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RE: EcoTrain Question of the Week - "What was the most profound spiritual moment of your life?"

in #ecotrain7 years ago

...and where did i wrote depression is only a head matter ?! I don't understand . There are 2 main matters : nature of depression and genetics cause.

Nature of depression: you affirmed that i believe depression is "only in your head" - when and where i said that ?!

Genetics : depression is not caused by genetics - technically it cannot be.


I guess I'm just not understanding what we are debating anymore haha. I must have misunderstood the meaning of your comments and that's my mistake. But I simply meant to state that I do believe depression can be genetic, or at least can be influenced by genetics - my own doctor confirmed this for my mental illness. That's all

You are avoiding the questions . First you throw up saying i think like the others and i consider depression just a head problem - you attributed to me ideas and phrases i never written - and now you avoid the questions - you like to put shit on others you are pathetic .

No, I am saying I don't understand you. The question was: what made me think you said "it's all in the head." I never said that YOU think that depression is "all in the head." I said that both of your statements "You will one day just see depression is not anymore a thing for you " AND "then that you will understand that all that time you believed to a fairy tale : genetics cause" is what confused me and made me think you were saying that my idea was made up. It's sad, I was trying to be civil and actually understand your opinion. But now that you are calling me pathetic I'd rather not continue the conversation. My last comment was an apology for misunderstanding and you then you turned cruel. If you honestly meant well this whole time and wished me well with my depression, I thank you. I wish you well at least even if you think badly of me. Best of luck

Avoiding the questions and wasting my time with short comments after you associate me with ideas and concepts i never write about it's what you did. It's sad you are not able to talk about depression and discover new principles and maybe gain new understanding ....

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