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RE: Anecdotal changes. The Importance of Sharing | EcoTrain Question of the Week

in #ecotrain6 years ago

oooh yeah,, what a good answer.. id not have thought of this one.. and im the kind of person who rarely wants to share my stories because i always think people arent interested or something.. but you are right,, we should share our stories because we are also sharing our experiences.. which are often quite valuable!


I am dealing with some health issues now and if it weren't for people writing blogs and sharing their stories and experiences, I would still be in the dark and would have no clue as to what I am dealing with. Doctors have been no help. It was people who had gone through the same issues that helped me to be on the healing path. Keep sharing your stories, even when you think people might not be interested.

@thelaundrylady that was a very interesting and informative read. My family and I are now slowly transitioning to an all plant based and unprocessed diet. We used to have a friend who would be here a lot and he would let the kids talk him into buying them crap (potato chips, candy, cookies etc.) and then when it was around, they wouldn't stop until it was gone. I noticed that the more they had, the more they wanted and the more crabby they became after eating it or when I said stop. So I decided to ban all sugar from the house. We do use honey and agave syrup (and occasionally brown sugar, but that is being replaced more often now too). It makes such a difference already! The funny thing is, it was my youngest son who got me thinking the most about changing and stop eating meat. He is 4 next week and was pretty much vegetarian from the beginning. One time he told a visitor: "They eat dead animals, but I don't." That really struck something in me! It sounds horrible when you hear it like that, and it is! It's awesome to learn from such a little, wise soul who seems to know certain things better than we do! Just one more thing, I am not sure what kind of health issues you are dealing with, but if you have a chance, look into German New Medicine (just google GNM and the symptoms/illness). I've been studying this for the last 5 years now and it has helped me 'see' more about certain ailments and their causes. We haven't seen a doctor in years!

That is great @misslasvegas and thank you for sharing your story! This post has already paid out or I would give your comment 100% upvote from me. When my younger sister was pregnant with her son, she could not stand the smell or taste of meat. After her son was born, she went back to eating meat and her normal diet. Once her son was old enough to eat solid food, she realized her son hated meat and would not eat anything with meat in it. I guess the little guy was destine to be a vegetarian even before he was born. I think we can all learn a lot from little ones. They are innocent and are perfect observers. They tell you like it is ... "You are eating dead animals". I have an image in my head how that whole thing went down, lol. Your youngest son is a wise little guy!

I am going through Topical Steroid Withdrawal right now. I have been dealing with this for a year now. It is caused by using topical steroid prescribed by my dermatologist. I have some horrific photos of me and plan on warning people about this when I heal completely. Maybe I should do a post on this soon, so more people can be warned and not have to go through this hell. The only way I was able to improve my condition last year was eating a raw plant based diet. I am thinking about doing a fully raw cleanse again to beat this major flare up I am dealing with right now. Thank you for letting me know about German New Medicine. I will do a search to read more. I hate doctors but I went to one to make my folks feel better, but it backfired on me. I learned a lesson. I should always do what's right in my heart. Thank you for commenting!

You're absolutely right, you should do what you feel is right in your heart and not listen to other people's opinions (well, listen and make up your own mind). That's terrible that you have these issues. I had no idea that topical steroids could do that. But please do look into GNM, because even though your issues have been caused by the medication, in GNM it is explained that it was actually caused by something else as a response. This seems very true if you look at the fact that not everyone has these kinds of responses. You have it, and some others maybe as well, but not all people who've used it. Usually issues with the skin come from a feeling of feeling dirty this can be literal (like having been soiled by dirt, feces etc.) or non literal: a dirty situation in life, like having been insulted or bullied... The trick with GNM is to find the reason, accept that this is what it was and then move on. In my experience, the issue will dissolve rather quickly (sometimes days, sometimes a bit longer).I plan to start writing about German New Medicine here too, because not a lot is known about it yet, and there are a few misconceptions and lies out there about it. I have done the studying as well as case studies and seen with my own eyes that it all added up! As for my son, yes he is an intelligent and wise little being. All my kids are blessings to me (4) but with him I look at him daily and think I am the luckiest person in the world to have him after I already had three amazing kids. He brightens up all our lives here, the kids adore him (and he knows it hehe). He's my wild child, the one that has never and will never (unless he chooses to) set foot in a school and he is already teaching me more than I teach him! He thinks about everything. Besides meat, he also had us think about eating vegetables. We were learning about plants and planting some seeds and I explained that plants were living things too. He then asked if they wouldn't feel pain if we cut and eat them. This reminded me of (some) Buddhists who apologise to their vegetables before they cut it and thank it for nourishing their bodies. I have always loved that and have done it for a while. Then forgot. He reminded me so I explained it to him. Now he apologizes to and thanks the food with me when I prepare it :) I think that is truly where the 'saying grace' comes from in the Christian faith. Being grateful for what we have and that our food (even plants) give their life so we can live (and even that is not 100% sure, as I personally know a woman who lives only on water...) It is nice to connect with you and I am looking forward to read more about your journey. I hope your health issues will disappear soon! (maybe detoxing with zeolite could help? It's one of the best...cilantro as well)

The way you speak of GNM is very similar to a guy I follow called "Medical Medium" (Anthony William). I know my condition is triggered by Topical Steroid, but it does seem to be more than just the medication. It is caused by something else deeper. A liver detox is what I need to do to help with my condition. The Medical Medium talks about using cilantro and wild blueberries to do heavy metal detox. I have heard zeolite mentioned several times, I need to look it up.

I apologize to the plants when I harvest as well, lol. I thought I was the only crazy one.

Thank you for taking the time to write. I have truly enjoyed the conversation we had. I will research more.

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