The Irish are slowly being poisoned. Coming soon globally - to a town near you.

in #ecotrain6 years ago

When I first moved to Ireland, I was looking forward to living a healthier, more wholesome life. Growing my own vegetables and living off the land instead of from the grocery store. I was sure that most people here were living like that. And if they weren't growing their own food, I was sure there would be organically grown food everywhere in the shops and markets. The country carries the name the Emerald Isle for a reason I thought and it's true: it's green everywhere you look.


But boy, was I disappointed to see how little people were actually living this way. Green land is mostly used for raising cattle and the little vegetables and fruit the country produces is either exported or highly overpriced.
The food that's left for the people is often of low quality and the super markets don't have much choice when it comes to vegetables or fruit. I don't want to sound like a spoiled brat, but in a tiny country like mine (Netherlands) you will find at least 5 different kinds of apples in the store and a huge variety of vegetables. Here, you're lucky to find three different apples and you're even luckier if you find green beans that were not grown in either Kenya or Guatemala.
In fact, I have yet to see the Irish grown green bean here.

And not only that, the Irish are amongst the most unhealthy people on earth.
Life long illnesses like MS, cystic fibrosis, asthma, bipolar disorder and depression are widespread here. In fact, the Irish have the highest number of cystic fibrosis patients in the world. And probably the most worrying: the number of people who attempt or succeed with suicide in Ireland each year don't lie.
And the government? Well, they don't help. If anything: they add oil to the fire.

Sugar tax


Since the 1st of May this year, the Irish government is imposing this new form of stealing money from its citizens on every sugary drink in the shop. Cans of sweet drinks like coke or 7up have had 10 cents added to their price and bottles have seen a rise of about 60 cent each.
The reason for this?

According to the Irish Times, it's this:

The measure is designed to help tackle obesity by incentivising consumers to opt for healthier drinks, while also encouraging the industry to reduce added sugar content. (100% fruit juices and dairy products are exempt from the extra theft)

It sounds quite plausible doesn't it? Almost as if the government actually cares about its people.
But of course, there is a huge BUT - or two.

First of all: we all know that the true sugar junkies will not be stopped by a measly extra 10 or 60 cents for their beloved poison. The tax is mainly 'for the children', suggesting that parents will make different choices about what to give their little prides and joys. This might sound good and effective, but the person who came up with the idea of this tax obviously doesn't have kids. In today's society, especially here in Ireland, women work just as hard as their male counterparts. Not because they want to, but because they have to. After all, the banks pulled their costly tricks a few years ago and most people are still suffering the bank bail-out consequences.
Because of this, time spent with their children is oftentimes substituted by giving them whatever they ask for.
So to prevent hours of arguments in the shop, they just give in and pay the extra tax.
And besides that, we can clearly see that it is not about reducing sugar from anyone's diet or the sugar tax would also be imposed on sweet things like candy, cookies, cakes and chocolate (the four C's HAH!)
But it's not. It's only on the sugary soft drinks. And of course, with that, comes the question:


The industry is indeed taking steps to reduce sugar in their soft drinks? Yes they are.

I'm a label reader. You could almost call it an obsession. I read labels of nearly everything that comes through my hands in the shop, even if I don't want to buy it. The reason for this is simple: I try very hard to be conscious of what I buy, because I want my children to live healthy, long lives and not filled with illness. Processed foods are not on my shopping list. Drinks are a different story. Now, I try to keep this as natural as possible by using (fresh) fruit juices and water, but sometimes it happens that we're in a hurry or out and about and at these times, I don't always worry too much about sugar content. However, there is one thing I do worry about and that is a poison possibly worse than sugar.


Yesterday my daughter's boyfriend was in the shop with me to gather some things for him and my (and his) girl.
He's nearly 18 and she's 16 and at this point it's not really possible for me anymore to impose my rules when it comes to sugar intake as much as it used to be. They make their own money, and there is no way for me to control what they buy with it. Usually it's not too bad and there is one thing both my daughter and her boyfriend keep in mind at all times: read the label to rule out the ingredient aspartame.
He held up a bottle of Fanta and asked me: "Does this have Aspartame?" (well done mom, even he listened).
At first I shook my head and said that it contains an outrageous amount of refined sugar, but usually no aspartame unless it's diet. But just to be sure, we checked the label. To our shock, we found it, right there on the label: Aspartame!
So it's true. Some of the soft drink producers are 'doing their share' to decrease sugar content, keeping the price at the normal rate. Which in turn makes people reach for that bottle of Fanta rather than those drinks that still have full sugar content. But they are doing it by replacing some of the sugar by Aspartame. And that, to me, is knowingly and willingly exposing our children and others who drink it to a chemical that is many times worse than if you would take sugar every now and then.

What is Aspartame?


