99 reasons why earthships are fuc!*ing awesome: Part #3 Reasons 21-30

in #ecotrain5 years ago (edited)


Earthship Biotecture has to be one of the least understood sustainable building and living models around. This is not least because they offer SO many benefits that it is hard to even know them all, let alone explain them all! Let it be said that an Earthship can stay at a comfortable climate at even -20 Celsius or 40 Celsius with no power requirements for heating or cooling systems. The systems of an earthship encounter the forces of nature, mainly the sun, rain, and wind, and funnels them into your home to provide everything you need to live comfortably with annual utility bills of around $200 or less.

I have been inspired to write this in sections, with you all, and once it is completed I will be compiling it into a single digital and paperback book available to all to learn and be inspired. So without further ado, here is the third part of my 101 reasons why Earthship are fuc!*ing awesome! I’m so curious to see if i start to run out of reasons before the end, or if they just keep coming... let's see!

21. Incredible Soundproofing.

If you want to make some noise, and not disturb or be heard, do it behind a tyre wall that is buried in the earth with soundproofed triple glazed glass. The same also goes for not being disturbed by outside noise.. although this is less common since Earthships are normally built in rural areas without much noise pollution.

22. Versatile.

Earthships can not only be built almost anywhere in the world, but can also utilise almost any kind of local materials and resources for the build. The main materials by weight are dirt and tyres, both of which are ubiquitous around the entire planet. Tyres can also be rammed with any kind of dirt, soil, sand, etc. which means you can build with whatever ground you have without having to test or buy the right kind of soil, e.g. clay. The final look and feel is totally up to you, your imagination is the limit!

23. Know what it really means to live in harmony with nature.

It's only really when you live with the elements of nature that you start to ebb and flow with them. When it is sunny we know that we have more power, and we adjust our lives around that, e.g. a sunny day is a great time to catch up on dirty laundry. When it is very dry we may take a shower instead of a bath. It also goes much deeper than that. I will never forget the first time I charged my phone from an Earthship in the Reach Community. That feeling will stay with me forever, knowing that this energy was so direct, literally flowing in from the sun and right into my phone. Knowing that this energy was just the same, just as good, but without any of the very many negative effects of a centralised power grid.

24. Encourage LONGEVITY

Living without stress, in an environment of natural abundance, surrounded by people who may be living in the same way is a very special thing. When we have the time and space to just be with our immediate world, and enjoy life, our creativity and inspiration start to blossom. Our lives become rich and spontaneous. We don't need to sacrifice our lives to pay bills and mortgages, and very quickly realise that we don't need anything more than we already have to be happy.

25. Ideal natural environment for cellular oxygenation and natural healing. i.e. people with chronic illness or to PREVENT chronic illness.

Living with plants is well known to improve the air quality, and if you select the right plants you can make a significant improvement to the air in an earthship home. Removing toxins from our air has never been more important, and using plants instead of high tech power sucking air filter machines is a perfect example of Biotecture at its best. No machine will ever clean the air as well or reliably as a plant can, period!

26. A less electronically disturbed and more grounded natural environment.

Earthships are incredibly well grounded, and have no concreted foundation. I have tested the electrical charge in my own body using a grounding kit, and my internal Voltage drops to 0.0 Volts the moment I touch the floor or the walls. In this world of extreme EMF radiation it is important to ground and discharge these energies to stay energetically balanced and healthy.

27. Creating a shift to a new global paradigm. i.e. from being the problem to being a part of the solution.

There is more than enough resources and power for everyone. The only issue we have today is that capitalism has no ethics and no holes barred. This means that some of the most essential aspects of life, such as health care, water, power, food etc.. have all been centralized and commercialised to such an extent that many can not afford the very basics of life. Centralization is greatest destroyer of all things sacred; as much as 70% of our fresh produce is wasted for no good reason, whilst the majority of the world struggle to afford to eat. The elderly are forced to live in freezing cold homes during winter, simply because the power bill would be too much to turn the heating up. The sustenance of people should not be subject to an economy. People should have shelter, water, food, and energy, regardless of economy.

28. Re-green barren areas of land around your home to create a virtual oasis.

Since water treatment happens outside in dry areas, you can have large beds that will blossom and flourish in the nutrient rich grey water. These outdoor beds feed automatically, by gravity, from the overflow of the indoor botanical cells. These give an initial clean up before being routed outside for further treatment and release back to the land.

