Personal Growth and Knowledge: How to go about it

in #ecotrain6 years ago (edited)

One of the main and most effective strategies for personal growth is to know what information is needed to achieve its goals . Once we understand what we need to know, we need to know how to collect this information.In fact, a person is not simply educated to the extent that he has stored knowledge, but insofar as he knows how to make his knowledge available by making it available to his own purposes.


Everything you want to achieve should be the object of your study : if you want to succeed, study success , if you want to become rich, study wealth , if you want to be happy, study happiness ! Studying is important, but when it comes to issues related to personal growth and self-fulfillment, how many people make an accurate object of study ? Really very few, unfortunately. Perhaps many consider personal growth a "mystery of life", and as such, incomprehensible. These same people are likely to feel success or wealth as the direct consequence of chance or fortune.

“If understanding is impossible, knowing is necessary.”

Primo Levi

As a Youth If you are looking

Searching is a way to discover new knowledge, which, in turn, create new ideas. Sometimes even a simple idea could be the source of one's personal growth, but it is rare to emerge from nowhere. You need to undertake a diligent search for the knowledge you need to find the right idea.

The great ideas, the winning ones, as well as the unique moments or those magical moments that could totally change our existence, pass quickly and, if they do not recognize each other, they escape us forever. For this reason I think it is important to be quick in capturing what really matters .
The preliminary way to capture knowledge is through our personal library . I am not referring to books bought only to be harmoniously matched with the furniture of our house. I refer to consumed books, experiences, those you have chosen to study and underline, books with crumpled pages and notes noted on margins; in short, the books that contributed to the creation of your philosophy of life . This is certainly a true treasure that is worth finding, capturing and enhancing!

Considering the new technologies , you can include in this treasure are eBooks, info-products, DVD supports and websites that can shape your life in the best way and contribute to your personal growth .

In addition, I suggest you also to capture all the knowledge that you gradually acquire in the course of your life through direct experience . For this reason, I encourage you, as a real "student" of personal growth, to keep a diary (paper or a simple digital notepad) as a reference point and collection of all the ideas that come to your attention. With the passing of time a precious treasure will emerge : business ideas, ideas on social life, culture, investment and lifestyle. Can you imagine the incredible value of all this?


Personal growth means accumulating wisdom

If you want to be wiser, there are two ways to go: one is to learn from one's life , while the other is to study the lives of others .

Personal Reflection
Review the experiences made in your life. Learn to reflect , considering the events of existence as a source from which to draw lessons . It is not enough simply to retrace one's own days, but one must always retain something. There is a time for everything: there is a time to act and a time to reflect. Unfortunately, we are often so taken by the daily tasks that we do not even pause to reflect, neglecting what is an essential formula for personal growth .
In the evening, cut out some time to think about what happened during the day that just passed. Where did you go? What did you do or said? Reflect on what worked and what did not, on what you have to redo and what not. Try to mend events as clearly as possible: remember the colors, sounds, smells, conversations, experiences and things you've seen. Experience is a precious commodity , but we need to analyze it and turn it into something useful for our personal growth , extrapolating the main lessons. Study both the positive and negative aspects, the successes as well as the failures.

Another productive moment to reflect is at the end of relevant periods: a week, a month, a year or an experience (for example, a work experience or a trip). Take some time to review, meditate and reflect on everything that has happened in your life during a relevant period. Successful people collect the past and invest it in the future. Do not just live a year: collect the years spent and invest in the new year. Do not limit yourself to having a work experience: collect all your past professional experiences and invest them in the next one.

Of all the experiences you experience, consider only the wisdom they contain.

Mark Twain

Learn from others

Another way to increase one's wisdom is to learn from the experience of others : both from their successes and their defeats. There are three ways to learn from others:


Books and Digital Content

All successful people and all great leaders are good readers . The pleasure of reading belongs to the curious, and only those who are curious act and progress in life. It is not surprising, then, to see that the most apathetic and less curious to know are also those of lesser success. Who excels in life usually makes knowledge a real need. Even if you do not have much time to read or if you really do not like reading, you can at least listen to audiobooks , maybe while you are driving or waiting for an appointment. In short, it seeks to make unproductive moments productive. It can only take half an hour a day; you have no excuse not to learn : anyone can carve 30 minutes in a day! Maybe it will also be impossible to read too many books, but surely it will not be impossible to read a few. And few is always better than nothing.

If you want to improve your life (believe me if I tell you that you can change it simply by taking a cue from a good read!), If you want to collect winning ideas, practical examples of success and sources of inspiration , I suggest you start reading the best personal growth books or the 11 most influential motivational classics of self-help literature.

The mistake that many commit when they consider reading is to believe that reading is a luxury for leisure. But it's not like that: reading should be a necessity for those who want to grow up. Therefore, do not do like those people who, once they have finished their studies, feel entitled to never read again. Also, do not consider books as a mere pastime . The money you spend to buy them is an investment in a better future, your future. There is a big difference between cost and value. Before asking yourself how much it can cost you to read, ask yourself what the books have in value. Always base your life on the choices of value, and not a mere cost. And remember: you can be what you read.


Know how to listen
Listening is a sublime way to learn.That is why being able to listen to others is one of the first rule of winning art to create successful relationships.


Learn To Observe
Here is the third way to learn from others: observe what successful people do . Therefore, I suggest to be a mentor and to follow the clues of excellence .

The pursuit of knowledge and wisdom is therefore one of the strategies for personal growth . I also know that this is a action that requires sacrifice and investment (of time, money and effort), but you must not be blocked by it. The reward of such an investment will be high. Feed your mind ; it is not enough to be good students and to live only on bread to better express that potential. You could work hard and hard for a lifetime, and still be unhappy. We must also be excellent "connoisseurs" . Then nourish your mind and your soul with valuable knowledge; you will open the access point to the place where the great ideas are transformed into concrete and excellent results .


Learning is as important for a person as air is. In this generation without knowledge a person can't live.
A person must learn till his death.
Without knowledge a person is not so called a human being,he has no humanity and his mind is as dangerous as wild animals have.
So a person must to be gain knowledge from anywhere in the world at any stage of life.
Anyways thanku @afifa for this beautiful post about knowledge and learning.

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Know what you need and know how to find it.
Learning is a never ending process.

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Wow.. great post there. I do agree with personal refelection and also learn from others to empower our personal growth. Thank you for sharing.

Great article friend, I love you, thank you for your wisdom, every time I learn more and more, God bless you always.

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