What Do You Need To Be Happy? Ecotrain QOTW

in #ecotrain6 years ago (edited)

The quest for happiness can be compared to the quest for the holy grail... at least for some people. Each one of us look for that feeling that makes us complete and be in peace with ourselves.

There are some exceptions, of course, those people who are on a permanent suffering state because they find nobility in it. But apart from that masochist behavior, every human longs for durable happiness.

Particularly, I believe that in life, happiness mostly is a moment that can be repeated during lifespan if we wish so. And I'm not talking about donning an attitude as if happiness were a suit. I'm talking about unveiling and understanding the true rules of the universe.

In that regard, I also believe that we can even get eternal happiness during our stay in this mundane world. Obviously, the world is not a rainbow with pink flying cows, but I forthright deny to assume that we come to this world to suffer day in and day out. IF that's the purpose of our existence, we're just meaningless creatures.


Freedom is the key

This may sound too trite, but what we need to be happy is to be ourselves. Many say this all the time. But do they really do it? I mean to be true to their own feelings; to say what really comes up to their head without masking it; and to take actions on those things that we care about.

Some people live to please others. They constantly say that they don't want to be rude by turning down something. They might presume that that can be considered a selfish move. But what about for the person's free will. For example, assume that somebody, a close friend, invite you to accompany her/him to a party. But for some reason, you don't want to go. And instead of saying no, you keep your feelings inside, and say yes so that the other person cannot think less of you.

When this happens, I wonder where freedom is. Because if you assume that the other person would think you're selfish because you will deny, then your friend will be also selfish for imposing and not considering your feelings. In people's interactions we naturally must be polite and respectful with the others around us (live and let live, that's my motto). However, we sometimes overlook the fact that there's not freedom to really express our true self. Even if somebody is full of flaws or vices, he/she will never find the correct path for happiness until freedom is not reached first.



We need to toss away the general idea that all humans want the same things. What makes you happy doesn't make me happy and vice versa. Though we are connected through our human condition, our individuality will always stand out because it is just part of our personal development.

Here's when the word of failure makes its introduction by the mouths of those people around. Some tend to believe that if someone doesn't accomplish what they've done, such person is a total loser. But perhaps that person didn't want to do it. Let's say he's got other desires and goals.

We don't fail if we don't engage in certain activities. In other words, if something is not our goal, it means we're not competing, not even with ourselves. This is an issue that truly keeps people away from focusing on what they want, which ultimately leads them to happiness.

To put an end to the Ecotrain QOTW, I'd like to conclude by saying that we need to have total freedom first in order to be happy. And that can be obtained by truly being OURSELVES. Lasting happiness is achievable. Our perceptions also have their role in it. But projecting our personality as if the world were a canvas is how we can start enjoying life.


Thumbnail: Source




thanks for this @edave.. a nice response to the QOTW! you've given me a lot of food for thought here and asked some really important questions! TO be true to our own feelings and be ourselves is a deep question within itself!
.. oh and...
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I hope this encourages you to keep writing amazing posts and making this world a better place!.


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