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RE: Why Do We Insist On Destroying Our Natural Instincts

in #ecotrain6 years ago

Whenever I have seen child birth scenes in TV / movie it always seems like they put the child in the arms of the mother first, I never knew that they were taken away straight away unless there was something wrong with the baby for some reason. There is no doubt that there are so many hormones and things happening that it is vital to make that bond with the baby and obv for the baby who has just been through a stressful experience and now in a whole new environment needs basically to feel comfort like that of the womb. Babies are extremely sensitive and also many new mums experience post natal depression often, why is that? . I've never been sure about these extra pain reliefs given during child birth even when I was really young like a kid I always thought when I grow up and have a child I want a natural birth, it just seemed to literally be a natural desire for me.i honestly think we have been scared into thinking some how things will go wrong. But to me the whole idea going into hospitals scares me unless absolutely necessary. I don't think the air quality inside hospitals are good because they use very strong cleaning products filled with chemicals that go into our bodies, and that is our first breathes, its not exactly the most friendly welcome Into this world.


it is general practice to remove the baby, that 1st hour is so important for bonding and breastfeeding. There are so many procedures now during and after birth that have a huge impact on the baby and mother and definitely can result in post natal depression. Both baby and mama have this amazing hormone dance that needs to take place during both, if it is not natural and they are not together it does not happen. Thank you @celestialcow for your feedback xx

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