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RE: Why Do We Insist On Destroying Our Natural Instincts

in #ecotrain6 years ago

I'm always very struck when I watch movies about England in the 1700s. It really strikes me that it was the height of sophistication to separate themselves from nature. If you think about it, humans had been at the whim of nature for a very, very long time. I think they felt quite evolved to be less and less the victims of it. It's clear that their entire demeanor is about separation from nature. To me, it's even clear that they're separating themselves from their human nature. I think that was the cool thing back in the day. You can imagine it must have been quite a wonder to be able to start to control themselves and nature. That's what I get out of it anyway. I think that mentality is still very much treasured; sophistication and civility is to separate yourself from your animal-like nature and from nature itself. Blame the English! Just something I observed from movies and sort of an innate feeling I have.

P.S. I read the Continuum Concept, and it really changed my life. Did you?


Thank you @brightstar, yes indeed this dominate attitude over nature really took off at that time, as a whole we are much more powerful when we are connected with nature i.e our true selves, for me as a women the oppression of women goes hand in hand with that, the introduction of religions, this greed for power. We most evolve of course but we must learn from our mistakes and for so many what we see as mistakes they see as progress, thank you for you input, it's really good connecting with you here and yes that book is amazing xx

It's a sickness that inflicts generations. We have to try and gain our sanity, and that's what you and I are doing here. 🙂

yes indeed, thank you @brightstar x

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