Everything is Economics (and all of your actions are self-interested)

in #economics7 years ago (edited)


(Scroll down for video version of this article.)

All of life, indeed, existence itself, is an exercise in exchange.

There is no activity in all of this world which is not inherently a trade of one good (physical or otherwise) for another. Without scarcity, there could literally be no existence as we know it (how can something be scarce nowhere, and be said to exist somewhere?)

The reason you are an individual is because you are scarce, and your body does not extend forever. The reason you love your lover is because he or she has qualities you perceive as valuable which others do not. The reason you pay for food is because it is not infinite in supply. The reason I made this video was because I deemed SPENDING my time (which could have been spent otherwise) worth the greater value of successful self-expression, and getting "my message" out there. Even this non-monetary reward is a payout.


Every action you take, whether base or refined, is ultimately self-interested.

There is no such thing as a "selfless" action, though there is highly refined self-interest. Many would argue that feeding a beggar is a much more refined act than hiring a prostitute for a quick sexual encounter, but both actions are ultimately self-interested, and both offer a reward. When I see the beggar eat, I am happy. I wanted him to eat because I felt bad that he was hungry. I paid for this experience of seeing his belly filled BECAUSE IT MAKES ME FEEL GOOD. In a perhaps much less refined sense, when I meet the prostitute, I satisfy a desire as well--if perhaps only an immediate, physical one.

While both of these acts are 100% self-interested (in the case of the beggar we cannot know compassion without first knowing hunger ourselves and not wanting another to experience it, because we don't want to experience it (we know the pain)) feeding the hungry man is likely to be deemed the more refined act, as the payout is more likely to be seen as helping another human being and leaves a lasting feeling of satisfaction whereas the other scenario is less likely to be perceived as producing this result.


Economics finally tells us that it is non-productive and destructive to base a society on theft instead of production.

Government officials and "upstanding members of society" ("law abiding citizens") profess to believe this to be true, but continue to legitimize taxation (money taken under threat of violence), licensing (claiming ownership over one's body via restrictions on movement/actions of said body), arbitrary claims on land (creating borders by simply arbitrarily claiming ownership vast swathes of land and by extension the individuals living therein), and the myriad other practices which illegitimately claim ownership over the physical person, property, and/or resources of another human being.

Let us be honest and call this what it is: slavery. As much as it is morally illegitimate for me to mug an old woman in the park, is it illegitimate for state agents to engage in any of the aforementioned activities.

If we truly desire a peaceful society, it is an objective fact that the science of economics must be recognized as the foundation for any legitimate "plan." If we deny that other humans own themselves (possess an independent, nature-conferred highest executive capacity, and claim to their minds and bodies), and support entities such as the state, which claim, under threat of force, to own the bodies and resources of other individuals without acquiring them justly (through homesteading, gifting, or voluntary exchange) then we support a "system" which runs directly counter to reality itself, and can OBJECTIVELY NEVER PRODUCE A MINIMALLY VIOLENT SOCIETY BY VIRTUE OF ITS VERY PRECEPTS (if individuals cannot act according to their independent market proclivities and are not free to acquire unowned resources conflict is potentiated and, indeed, inevitable).

If, however, the nature of reality is honored and recognized as the highest law, supply and demand can be accurately measured, price calculation can be successfully accomplished, and conflict can be minimized by affording each individual market actor the ability to pursue their myriad and various wants, desires, and economic goals via a system of property grundnorms based on the least common denominator and most foundationally atomic unit of all societies--the individual.


If the non-violent individual is denied these natural freedoms, the results are apparent:

Mismanaged resources, miscalculated prices, frustration of individual market actors and their unique and unlimited desires, wants, needs, and proclivities, and as a result of all of this: frustration, starvation, violence, and suffering.

Collective groups can never successfully "manage" an economy or market by very nature of their inherent quality of not representing each unique market actor.

How is my free market prescription objectively correct, you say?

Well, if you place "minimal violent conflict" in the value position of the socioeconomic equation, the only way to balance this equation is through a system that recognizes the cause of violent conflict (disputes over property) and thus renders a system that is universally applicable to all market actors, and not just a select few called "government."

This is readily testable, and indeed, has been tested and proven time and time again when coercive collectives of the few have attempted to dominate vast swathes of individuals.

Forcing individuals born with independent wants, needs, and desires, to accept those of a regime, government, religion, or otherwise, always potentiates and produces conflict, as we know for a fact no two people have the same exact set of wants, needs, and desires. Indeed, even within each individual, these are CONSTANTLY CHANGING. HOW COULD A SYSTEM RENDERED STATIC EVEN IN THE SLIGHTEST DEGREE BY "COLLECTIVE LAG" EVER BE AS EFFICIENT AS ONE BASED ON PROPERTY NORMS AND THE INDIVIDUAL?

