Gene Codes: Reflections on Human Nature - Page 13

in #ecotrain5 years ago


EcoTrain Question of the Week: How Do You Get Out and Stay Out of an Emotional Hole?

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EcoTrain: Question Of The Week

I'm addressing this question on my 13th Page of my reflections on human nature because it seems appropriate to look at the emotional roller-coaster that we all have our ups and downs on as a question of understanding an innate journey that we are all on: The Hero's Journey!

There are 12 Phases to the Hero's Journey, as I have learned them. These are not chronological steps or stages, but rather markers along the path of growth. You can stay stuck on one Phase for years in certain areas of your life, just as you can experience all 12 in one day!

In considering the question above, I would like to suggest that the "staying out" of an emotional hole part is often not realistic. That's not to suggest that it is impossible, but our Journey in this dualistic reality consists of ups and downs.

Where are you along your Journey? This might help you understand why you're feeling the way you are feeling about certain areas of your life. And it may give you the strength you need to take steps towards getting through a certain Phase, knowing that it is needed to learn certain lessons, as well as needed to get to the next Phase.

Phase 1: The Ordinary World

The Hero's Journey begins in the mundane, normal world that he or she is used to living. Whether happy or sad, the Hero is living a life of routine and complacency. Things could be good or bad, but there is nothing unknown or unfamiliar. Are you bored? Do you feel like there's a larger purpose to your existence? Maybe this is your Phase!

Phase 2: The Call to Adventure

The Hero is jolted, awakened, surprised by some new idea, some suggestion, an insight, or even a crisis. Something's got to change about this situation, and you've got to find the courage to accept the call. This means leaving your comfort zone. Do you feel anxious about a change you know needs to be made? Are you confused about whether this is the right thing to do or not?

Phase 3: Refusal of the Call

Even if only for a split-second, the Hero always has a moment of reluctance. "This is crazy! What am I getting myself into? Is this really worth the trouble?" Reluctance is necessary because it allows us to be cautious in our decision-making process, but it can also cripple us and leave us stuck when we need to move forward. Are you feeling fear about changes that need to be made? Do you allow yourself to be full of doubt to avoid leaving your comfort zone? Maybe this is your Phase!

Phase 4: Meeting the Mentor

Once the Hero gets beyond reluctance, it's time to meet the Mentor. The Mentor can be a person, book, movie or even this very post that you are reading. It's that motivational force that guides you to continue taking steps forward. Are you feeling confused about your next steps, and don't know who to turn to? Are you looking in the right places? Are you being open-minded enough to hear or see the guidance around you?

Phase 5: Crossing the First Threshold

Eventually the Hero must enter the dark forest of the unknown. He or she must cross that gate, bridge, portal in which the old gets left behind and the new is faced. This is the moment when you decide to leave the ordinary world behind you to embrace the challenge of a new lesson. Do you miss your comfort zone? Do you feel inadequate about your abilities to face this new world? Is this your Phase?

Phase 6: Friends, Enemies and Tests

Once the threshold has been crossed, it's time for the Hero to unite with his or her allies, identify the enemy and go through the necessary training to face that enemy. Can you trust the people around you? Are you feeling overwhelmed by all these changes and new faces?

Phase 7: Approaching the Inner Cave

This is the dark night of the soul! Are you ready to face your greatest fears? Will you survive the challenge? The Hero can't sleep as he or she knows that the crucial moment is nearing with each minute that passes. It's time for deep introspection and preparation, as there is no turning back! Is this your Phase?

Phase 8: The Ordeal

The enemy is upon you! That fear that you have refused to face is coming at you with full force, and it wants to eliminate you. It's the Shadow; it's YOUR Shadow! Is it too much? Are you feeling like you won't make it?

Phase 9: The Reward

Victory! And with victory comes the Reward! It's the reason you decided to leave your ordinary world. It's what you hoped to gain by accepting the call to adventure. Are you grateful? Do you feel like a better person? Is this your Phase?

Phase 10: The Road Home

Now that you have your reward, don't think your Shadow is going to give up so easily. The Shadow does not want you to make it back to your community with this empowering gift, for it will encourage others to also challenge the Shadow. You're in the infamous "chase scene" and you must use all of you whits to get home. Have pride and vanity caused you to lower your guard? Are you underestimating your Shadow?

Phase 11: Resurrection

After facing another brush with death (failure), the Hero knows that he or she is twice as strong and gains a sense of humility and humbleness. Gripping more tightly to his or her Reward, the Hero rushes back to the community to embrace those loved one who have been anxiously waiting for the return of their Hero! Have you let go of that pride, arrogance and vanity? Have you understood the importance of your Shadow? Maybe this is your Phase!

Phase 12: The Elixir

The Hero finally returns to the community with that magical story about how to overcome the Shadow, and shares the Elixir of the lessons learned with the tribe. The Hero has been transformed and must now settle into a new life until it once again becomes ordinary. Are you asking yourself if this is it? Are you sharing the Elixir with everyone you can, or are you hoarding it?

The emotional roller-coaster has stopped, but only because it is allowing for the present passengers to decide whether to get off now, or go for another round! You decide, but remember, sooner or later, the call will come, and the Shadow awaits you!


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A neat, brief and lovely sharing of Joseph Campbell's Journey of The Hero. Thank you. How do you use this knowledge to bring you out of a dark emotional hole? Sincerely curious, as a great lover of Campbell's work. Thanks for contributing to the Challenge!

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mmm, wow.. such an intersting post!!! yes, happiness is a pleasure between two pains.. i quite agree. that is the dualistic world we live in... sometimes we NEED to fall into a hole. .. there are lessons to be learned.. with that said, there are times when we really dont need to be there again, or any longer.. or we have gotten out and somehow fallen in again so that we can relearn our lessons even deeper..

i have NO idea where i would be on your list though ;-) maybe ive been on number 8 for some time! <3 thanks for this, i hope you linked it on my post as I MIGHT miss it otherwise on my tie up..

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