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RE: Which came first: the Chicken or the Egg? A Visit to the Chicken Breeder with @mountainjewel

in #ecotrain6 years ago

This truly was a fascinating day! So much to learn. Actually the eggs are incubated and then checked for viability on day 4, 10 and 17. In a dark room, the egg is candled (light shined) on the large end of the egg. You should see a dark dot inside the egg with veining. If you crack and egg which has been fertilized you will see a white circle within a white circle, kind of a bullseye. That means the egg was fertilized and could be viable. You don't know if they have mated the egg may be laid a couple of days later. She does love the eggs but if the chickens stop laying or if they're mean she may eat them at some point. She had 3 red chickens last year that would eat the other chickens eggs...those she chose to eat. Really an adventure! Thanks for asking :)


You know what I found out? If chickens stop laying or producing eggs, they will eat other chicken's eggs and the thot is is that there are some nutrients they may need. Or maybe they are jealous lol.

Your daughter is brave. I couldn't do it.

Thanks for taking the time to give me all this information. I find things like this very interesting. :)

Yes, they are braver than I. My daughter doesn't kill the chickens her husband ini does it. I couldn't do it. I would become a vegetarian really fast lol! I think you are right about the jealousy side of it. They're funny birds...quite beautiful though, majestic!

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