Ass Backwards Political Peeps

in #economics7 years ago (edited)

I happened to see this on teh Facebook when I clicked on a news story over to the right.

And besides not wanting to get into it with a random loon whose post just happened to become visible to me, it didn't allow for comments.

So I'll comment here, and take it line by line:

"It's good that they're covering higher education costs

Meh, not really. It's basically a publicity stunt and an inefficient use of their employees' time. It would be better to target them with specific types of training. But there are people like you who think "higher education" is necessarily important, and they're playing to the crowd.

"but this shouldn't come because of tax breaks."

Why do you care? unless you're politically motivated rather than concerned about the employees.

"They ALREADY had the money to do it."

No. Contrary to your screwy beliefs, businesses don't sit on piles of cash and roll around in it. They're constantly using their money and reinvesting it into the business, and they grow when they do so correctly.

(If for some reason a company has a windfall pile of cash sitting around, it's certainly because of a violently forced monopoly by people like you. In the natural order of people behaving peacefully, someone else would easily undercut you -- if you're making excessive profits, then there's a huge window for someone else to do it for cheaper, and you'll quickly be out of business if you don't lower your price.)

"By doing it after they've gotten tax breaks, they are turning their initiative into a bribe to convince you to let them get away with gutting the government."

It's actually, most likely, that they have more money now than they budgeted for and figure it's an ok time to try this. (This is what happens. When you don't take their money away from them, they're able to do things with it. Stings doesn't it?)

"That tax break is coming out of CHIP. That tax break will harm millions of children and countless more families and adults."

No, that tax break will employ millions of people and make life better for countless families and adults.

"That tax break is still a fucking crime that would do serious long-term harm to our nation"

No, taking money from people who don't willingly give it to you is a crime. And yes, it does serious long-term harm when people like you do that.

"Don't let them or any other corporation off the hook for what they are doing in the name of profit$$$$$$$"

They're not doing anything. This is actually the absence of you doing something (of you stealing quite as much as you'd like to).

"profit$$$$$$$$" is involved either way. Difference between them and you is they earn theirs peacefully.

So ya, that concludes an episode of a liberal statist getting every sentence about as wrong as possible.

And really that shouldn't be a surprise. If you pay attention, I think you'll notice that people who are wrong about government/philosophy/economics are essentially always making a projection.

I believe what happens is, guided by a subconscious understanding of what they themselves are guilty of, the truth essentially keeps their ideas "on track".

Whereas if they were a little wrong it wouldn't be as likely to feel right or remain viable in their mind. It's actually easier to be completely spanking backwardsly wrong.


I wish i could say i totally agree with you, or with him, for that matter, but the truth is it isn't so white and black. You made excellent refutations, of course, but for example even though it is possible millions get employed, it might also have those effects he purported.
Another thing I'm not quite clear about is, is it affirmative that they (disney) are doing this because of the tax-break or could it even be mere coincidence?
I know there's a valid argument behind 'taxation is theft' and you truly believe it, but growing up in a relatively communal society like i did, I don't think I've quite gotten to that conclusion yet.

"but the truth is it isn't so white and black. You made excellent refutations, of course, but for example even though it is possible millions get employed, it might also have those effects he purported."

It's true that both factors can be at play. There's always a short-term consequence, like even freeing slaves for example would have some negative consequences, after the fact of economies being built around the injustice. But it's still better to free them and more good is done overall than if you continued the injustice.

So ya, it can be true that there's less money in the trough and this has some negative effects. But I'm really confident that it's outweighed by the positive effects (even if my refute was kind of reverse-simplistic and avoided getting into all that).

The right thing to do I would say IS very black and white -- that it's not correct to take things that don't belong to you -- but ya it plays out in a way that isn't perfectly smooth for everyone.

(And remember it won't be smooth for everyone either way. I.e. for families who lose their jobs or are never hired because of the artificial weight put on companies when the tax is higher. So neither path means that no one anywhere gets hurt.)

"Another thing I'm not quite clear about is, is it affirmative that they (disney) are doing this because of the tax-break or could it even be mere coincidence?"

