Symbiotic Autonomous Viruses (Part I)

in #economy7 years ago

I recently read the very interesting article by @zoidsoft

I am going to focus on the idea of self-owned machines mentioned in this article.

Decentralised protocols are great and will be the basis of amazing changes around the world. But they are limited mostly to the internet, or did never require trust in the first place.
Protocols are not physical, they are just ideas, they only change the world when humans implement them. Still the humans remain a central part in the process.

Symbiotic autonomous machines change this fundamentally. They are a machine, that acts according to a protocol and that do not require humans. (For example an autonomous vacuum cleaner). But while these are cool, they will not fundamentally change the way we live. But with blockchain technology and the non-requirement of trust these can be employed for entirely novel tasks. Machines can now earn their own money and it will be impossible to extract it by force. The money can be secured to a smart contract and only be used according to the machine protocol. Even if the machine had an owner, the money would still not be accessible by the owner of that machine. It is the first time in history that machines can really own something!

This enable the final part. If such a machine offers a good service and earns a lot of money, it can replicate and pay for a second one. Some human has to create the first, but after that, secured by blockchain technology, the machine can grow dynamically. This is why I call it a virus, as it has the ability to reproduce.

The important part is that it will only be possible if the machine offers a valuable service, otherwise it would be impossible to make money (maybe some machines start to kill us if we dont pay them? Short answer no, maybe ill make another article about that). So we will have autonomous non- or self-owned machines that reproduce according to the human needs.
This is why I coined the name of symbiotic autonomous virus (SAV) and they will be the basis of the next major revolution in the economy, a machine-to-human economy.

Their benefits are:

  • code is open and thus we know what we are getting. Removes trust in companies.
  • no human corruption
  • SAV's have no interest in making money for themselves, they will offer at production price (plus a small bonus if they think they should try to grow their service.)
  • dynamically competing for best service, maybe self-evolving


  • currently artificial intelligence is too bad to offer new products and innovation
  • less flexible than human offered services

So will they be able to compete with current human owned businesses? In most branches not yet. But we might already be at a point where they will be able to offer simple tasks at better rates than a human economy. In the future, they should take over many branches of our economy.

In the past technology made the workers useless as they were replaced by machines. Soon we will be starting to make the owners useless as we also replace them with new technology.


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