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RE: Ecotrain’s QOTW: A Perfect Day In An Imperfect World

in #ecotrain5 years ago

Not sure how I missed this! An enjoyable read and I like the creative storylike approach.

Sometimes I do feel bad about the information I choose to withhold from books. I am one of four scholars and we often debate about what those should be.

Not sure how I feel about this sentence. Aren't we in the position we are today, because those who are in power think they know better and we don't get full disclosure? I would go for full disclosure with discussion on the consequences of certain actions.

Posted using Partiko Android


What ensured success yesterday might be our downfall tomorrow. History in and of itself is a massive simplification of events. What to disclose and what to hide is paramount in a post-apocalyptic society. People can form their own opinion, is the kind of idioms societies say with a full belly.

Thank you for you powerful encouragements, they touch my heart and I see where you are coming from.

Every fact can have different conclusions drawn about it from different people. If only a few people's conclusions are being allowed to count, because the information is being withheld from everyone else, then what if that is the wrong conclusion?

For example, data was collected on average sleep patterns and lifespan. Those that died younger had an average of over 8 hours sleep a night, while those who lived longer had an average of 8 hours or less. The conclusion drawn by some was that those who sleep longer at night, die younger. Another group realised that people who are sick sleep more in order for their bodies to try and heal. So the shorter life span may have had more to do with sickness than sleeping, but the symptom of the sickness was an average increase in sleeping hours.

Posted using Partiko Android

If you can see an advantage in withholding a particular piece of information (say you believe that a scientific study is correct because it was done over a long time on a large group of people), then it all becomes about if you will put society first or your self instead. And then is the personal gain worth the sacrifice of the common good.

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