Our emotions attracts what happens every day in our lives

in #ecotrain5 years ago


Today I share with my Steemians what I think in relation to the question of the week formulated by @ecotrain community.

The question is

Do our emotions dictate our lives or do our lives dictate our emotions?

In one of my publications in Spanish, I have already answered that question. In fact, I am sure that our emotions define or dictate our life. In this regard I have written the following

"... We affect our life favorably when we know how to handle our emotions, when we take care of our thoughts and our verb; when we are proactive and assertive As human beings we are systemic beings where our thoughts, our words and our actions coexist, all governed by our feelings and our essence of life.
In our mind our thoughts are gestated and our thoughts end up governing our actions when we combine our thoughts and our words, that is, our verb".

Our mind is directly related to our thoughts, the soul with our will and our body, which is our temple, executes all our functions. Therefore if our thoughts are negative and our emotions are related to hatred, resentment, intolerance, disrespect, melancholy, envy and suffering; those emotions will result in our life being empty, without love or joy and of course unhappy.

If we carry that weight of negative thoughts and negative emotions that overwhelm us, this situation takes away energy and also invites us to suffering and unhappiness. Hence, I can affirm that our emotions determine our quality of life.

Another aspect that also defines or determines our life is the addiction. In that sense, I can say that

The addiction to people or material goods enslaves and causes harm.

We should not attach to anything or anyone. We must avoid attachment because in addition to enslaving, it hurts us. Attachment to material goods, to people, to customs and beliefs becomes slavery, slavery in suffering and suffering takes away our freedom. That freedom that we require to fly as far as our dreams allow. Those dreams for which we must operate day by day. The materialization of our dreams does not condition our happiness. Happiness is not conditioned or depends on third parties.
By the way, being happy is a decision of life. It is not a possibility or an option. When we decide to be happy without limitations or conditioning, we dedicate ourselves to Love and to Thank without attachments. At this time we then have the possibility, in our life, to be in a perfect balance at a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level.

I am sure that my emotions define, determine and give brightness and color to my life

Today, having vital energy allows me to give thanks to God and the Universe for all the blessings received, for all the days lived, for the learning and for the Love that I have been able to give to my children and my granddaughters. my grandson, my life partner and all the people who share and interact with me on the face-to-face level or in the digital environment.

Thankful to the community of @ecotrain that gives us the opportunity to share content of this quality with our Steemians. This type of reflections give us the possibility to share our essence of life.

Until a next publication dear Steemians

Thanks for visiting my blog


Mmm, yes powerful post! I really like what you say, and you bring up some very good points!.. in particular non attachment.. YES!!! thank you for this valuable post! <3 xx

Thanks for your visit @eco-alex. In fact, attachment causes harm and enslaves. I love sharing my views in relation to this topic

"By the way, being happy is a decision of life. It is not a possibility or an option. When we decide to be happy without limitations or conditioning, we dedicate ourselves to Love and to Thank without attachments."

I really liked that STRONG reiteration. :)

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