
Mum got the starter going about three years ago. It's pretty easy though. You get a glass or ceramic jar and put about 1/2 cup of starter and 1/4 cup of water to make a paste. Cover with a breathable cloth. Leave for a few days but feed every day or so - take out half, add more flour and water and repeat that over about a week. You should see bubbles form after a few days and it'll get a sour, vinegary smell. That's the starter!

Then I just feed it enough ready for baking - I honestly just leave a bit of starter in the bottom of a tupperware containeer, add a few cups of flour and some water and leave it in the fridge. Even left there it's still fermenting, just much slower. Sometimes I leave it for a few weeks and it gets this very strong vinegary smell and kinda grey liquid on top but I just stir it and it's fine.

Good lukc, @birdsinparadise, and have fun with it!

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