Definitely could be coincidence. I have no idea, and was just working with that person's assumption that it has something to do with the tax break. Good question.

"I know there's a valid argument behind 'taxation is theft' and you truly believe it, but growing up in a relatively communal society like i did, I don't think I've quite gotten to that conclusion yet."

I generally just try to zoom out and just think about people doing things. If you forget about terms like 'taxation' and all the hoopla that goes into a nation's legal process, it seems pretty clear that "these people" are taking things from "those people", right?

Or even forget about the term 'theft'. Would you agree it's an act of hierarchy (backed by the threat of violence and punishment) that interferes with a person's chosen course of action?

Thanks for your questions and feedback.

Thanks so much for the long and detailed reply. You have no idea just how much I appreciate this.

You know, even though the year is 2018, a time which--thankfully--we have a lot of media types allowing us to sort of take our faiths into our own hands, it's still amazing how much control the mainstream medias have over our thoughts. All I've been hearing and reading about the tax-breaks is how terrible it is, and how it'll only make the rich richer; it's really really refreshing to get a nice contrary perception like yours.

Would you agree it's an act of hierarchy (backed by the threat of violence and punishment) that interferes with a person's chosen course of action?

It definitely is this, and this definitely is wrong.

I really hope it plays out to the best possible outcome, i.e more jobs, more investments, and most importantly, more freedom!

Once again huge thanks for the reply. Appreciated.

That's awesome!!! Appreciate your feedback and curiosity too.

The situation with the tax breaks is weird because large corporations DO, imo, receive a lot of advantages from the government. (Could get into what those are, in another post or something.)

So I mean, I get the general distaste for large corporations. But I believe the solution is to cut those advantages. As played, I don't think it helps to tax them more.

Or another way to look at it is kind of like:

In a more perfect world, smaller "mom and pop" style businesses (smaller more decentralized entrepreneurial endeavors) would be able to succeed more. So these would provide most of the jobs and the products we need.

In the world we have now, where it's slanted it to favor the large corporations (that sucks, but), it's even worse to hinder their ability to provide the jobs and products we need.

I'd like to hurt the large multinational corporations at the root of where they're given competitive advantages by the government. Taxing them is just trying to manage a symptom and seems to do no good for anyone.

Whao. This is so true. We all wish for smaller more decentralized business outlets, but it is slanted to the favor of the large corporations; that's how it is. Instead it of making it worse we could make the best of it. Gotten!

Tax break is good for everyine except those who dont want to work and want free money from food stamps.

yup!! hehe. I'd like to see more people admit it "meh, I'd rather get money for nothing" .. ok fine, spare us the convoluted economic theories about how it's helping the world and the absence of stealing becomes the crime, lol

Shocking!! Don't take money away from companies and they'll be able to do things like pay higher wages.

Mind boggling to me how liberals will lobby Wal-Mart etc to pay their employees more, then at the same time wine about tax cuts which literally allow them to pay more.

What amazes me is why a lot of people blame the rich, corporation and the government(like in our case here) for everything not working in their lives.

Corporations are known to use to their resources to cut corners or find loopholes for more profit. But is it legal? I don't like bringing right or wrong to the picture because it can be subjective.

It is easy to point fingers when you are a spectator. A lot of 'activists' (i am not even talking about 'keyboard activist') are found out when giving leadership positions, it is easier to be loud and full of words when you are watching people in action.

There's a difference between making an argument/observation and blaming people for things.

Not sure who you're referring to exactly, but the person from Facebook isn't necessarily guilty of blaming. (She could easily be that kind of person-- To me it seems the people who are on the receiving end of government aggression are the ones who do a lot of blaming whereas the victims of it are usually the people who truck on and take responsibility for themselves). All she's necessarily guilty of is a really bad argument.

Large corporations usually have advantages in the way the laws are drawn, but the solution there is to remove those advantages. It's not really "cutting corners" if they're playing by the legal rules that are created.

No one is a spectator, we're all alive and deal with the consequences of how other people behave. Not really sure what you're getting at or trying to say there.

Great review, keep it up your feed about business, technology
I'll stay stune, and waiting for your next sharing

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