The Flowering Dogwood | Home of the Little People & Graceful Healer

in #ecotrain6 years ago (edited)


The Flowering Dogwood is a tree surrounded with much lore and healing potential. In the paragraphs to follow, we'll walk through some of these stories.


Known for its elegance and captivating beauty in spring, the dogwood was known by Native Americans as much more than a charming woodland species.

Home of Little People

In cultures throughout the world over time, humans have told stories of "Little People."

Little People refer to those who are small in stature who usually call the woods their home. Reserved for the eyes of few, these little people are sometimes mischievous and often wise, carrying messages for those they encounter.


To the Cherokee, the dogwood was known as the home of these little people.

Also known as the American dogwood, Florida dogwood, Indian arrowwood, Cornelian tree, white cornel, white dogwood, false box, and false boxwood , the dogwood tree is home to the dogwood people.


The dogwood people teach us:

"If you do something for someone, do it out of goodness of your heart. Don't do it to have people obligated to you or for personal gain."

Let us move onto more details and medicinal observations of the Flowering Dogwood or Cornus florida.


Cornus florida: A Case Study

Dogwood is a tree I grew up around. As is typical with humans, the things which seem "familiar" to us often pass by without fanfare. Since I moved to Missouri, however, this elegant spring flowering tree has captivated my attention and caused me to take a second look.


Basically, the dogwood has wooed me.


Alongside its beauty, the dogwood has been used in the production of inks, scarlet dyes, and as a quinine substitute. The hard, dense wood has been used for products such as golf club heads, mallets, wooden rake teeth, tool handles, jeweler’s boxes and butcher’s blocks.



By Elbert L. Little, Jr., of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, and others - USGS Geosciences and Environmental Change Science Center: Digital Representations of Tree Species Range Maps from "Atlas of United States Trees" by Elbert L. Little, Jr. (and other publications), Public Domain

If you live in the following areas, you'll be able to pick dogwood out in the spring as it's one of the first flowering trees. When taking a "long view" of a forest, you'll notice patches of white - these are likely dogwood.


They provide a delightful elegance to the eye that is starved for fresh delights after the long winter.



The Dogwood furthermore provides us with a wonderful energetic medicine:

that can focus the mind, heal bodily unease, and promote a strong and steady gentleness within oneself.

According to Asia Suler of One Willow Apothecaries,

This refining essence clears away the nagging and unnecessary worries and allows you to focus on the tasks in your life that are necessary and ultimately fulfilling for your own happiness and vital expression of individuality. Dogwood is recommended for those who need to feel a renewed enthusiasm for work or the practical side of life, as well as those who feel rigid and stuck in a prison of endless To-Do lists and isolating busyness.


Dogwood is also a tree that is often used as an ornamental. If you've been charmed by the essence of dogwood, they're easy to find at most nurseries in regions where the tree easily grows.

And as far as the name Dogwood...

No one truly knows though it likely is a variation of the name Dagwood, which relates to wood used for making arrows (dag like dagger). --Or-- that the wood is as "hard as a dog."


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Wonderful photos. And interesting facts regarding the tree. My highlight of article is "If you do something for someone, do it out of goodness of your heart. Don't do it to have people obligated to you or for personal gain." Words to live by.

hey @steven-patrick... thanks for stopping by! totally agree these are words to live by and worth hearing again and again <3 what a good message from the dogwood little people :)

Such a beautiful tree! I wonder if thats what we hand on our land this year. We are in central Texas, so we are kinda in the region where they grow. It was just weird this year, they popped up everywhere in town and they lined our back yard. Very beautiful trees but only lasted a couple weeks before the flowers died off. Searched the internet and nothing looked quite the same. But these look similar... Ill see if I can find my picture and add it in.

Great photos! :)

cool! could be flowering dogwood, i'll look forward to your photo if you can find it :) thanks!

Ah, after going back and finding the picture, it is different! Darn it! Heres a picture anyways, maybe you can help me figure it out! :)

oooh another wonderful tree to have! cherry blossom! also make great energetic medicine :)

Oh great! Im going to have to do some research now! I didnt realize cherry blossoms grew in this area. Thanks for the info, Im all for energetic medicine! :)

It's interesting, how the place I'm in has a close relationship with the Dogwood: it's the provincial flower of British Columbia. But according to the map, it doesn't even grow here. On the other hand there's a huge specimen flowering just outside the bike shop! How can that be? The solution is simple: it's the Pacific Dogwood we're talking about! Very similar to the plant you introduced, but not the same.

ah good to know!! does it look quite similar to this flowering dogwood? i know there is also a similar asian variety as well.

Actually it does. Take a look:

ah how beautiful!! thanks for brightening my morning with this cross regional gem!! <3 ! is this happening now where you are?

Now? No, of course not. I took the picture yesterday! ;-)
(I still don't know how I can drag-n-drop it into a reply using my phone.)

do you see the little phrase at the bottom

"Insert images by dragging & dropping, pasting from the clipboard, or by selecting them"

you can click selecting them and it should take you to the photos on your phone.

and a bit closer:

Dog with my mom's favorite tree. I had no idea it had medical properties. How do you use it? Use the flowers the bark?

yes the bark. i've heard the root bark is the most powerful. it's used as an analgesic and to relieve fever. the bark of the tree is what's used for a dye :) cool to hear it was your mom's fav :) the flower essence from one willow apothecaries mentioned above is made with the flowers...

Awesome thank you!

I really love the images you have shared, as I don't think (remember) ever having seen a real dogwood. Beautiful wisdom and I love the "little people" connection - yes, so many of the Plant Spirit Beings are comfortable places for other Beings to gather and feel safe. I feel richer for having enjoyed this post - thank you. Hoping to sit under a real life dogwood tree someday soonish and putting it in my "manifest" box!

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What a wonderful fact filled post! And I loved your photos. i love dogwood, but if you look at your map, you will notice a little dip from the north on Mass. That's where I live. Dogwood doesn't do well here unless it's in a very protected place.

thank you! really had a great time out with these beauties in the woods yesterday. ah, just on the edge huh! well by the looks of your post i read earlier, you still have plenty of beautiful spring options!! :)

I actually have a small Kousa dogwood I'm trying to grow. It's about 4' high now. Survived 3 winters, I think...

Beautiful. We dont have them here. By the way, is there any wild plant that doesn't woo you? He he...a wonderful thing, to be woo'd by all the wild things.. I'm off to be woo'd now.. morning and good night 😍😘

hahah you've caught me.. i'm easily wooed by plants!! Xo sleep tight!

Wow! Thank you for this! I grew up on Dogwood Terrace, and I never knew anything about the tree until now! This post really meant a lot to me <3

:D ahh so glad to hear this! isn't it wonderful to reach deeper into the naming of things. <3 much love

Great images and wonderful story about the dogwood tree and also its uses!

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