Well, first of all, it is made by the company Monsanto. If you don't know who this is then you should definitely Google it.
I don't want to get into it too much, so do the research. But what I can tell you is that Monsanto equals bad news.
And I mean: REALLY, REALLY BAD with as many capitals as you can find.
The company is not in business to make us healthier or better or improve anything than their bank accounts.

Then, secondly there have been numerous studies that tell us that aspartame can cause health issues. It's sometimes even linked to cancer according to some. Now, of course, this has been 'scientifically' disproved and websites like snopes will tell you that there is nothing to worry about at all. It's all good. The thing is: I think Snopes is one of the worst websites to find any kind of truth and with the scientific 'research' that shows aspartame is in fact safe...well, one has to wonder who pays those people. Monsanto is hugely powerful. Just like the Pharmaceutical industry is.
One of the mentioned side-effects of Aspartame is also one of the most worrying.
It can mimic the symptoms of chronic fatigue and MS. And you don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out that people who get this diagnosis will not only get some stress from this but also a new load of Big Pharma prescriptions to take home. Furthermore, we have to wonder if Ireland's high number of MS patients may have something to do with the nation's Aspartame intake. 🤔 It's nearly always present in low sugar or 'no sugar added' drinks, and people might think they're actually giving their children a healthier product, when nothing could be farther from the truth.

Whether you believe Monsanto and some researchers who claim it's completely safe or those who say it isn't, I always like to read real people's stories. So if you're interested, this is a good source to start:

So, with this in mind, and assuming that the governments know about this, we can therefore safely say that our Irish government is slowly poisoning its people, mainly our children and all in the name of health.
Now, I'm not sure about you but my children will never taste the bitter sweet taste of this poison.

Is sugar tax a scam?

Of course it is. It's disguised as being an aid to a healthier life when in fact all it does is make more people more sick quicker. Call it population control or just a new way to make the already rich governments, big pharma and companies like Coca-Cola and Monsanto even richer. One thing is sure: neither one of them is concerned about our health.
It's time to wake up to this fact and take control. Not just for us but for our children and generations to come.




I live in Ireland and work in a shop where I see young people buy these aspartame-filled drinks daily. They are 50c per small bottle after all. It’s crazy to see and observe how disconnected Irish people are from reality when it comes to healthy eating. I was one of them as a kid, not so much with sugary drinks but sweets here and then, but ever since I went vegan and woke up from the horrible, illusion we live in, I do my best to eat the healthiest I can. Thank you so much for such a beneficial article! I am going to share this with people I know.

Thank you! Yes, I see this every day too. Every time I think nothing can shock me anymore, something does. Like this. And disconnected from reality is exactly right. It's hard having to see people live this way.

There are countless things like this happening in the world that will forever shock and disgust me. They should snap out of it soon. They have to, before it's too late!

If the Irish government gave a damn about health they'd take the feckin' fluoride out of the water. But there's no money to be made out of that!

Very true. Another thing they use to knowingly poison the population. And my next subject :)

oh lord.. thanks for bringing this to our attention.. aspartamine even in non diet drinks! oh man!

I wonder if there there is an app yet that you can just scan and check if a product is full of crap or not.. it seems you need razor sharp eyes and a LOT of knowledge to even stand a chance of knowing what is OK or not..

<3 nice to see you back MLV!

Thank you @eco-alex, and I'm glad to be back. :) I know, I was stunned, to say the least. It's safe to say that it's probably also in Sprite. Checked a 7UP can today and they use Stevia! It's easy to see who cares and who doesn't...

Superb article and so so true, resteemed with pleasure.

Wow, what an honour! Thank you!

I had no idea about Monsanto and aspartame... wow! I rarely buy soft drinks, but never the diet kind. I'd rather take my chances with a bit of sugar...

..aspartame and monsanto - marginally more toxic than the bomb on Hiroshima...

Absolutely, way more people affected.

Same here, at least sugar can be removed from the body. I believe that aspartame is much harder to remove.

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I would think the whiskey and potato based diet would have some impact on health.
for the real dope on how the toxic poison NutraSweet/aspartame was made legal do a search for 'NutraSweet Rumsfeld"

Well, if the whiskey (and Guinness, don't forget the Guinness) didn't contain water with fluoride and if the soil here wasn't lacking almost all nutrients, they might stand a chance. But it's the sad truth that this is not the case. And then we add huge amounts of aspartame, refined sugar and processed food to the mix and we have a recipe for disaster and illness... Thank you for your feedback @funbobby51!

I should hope there is not any Irish whiskey being produced using municipal tap water.

you'd be surprised...If the water was distilled like the whiskey it wouldn't be an issue. But it's not. It's added later...with fluoride. YUMMIE

I don't know, I drink Bourbon and the water in my city is not fluoridated although there are occasional efforts to do so. Sounds like you may want to stick to only distilled or rain water and pure grain alcohol.

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