Learn the Qi Gong 8 Brocades in this 4 minute guided video - Part 1 of 8. Experience the incredible benefits of Qi Gong today.

in #ecotrain7 years ago (edited)

This 800-year old exercise, which the ancients likened to a beautiful brocade, consists of eight sections, and is very popular among the Chinese people. Each section can be practiced on its own and each targets a specific organ or health need. The whole set of movements are fine and delicate with moderate intensity. It is like yoga, but is performed in a standing position and does not require much space or a yoga mat. The 8 brocades are also known as the silk brocades because of the very slow and flowing movements. I have been practicing the 8 brocades regularly for several years, and have found it to be one of my great pillars that keep me physically, mentally and emotionally in balance.

If you are leading a stressful life, which most people are, then I encourage you to try the 8 brocades. I have split the practice up into 8 parts, with each part focusing on one brocade. By the end you will have learned all 8 movements, and can easily practice it every day. The whole 8 parts takes just over 20 minutes, and you can do it almost anywhere. If you have tried yoga but found it too difficult to continue, then the 8 brocades might be for you. The movements are so simple, and so gentle that almost anyone can do this. Even though Qi Gong is one of the most gentle forms, it is a powerful healer and balancer.

If you have any issues with the dtube link you can watch the first part of the 8 Brocades below


Transcription Of Video

This is the chi gong practice of the 8 brocades or Baduan Jin. We start in a standing meditation, left hand over right for women on the dantien, men reversed. Centring breathing quieting

The 8 brocades are named after the silk brocades suggesting a feeling of smooth silken movements. The first is for the triple heater, two hands supports the heavens, the arms reach up, fingers interlace and then the palms turn toward the sky. As you exhale the arms begin to slowly float out and down. This repeats, inhale gathering from in front of the body, fingers interlace about the level of the forehead, the palms extend overhead. Exhaling, the arms slowly again releaseout , clearing and releasing.

This is an excellent practice for reducing stiffness in the shoulders and it also improves blood circulation. It's Very good for the triple heater which is like our bodies thermostat. If your body were a three story building for example, you wouldn't want the temperatures to vary too much. You might avoid a room if it's too cold, or burn up if you are stuck on the hottest floor.

It's believed that our triple heater also determines the way we interact with ourselves and the world around us. IT help support appropriate behaviour within relationships so that we aren't too standoffish, too friendly, overly nosey, or too aloof. A balanced Triple heater means that we act appropriately in any given situation.

Exhaling the arms float out and down, and then to finish this first part of the 8 brocades we clear. The arms hands come out to about the level of the heart, And the palms float down in front of the body,.. clearing, and letting go.

That concludes the first part of the 8 brocades. Take a moment to stand as you are and breath into your dantien. When you are ready you can finish.

With deep gratitude to Grand Master Chen Yong Fa (陳永發) for his teachings and dedication to Qi Gong.
With great thanks to Mimi Kuo-Deemer inspiring me to make this video and her kind permission to use her words.

Did you enjoy the music?

This track is called 'Forget Your Troubles Pandas Dream feat' by AstroPilot. You can see more information on shazam


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So Cooool! Yay, I love to see you move! You're a dancer! :-) When ever I miss you or Karunafarm I will just watch this video. :-) ( I am smiling)

aweee.. thanks! i didnt know i was a dancer.. well maybe a very slow dancer at least! x

I'm always telling you. Cause your father was.

Never tried it myself but heard so many good things about it! I bet the environment brings a lot of healing and peace too. Stunning!

give it a go! ;-) it really is so nice to do.. i always found yoga was hard work, and not always easy to find space and motivation.. Qi gong is so calm and soft that im happy to do it anytime..

and yes for sure tis environment feeds the soul!

I did a few rounds of this first exercise this morning. Felt so peaceful and relaxing... especially with the scent of yesterdays heavy rains that still fill the air with a fresh aroma. Just beautiful. I have been a yogi for many years now and it felt good to take things slow.... not easy though if you are used to the fast movements of vinyasa. Thanks. looking forward to the other 7 parts. Thanks again for the share!

what a great video @eco-alex! love how you've combined this absolutely gorgeous view with a lovely calming and rejuvenating ancient exercise! great job on the video too- you've got the skills!! thanks for sharing this with us <3

thank you! can u believe i was going to green screen this! Then i realised i was crazy with a view like that behind me! ;_)

haha! i can't believe that! the view feeds the soul. is that close to where you live? you're very blessed <3

yeah it does.. that is actually at my front door.. the camera is just behind my front door..

Shut the Front door!!

You've got it made!

every morning starts out well! ;-)

holy cow!!!!! wow!

I took a class on the 8 brocades at Wildfire in 2015, and it changed my life. I highly recommend giving it a try. It is hands down one of the mellowest forms and it feel so good!

Much love @eco-alex.

I look forward to reading more of your posts.

Its relly amazing video feel the nature who loves you more and and always help you to be healthy.....

excellent post....very nice video..
my dear friend @eco-alex..
thank you for sharing with us..

Very useful practice my friend, thank for sharing this Silk Brocade. can it be practiced at any time? or there is a specific time like in the morning?, what should we focus on?


well morning is best.. as early as possible... but anytime is also OK.. sometimes i do it in the evening..

Nice to see you @eco-alex :) This is very relaxing. I have been doing some t'ai chi... I think there must be some overlap.

oh another gem of the post from our fantastic #ecoTrain driver. I think it is just by listening and watching it I felt so relaxed and refreshed. I have never tried Qi Gong so there is somthing new to ddiscover and dive into!!

excuse me, "left hand over right for women, man reverse" at the beginning you hold the hands like it's suppoused for woman right?

no, im holding my right hand over left.. remember im facing you maybe that confuses things

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