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RE: My Answer To ecoTrain's Question Of The Week: Abundance Woes

in #ecotrain5 years ago

I have the same problem - not enough space for the medicine I need to grow! I end up having to buy quite a bit, although I'm perfectly capable of growing it myself, and I love doing it. Instead, I have to buy lower-quality cannabis from other growers that aren't so confined in growing space. Someday I'll have access to a large garden, or even farm, for growing :)
Keep up the great work!


Thanks buddy! Yeah I look forward to the day I have good space. Cause not only will I still be able to gift plants, but I would have an abundance of medicine to gift!

That would be amazing, right? I'd love to be able to provide for myself, MediKatie, and others. I know what I produce is healthier than almost anything else they'll ever find, so I feel great being able to share it. I know there are others... a lot of dispensaries and growers in the black market are the same! Just good people with a skill, that want to put their time to use growing plants for medicine. There are lots of us out there, held back by stigma and prohibition! Think how the world could be without all the unjust laws and regulations? Imagine if you could grow a massive crop in a nearby empty lot, and gift most of the medicine to the needy? And so the activism goes on.

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