29. Live in a community of like minded people and foster deep full-filing relationships that are not based on acquisition or personal gain.

Earthships lend themselves to community living because a community will not be burdened with having to pay bills to run it. This means that there is much less need to work and earn too much money, and you end up having far more time on your hands. When your neighbour also has this freedom, and the whole community does, wonderful things start to happen, and we can then witness human nature express itself without the pressures and stresses of the centralised system.

30. Protect yourself and your food from extreme weather and climate change.

Extreme weather is on the rise, and the storms are getting bigger and stronger. Earthships are one of the most robust building models, and are usually bermed into the ground, giving it a very aerodynamic profile to the wind when compared to a normal sticking out house. Also just the shape and slope of the front facing glass windows and kicker will cause wind to fly over your home instead of into it. I you grow your food in botanical cells, they will also be protected as part of the home, and so your food production is also safe. You will also not have issues with power cuts, or other disruptions that can and do happen in cities around the world during and after fairly regular storms.


Ta Daa.. not bad,, I'm on 30 and I still haven't had to do ANY Googling yet!. but as I know so well, Earthships are so amazing that I'm sure I'm going to have no trouble finding another 71 reasons!


Earthship Underground House Tour- Sustainable and Net Zero Living...

Derek "Deek" Diedricksen visits an Earthship (the architectural brainchild of Michael Reynolds) in Taos, New Mexico. The particular model, like many others, features earth berm air intakes, a water recycling system for its grey water, and the luxury of two bedrooms, two bathrooms, and even a two car garage! Ashley Turin gives us a full out tour of this, one of the newest Earthship builds on the Taos compound. This sustainable and passive solar home just may give you a few ideas for your own future designs.



Super Efficient Off-Grid Earthship Built for Early Retirement Plan


Part 1:


Final Earthship Seminar Transcription Table Of Contents: + Incredible Earthship Video To Truly Educate and Inspire.


Living off-grid in an Earthship home is about many things. It is not just an ethical choice or a building type choice, it is also a lifestyle choice. When you start to live off-grid, and self-sufficiently, you embark on a break out from the matrix/zeitgeist. You start to unplug yourself from the normal, dependent, vulnerable, and highly controlled way of life that many people are used to in cities and highly developed countries. When you are truly self-sufficient and out of debt you take away some of the main sources of stress: buying food, paying the bills, covering the mortgage or rent, and needing to work full-time to allow this to continue. We can also look at environmental issues and great need to build smarter and in a more connected way, especially in the face of climate change. Our global population is rising and with it the poverty level and inequality of wealth in all forms. To compound this issue, the cost of living is also hurtling up! We are moving toward a very unsafe and unsustainable future if we continue to build and live in the same way that we have been doing.

Did you know, I built four Earthships in India as well as being instrumental the creation of the first Earthship in the UK, Earthship Brighton. If you are also on this path and would like to read my story, I have recently published a book. It is not only a great story, but a valuable resource for you to learn from. I had no experience or training when I embarked on my mission, but managed to successfully build a gorgeous home called Earthship Karuna.

You can buy this book with Steem on the homesteaders co-op. Whilst you are there please do have a look at some of the other products as there are all kinds of great things there!


If you don't have any Steem you can also buy the ebook and paperback on amazon.


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WONDERFUL post! Earthships are the coolest I totally agree! Resteemed

thanks Sally, much appreciate a re-steem here n there! glad you agree ;-)

Earthships are entirely beautiful. I think I melted at 29. It seems to be very hard to find people who are open to change like this in our towns and cities, but I'm working on that too - sampling a Buddhist meditation group soon, as solved a babysitter issue (yay)!

Im so with u! Number 29 rocks!

One day I'm going to visit you in that earthship of yours! Damn, I really want one. Our place is SO not as efficient as yours - and sound proof - haha. If it was, I wouldn't hear my bloody rooster. Great post, great idea, and is going to make a really cool digital book!

Thank u! Its so much more digestible in random point form no? And way easier to write! I really hope I can make it to 101 without the reasons getting lame ;)

Oh you are on fire!! LOL... I'm really liking #26 about being in an electrically calm and more grounded environment. More please!!

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