Ecotrain QOTW: To what extent is the negative media, media biases responsible for depression?

in #ecotrain6 years ago (edited)


The thing with the Ecotrain QOTW is I never know what is going to come out when I start writing and today so much decided it needed to be typed...


Guerillas VS Gorillas!

I remember once as a child watching the news and they mentioned guerrillas and I sat there waiting throughout the whole news programme for the gorillas to appear. I only saw scenes of fighting.

Only afterward when I talked to my mom did I realize that there was a difference between guerrillas and gorillas. I think I have been disappointed in the news ever since and it was the start of a lifelong hatred of news.

I stopped watching the news a long time ago, in fact, I don’t think I ever started, as I recognize that I am just a sponge for all the negativity that goes on and the feeling of uselessness of not being able to help is overwhelming.

Some people may not be able to go about their day without knowing the news, if that is you - try to restrict to once a day as it really does lower the happiness levels.

My ex-husband had news alerts popping up all the time and then he would tell me them, and it would drive me mad, even if I walked away singing as loudly as I could. One of many reasons he is now my ex.

I am on other social media like Facebook, Discord, and Steemit so if anything important happens I will be made aware of it.

I hear here is some important wedding going on this week I think, which I only know about because I clicked through and read an article about what things are not allowed at a Royal Wedding.

Why they can’t do a John Craven’s Newsround for adults I don’t know. Maybe they do, but I’ve not found it yet. All the happy news sites I have discovered seem to have a distinct lack of recent happy news.

As for media biases, well there is an agenda to make the world think certain ways without the world questioning it. There is a small number of people at the top who are controlling the media, what news and messages are filtered to us, what is hidden, what is revealed and when and every story you do see it would do well to remember there is always more than one side to a story.

For example, we all find out pretty fast about terrorist attacks in the Western world, but little is said about them when they happen elsewhere. The people at the top filter out the stories that make us think too much.

On a smaller not important media level, it is how the winners of reality shows are chosen, the media have already been influenced which ones and who to ‘promote’, so they are the ones that are in our mind’s eye when it comes to voting. Media is designed to manipulate us at every level.

I suppose in a way this contributes towards depression as we as lead down the garden path to be frightened to step out our front door, to be vigilant everywhere you go, be wary of certain nationalities, which only adds to the stresses of daily lives compounded by the urge to keep up with the Joneses next door!



The Keeping Up with Joneses Mentality

This is where sites like Facebook are not always good for us. We see pictures of people’s best bits. The fun, the travels and the happy days. Most people do not share stuff like their 7-year-old having the most atrocious tantrum because it was too late to dance and that she is going to call the social services so that she can get a nicer mother, or the headaches, or the 10 years working a 60 hour week - weekends and overtime, so that the perfect holiday can be had, or the children can have the latest toys.

I actually use Facebook to see all the positive things that go on, I get inspiring stories and filter out the rest so its not all bad. But consumerism is also dangerous and everywhere -ads on TV and YouTube Videos.

OMG YouTube videos, my kids watch hours of YouTube videos. My eldest (7) watches useful fact-finding ones and she knows everything about looking after guinea pigs, or she wtaches the funny vines.

But my 5-year-old watches so many videos about toys, she can quote them and describe every toy in immaculate detail, but worst of all she wants every single one of them.

I know I am creating my own problem here, especially as more than anything she wants to meet the Cookie Fans lady and she has drawn her pictures and made stuff for me to send to her.

Consumerism indoctrinated into my child already. In the society and way of life at the moment, she will be subjected to it anyway, cos of television ads, or from what the other children bring in to school to show off.

Or the shops…

Magazines and sweets are always placed in easy eye level of children, so parents either become very practiced at saying ’no’ and risking the odd tantrum, occasionally giving in for the sake of peace, which means they will ask every time just in case it's that time you say yes. Catch 22

Pressures of parenting and why internet shopping is a godsend. If I had to take them with me Christmas shopping, my patience would be flat in 10 seconds flat.

The greed and want and not getting also adding fuel to the potential for depression, so I have to work harder to get at least a fraction of what they want at birthdays and Christmas.

At the same time I try to teach them that they are very lucky and there are lots of children who don’t get want they want, or even food on the table every day, even here in the UK.

So I do use it to try and teach them kindness and empathy too.

I was shocked to see this statistic yesterday (which I found through Facebook):

Read more about that here:

Anyway, I digress...


Stop Depression by Lighting a fire (metaphorically)!

I suppose there is such a way of using social media responsibly, like Steemit and bringing people’s attention to these issues and ways to handle them. My escape from depression is helping people. There are many causes and things we can do to help with our time, or money if we throw ourselves into making the world a little better, perhaps we can inspire other people to do the same.

We do have to accept that we can’t change everything though, we need to choose what issues we are going to support in our own little ways. It doesn’t even have to be the same thing all the time, swap and change find where your heart and purpose lies, whether it is making an honest platform on Steem, an initiative to help people in a poorer country, helping out in the local hospital, fundraising for the local animal shelter or something else that is close to your heart, act on it and watch the depression disappear.

If one person responds positively, then that spark can lift your mood, so the more sparks the better, let’s light some fires in our hearts and let’s all help the world become a better place, then there will be some happy news and no more depression as our minds will be fed with positivity.

Problem solved!

I know I am a dreamer, but I’m not the only one (John Lennon)


With love <3 @hopehuggs

Pictures all from




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News is indeed nothing more than spreading the negative vibes all over the nation and mostly even fake. I asked a lot about things from the news to all other nationalities during my traveling in asia. They thought all pretty different about it. News tells people things which grabs their attention and let them feel nothing more than sad.

I feel you are a pretty open minded lady who is always trying to improve, to be positive to make life better for you and for your little ones. But don't forget to love yourself cause you are doing great!


a very different and interesting post you shared today thanks for sharing it dear

excellent post ..loving to your blog.thanks for sharing..

This might be your best post yet.

As for media biases, well there is an agenda to make the world think certain ways without the world questioning it.

And many have lost their sense of self.

i Love this post!
ESpecially the line

Why they can’t do a John Craven’s Newsround for adults I don’t know

and I love you! Big hugs to you.. im also going through the wringer right now <3

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Your post is so helpful for a christian...........

The statistics about food insecurity in the West are shocking...

As for negativity in media and social media, I had to just tune out of most of it, as I was either getting depressed or angry. With children, parents have to really pay attention to what they watch, not always easy I know!

Thank you.

This is so cool i enjoyed your work,have a great day.

I agree with you. In fact, I got rid of the TV in 2000 and totally love the fact that today we have Netflix and Amazon Prime enabling us to watch as little or as much as we want, when it fits our schedule (not their scheduled programming), NO COMMERCIALS, and the big bonus is that the platforms remember your place on the video for when you choose to return to watch more.

As for the MSM, the majority of the talking heads are a pack of puppets regurgitating what their told to "sell" the sheeple. It's nothing but propaganda pushing the agenda down our throats. LOL! Sorry, I'll step away from the soap box I was working myself up to.

Yes, life is MUCH better without the "news" and the other points you make in your post are spot on as well. The need to stay positive in the midst of this crazy world, change what you can when you can, don't get sucked into the greed or entitled mindsets that are SO common these days, be grateful for the blessings we do have and share the joy everywhere you can.

Enjoyed your post, excellent reading. Thank you for sharing. :)

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