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RE: ECS Curation Report | December 04, 2020

in #ecosynthesizer4 years ago (edited)

Good morning, my friend, I need your great help. the moderator acastaladio. I close the doors to continue publishing, the reason for not having experience in the publications as you well know, for being a moderator in the Latino community and calling attention to notify one, well, not once, the man placed me on a blacklist. And not only that after I look for it half because I did not know how to do it. that I apologized that it was unexpected. Well, the publication that I commented on Mr. Acastaeladio, what he did was to place that publication in invisible so that no one could see it .. apart in the other few publications that I have in fact I place them in the same way. that is not done to anyone. Really help me please I just want to be generous and work things out well .. I speak and write Spanish

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