of mine has a special child, when the baby girl was born we would feel very sad for them, but then the father, my friend would always tell me, she is a blessing to us, she is the special child of the God who has blessed us with her presence. Not everyone thinks it the same way. To some it may look a very unfair part of life, but when we accept with grace what is coming to us, we work on our karma in the best possible manner. Our Free will decides how we experience the Karma.

The only difference I see is, when we try to harmonize ourselves into the tune of our Grand Creator, our Universe, we will be able to rationalize these Unfair events and live them through with grace and then everything will seem Fair. The big question is always "WHY ME", but then the Universe says "WHY NOT ME", why someone else, it is meant for ME.

Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸

"Unlimited Abundance, Blissful Happiness and Unconditional Love"


Very insightful post @nainaztengra. Just as Einstein rightly stated, for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction!
And really, truer words have never been said! Karma can be friendly or ruthless all based on our actions and the path we choose in life. However,it beats my imagination how karma can be incompetent, I mean, sometimes, good people die Young and bad ones live old. Life can be so unfair to the innocent and helpless while fair to the "bad eggs". This goes a long way to prove that absolute truth is a myth. The more we try to comprehend some things, the more lost we get. However, thanks for sharing, I'm glad I read!

Thank you @stephenpaul for your reflection. Yes sometimes some events are beyond our imagination and that's what I mentioned about the linear time concept theory that we humans follow on Earth. The Universe has no time concept it just brings the Karma when it thinks we are ready to receive or we are in an environment to receive.

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