The answer? It objectively couldn't. Don't believe me? Come and stand exactly where I am standing! Or better yet, let's both own that beer in the picture above! ;)

tl;dr - Here's the video version of this talk!

(All photos in this post are original and/or downloaded royalty free from morguefile.com)



Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as Facebook and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)


Yes very true, scarcity of resources makes the economic activity. Resources are not abundance ,to accumulate wealth we have to do economic work. Yes everything is related to economy, all things are scarce. You love your loved ones as you satisfied your hearty needs. You get satisfaction from the work, that is why you want to do that particular work. For example, in steemit community too all people work hard for the satisfaction of their all types of needs, needs of recognition, needs of friendship, needs of wealth etc. Yes friend I completely agree with you that, not a single thing of the world which are not related to economy. I was the students of economic science, I love the subject. Thanks for sharing such a valuable message. I have something to say to you friend please, come to my post and please do what ever you want to do for the victims of floods of my locality. You are so powerful and genius friend your small steps make some people much happier. So please for the sack of humanity do something for the victims friend. Thanks, have a great day, Happy steeming.

Hello, @maya7. Thank you always for reading my posts. I will make a post promoting yours, and will send the SBD rewards to you.

Flood looks tough. I'll do what I can.


My pleasure friend, thank you so much for the great support. You are so sweet and nice person friend ,your kind support must brings you lots of blessings from my people. I want to express my feelings with you that India and Japan are always great friends. In the period of our independence your country supported us greatly,today again you come out to help my people. It's a great gift for my people from Japan, thanks have a great day friend happy steeming.

Ah, it is not my country, but I appreciate it. I am glad to know individuals like yourself, and do hope to visit India someday. You are welcome, and I hope you have a great day, too!

When I first knew economic, my teacher explained to the class how's the cycle of economic works. From money creation to business cycle to poverty. It intrigues me, thus making me wanted to learn more. The more I learn, the more I know why a lot people are poor and few are rich. Manipulators and rich people seems wanted to suppress education and create more wealth for themselves. I hope education is free and accesible to all like the oxygen.

I hope education is free and accesible to all like the oxygen.

The internet is quickly making that a reality. If only the world governments won't interfere...

Awesome post @kafkanarchy84 sir, full of knowledge.

great article man

Cheers. Thanks.

I agree with you. Everything is self-interest, even helping the less fortunate. It gives us pleasure since we have evolved as social animals that help each other survive, so that we all get to survive and thrive as a species.

I guess successful traders are great professionals in economics.

Changing our current economics structure would most likely require a revolution. I have a hard time seeing governments easily giving up power.

When the next financial crisis occurs we might see governments create their own "cryptocurrencies" in order to keep the masses happy while staying in power

I hear what you are saying. I personally am not so concerned with the perceived "practicality" of any system, but the morality.

lets own that beer hahahaha best one buddy u need to export in pakistan or i need to earn big to travel and visit you hahaha

That would be great. Let's make it happen :)

Very good what you say and write

Taxation in its present from is most certainly undemocratic and not the best method for a truly decent society, since we as citizens have little to no influence on how tax-payer money is used.
However you are still wrong on so many levels. Life is far more than economics, this true for human life as well as nature as a whole. Our western concepts of how life works are severely flawed from the flawed concept of evolution being based on competition instead of cooperation, while in reality everything in life on earth from the cells in our body to our symbiosis with the microorganisms inside of us, to the symbiosis of all life-forms in their respective eco-systems is based on cooperation.
And a human society purely based on greed (or rational self-interest) is severely dysfunctional and actually the wet-dream of a psychopath. And the author Ayn Rand who developed this philosophy in her books was most certainly a psychopath, (she even was a self-admitted admirer of a perverted killer).
Psychopathic philosophies lead to psychopathic behaviors hurting society and psychopathic systems as a whole are self-destructive in the long run.

Our western concepts of how life works are severely flawed from the flawed concept of evolution being based on competition instead of cooperation...

What I spoke of in this post and video was cooperation. I live in Japan and embrace many, many aspects of Eastern culture. Perhaps you misunderstood what I meant by "economics" and "self-interest." I would encourage you to watch the video again, if you did watch it. Without exchange there can be no cooperation.

And a human society purely based on greed (or rational self-interest) is severely dysfunctional and actually the wet-dream of a psychopath.

I did not advocate such a society. Rational self-interest and greed are the same thing, in your view? You realize that even taking a breath is a self-interested action, no?

In the Randian community self-interest is indeed the same as greed, compassion is idiotic and altruism for others is considered to be the greatest sin.
For me there is always a necessity to balance the interests of the individual with those of the community. Nobody is an island, and very few can live totally on their own, but to see the other person as purely a means to the end of one's own profit is destructive for the psyche of the individual and the cooperation within the community

but to see the other person as purely a means to the end of one's own profit is destructive for the psyche of the individual and the cooperation within the community

I agree, and neither I, nor Rand, ever made such an argument or advocated such things.

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